
How To Survive at the Border of Hell

「Suddenly, all the lights went off and a green panel appeared in front of me. At that moment, I knew that a long apocalypse would begin.」 Ena James, an unsuccessful fanfic author had written some failed original novels. When she is in the hospital, system windows begin to appear and she realizes that it is exactly the beginning of one of her tragic novels titled 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell'. However, 'How To Survive at the Border of Hell' is an apocalyptic world where people have to go through scenarios and kill each other. At the beginning, the players receive a skill that resembles them the most, but Ena is unlucky and receives a strange skill called 'Imagination'. With the knowledge of what will happen in her novel and the power of imagination, can she survive this apocalypse? 「If there is only one person who accepts to read this story, then I will write it to the end just for them.」 ——— Alternative name: I Want to Write a Story

EnaJames · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Missing information (1)

I had a dream.

In that dream, there weren't any scenarios or people dying and everything continued normally; the holidays simply ended and I went to university with Lou-Ann.

I crossed paths with DHB and stuck to him like glue. Although he seemed to dislike it, he couldn't do anything about it, so he had to get used to that situation. This time, at least I was able to learn his name.

I met Norwood at a library. He recognized the book I was reading, spoke to me and we became friends. We exchanged numbers, talked a lot about novels and sometimes had philosophical debates.

I encountered Luca too. He tried to sell me odd things but I refused. Then, we saw each other again on other occasions. We got along like cats and dogs and he often tried to scam me, but it was fun.

None of them died and I was happy. I led a peaceful life where my biggest concerns were to not fall asleep in class, find conversation topics to pass time with DHB who was clearly not making any effort, not let Norwood go anywhere near Lou-Ann's house so that her grandmother doesn't get arrested for illegally possessing a firearm, not get scammed by Luca, and convince Norwood to not report Luca for various crimes he did in his presence like scamming people and impersonating others.

However, dreams can't last forever.

It was unfortunately different from the reality I am in now.

So, I woke up.

As I opened my eyes, the familiar hospital's waiting room entered my sight.

August 26, 'Welcome to the emergency room of Nantes's UTH'.

Let's begin rewriting this story now.

My first point is, I had forgotten how bad I felt at that moment…

Checking the time, there were still 2 minutes left until the 1st scenario. Then, I turned my head to the left and saw the old man, as well as DHB that I had talked to not long ago, as it was before.

I could do what I wanted before the apocalypse started.

Moreover, it was something extremely important.

Slowly standing up, I ignored my surroundings and waited a few seconds for the dizziness to go away before walking to the empty seat next to DHB and sitting down there.

My eyes sparkling, I looked at him with expectation, admiring his face by the way.

Then, I went on to the most important part.

"Excuse me, what's your name?"

I have to at least do this before the program is fully loaded here.

Seemingly uncomfortable that a stranger had talked to him all of a sudden, DHB had a second of hesitation.

"…Wiliam Ackerman."

Even your name is handsome.

This was all worth it. I finally know his…

Hmm? Wait, wasn't it the name of the one at the top of the rankings who crazily massacred monsters (at least I hope it was only monsters) in the 3rd scenario?

At this rate, DHB, no, Wiliam is going to die?

I closed my eyes to compose myself, faced with another crisis I had to solve.

If I had not rewound time, after the 3rd scenario, Wiliam would have been designated as a public enemy by the system and either died or killed everyone.

The dizziness came back to hit me. It was all that Dangerous Handsome Black-haired man's fault.

Seeing me silent, Wiliam with only one 'l' (an odd name) inquired, "…Why?"

I improvised an answer and unlocked my phone.

"I wanted to record the message others would hear when I don't pick up. Since you are so handsome, I thought your voice would be handsome too. Could you say 'Here is Wiliam Ackerman. I am unavailable at the moment, so try again later.', please? Of course, you can replace your name by a random one too."

Mr. Ackerman was speechless.

That should keep him silent for the time remaining.

By the way, I'm not crazy, blame my father for teaching me these tricks instead. This is so satisfying to bully him when he is still relatively harmless.

Well, as harmless as a man who can kill someone without hesitation in only around 20 minutes when being told to do so can be.

Finally feeling a bit better, I lowered my head and sighed.

Then, the scene from a few minutes ago flashed before my eyes.

It felt like I was still there.

His skin turning pale, then purple, his wry smile…

I clenched my hand.

I knew that there weren't any monsters outside this room. It was safe now. Yet, the constant pressure from the past few days must have put me on edge.

'A lot of people also died because of me…'

Ha. What did that matter now? It isn't the time to be weak. It hasn't even happened yet either so it's useless to think about it.

「"It's because we are friends."」

I pursed my lips.

I have to prevent him from dying this time.

I will only have one chance too.

Interrupting my thoughts, the lights turned off and a green panel suddenly appeared in front of my eyes.

It was the same one as before, the message written on it also being read out by a mechanical voice so that both deaf, blind and illiterate people could understand its content.

[The program has finished loading.]

I steeled myself as I watched the familiar notifications appearing.

It was 5:13 p.m.

[Analyzing the people present here…]

It's fine.

I already know the future and the people here.

If I can prevent them from activating the first rule, nobody will die.

[The scenarios will now begin.]

「This August 26, in the emergency room of Nantes's University Hospital, and in many other places around the world, a massacre was about to take place.」

[Prove yourself...]

Then, the lights were turned back on.

[…And good luck.]

I scanned around the room.

There was the paranoid rich man, his son in a wheelchair, the red-haired nurse, the little girl holding a teddybear, the male nurse, the brown-haired nurse, the madman with a ponytail, the handsome and unpredictable Wiliam who only answers academic questions and tries to kill me the rest of the time, the old man with a broken ankle, the young woman with a bandaged arm, and me who had moved out of the wheelchair and was still about to faint.

Lifting my hand in front of my face, I closed my eyes as I tried to regain my senses.

At the same time, I heard the messages that continued to appear.

[If you win at a game of luck at least three times, you will survive.]

The same rule as before.

[If you kill three people with your own hands, you will survive.]

So, it's this rule they decided to change.

The green panels floated in the air, available for everyone to see.

[Game of Luck: Scenario 1 #26693

Win three times at a game of luck or kill three people with your own hands.

Additional rules:

1. The scenario will only begin once the first game starts or someone dies.

2. The scenario will automatically end 20 minutes from now.

3. If you meet one of the conditions of this scenario, you will survive.

4. A game can start only when all the players of that game agree to play.

5. The loser(s) of a game will die and is/are thus counted as 'dead'.

6. There can only be one winner in the same game. If many people win in the same game or arrive at a tie, it will be counted as a loss.

7. Someone who is counted as 'dead' can't participate in any more games. If they do, the game won't start and its issue won't matter.

8. The only way for someone counted as 'dead' to live is to fulfill the second condition of this scenario.

9. Whether you live or die will only be revealed at the end of the scenario.

10. The higher your ranking is, the higher your reward will be at the end of the scenario. Winning against someone with a higher ranking than you or completing the scenario can increase your ranking. However, playing more than three games or killing more than three people won't give you any additional compensation nor increase your ranking.]

Overall, only the second main condition of the scenario and the first were changed.

As I suggested, they added the word 'only' to the first rule to make it clearer.


The timer and the rankings were still the same. The 5 guns in the middle of the room too.


I could see Wiliam's name too.

[1. Player #259969912: Wiliam Ackerman]

Wow, even the system acknowledges you as the most dangerous person here.


However, although I had planned to tell everyone about the first rule, I stayed still, my eyes glued to a system window of an ominous black color.

Is that only visible to me?

{The system has noticed your existence.}

I had a very bad feeling.

What is this?

It never appeared in my novel.


Then, the next message that appeared made me pause.

As I covered my forehead while feeling really bad, I heard handsome Wiliam stand up.

Instead of staying still and reading the rules as before, contradictory Wiliam beat the crazy man with a ponytail by speaking up first.

"Everyone, even if this isn't a prank, according to the rules, nobody needs to kill each other to survive."


"Look at the first rule."

I think I also got a headache.

"It's written that the scenario will 'only' begin once the first game starts or someone dies, and 'automatically' end 20 minutes from now."

My pupils shook.

"So, why don't we just wait? We don't know what trying to leave prematurely could trigger, so it's better to stay still."

Of course, leaving wouldn't even be possible.

While explaining this, Wiliam discreetly glared in the crazy man's direction to signal him not to do anything unnecessary.

I sighed.

What am I going to do?

In front of me, a pitch-black system message that hadn't been there before the restart announced additional rules.

The problem was that following its instructions would overturn my plans.

I was unable to make use of the first rule now.

In a way, fainting until the timer ended might have been better, then I wouldn't have to make this choice.

{Game of Luck: Scenario 1 #26693}

A message in malicious bloody letters, both figuratively and soon physically as well.

{If at least one person doesn't die in this scenario, you will die.}

However, I had to survive to save Norwood.

「What are you going to do now?」