
How to Survive as a Mage Inside a Game

I became a mage character from my favorite game. Please comment if you want more chapters!

Torstein · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

chapter 3

The towers of the main building were high.

There were many and they were amazingly big.

And somehow there was a huge crowd around him, so Carl had no choice but to stop walking.

'No… no matter how Altius's home, why are there so many people?'

And they're all mages.

The question grew bigger, but there was one fact that Carl didn't know.

Today is the first day of the Altius school's official subscription test, which comes back once a year.

Mages from all over the continent flock to Ruben to join the prestigious Altius.

To express the current situation in a global way, the day of the market was the day of the market.

"Hey, why are there so many mages here?"


He asked kindly when he caught someone passing by and asked.

"Are you from far away? It's because the Altius school's subscription test starts today."

Come to think of it, I think I heard merchants talking about it on the way here.

Carl sweated his way through the crowd and reached the gate.

"Hey! You can't come in yet!"

But this time, a mage stuck out a cane and stopped it.

The emblem on the robe shows that Altius' mages are managing the crowd themselves.

Damn, since there are so many mages, precious people should move themselves just in case.

Carl tried to smile and told him.

"Hey, I'm not here to take a test. I need to see someone."

"Don't be ridiculous and back off. If you're a guest, you can contact them and come to another gate, why are you here?"

That's because I've never met anyone before, shit.

Carl spoke again with patience.

"That's because I've never met anyone before. Could you at least give me a word?"

"…Who is it?"

"It's Siendal, and my teacher is his best friend."

Carl stopped talking with a start.

This was because the mage, who heard the name, opened his mouth and had an astounded face.

"S-Seindal? Are you talking about the senior council's Siendal?"

"Uh… I don't know about that, but I'm here to give him something."

The mage soon came to his senses and asked carefully.

"What is your teacher's name? I'll deliver the message right away."

"Oh, thank you. You can tell him that Zeron's disciple has come."

The mage rushed inside.

Carl stood far away and waited for him to come back.

After a while, someone talked to me from the side.

"Aren't there many? By the way, there will be less than half of this tomorrow. Most of them are terrible fish."

Carl looked around.

A blond man was smiling and looking up and down here.

"You look pretty young, but you don't look like an aristocrat when you see yourself alone. Well, there's no school pattern on the robe. Where did you pick up some miscellaneous magic and learn to take the test? Hahaha."


"Oh, first of all, my name is Laurent from the Astor school. You don't know Astor's name, do you? Astor, one of Altius's affiliated schools. I'm not bragging, but I'm a mage of two circles."

He proudly showed the robe's pattern, and Carl found it absurd.

'What's this, asshole?'

Are you trying to pick a fight?

No matter what Carl's reaction was, Laurent kept talking.

"I'm telling you because I've seen kids like you a few times. With such poor skills, you can't pass today's basic test. It's good to have a big dream, but Altius isn't too realistic, right?"


"So I mean, don't be too discouraged if you fail the test right away. Knowing where you are early is also important in your future life."

Carl thought about whether to deal with this idiot or not, but decided to ignore it.

Laurent's eyebrows, which were talking excitedly in that attitude, wriggled.

"What's the reaction to all the advice I've given you, anyway, the lack of skills just has a high self-esteem…"

"Oh, there he is!"

Then a series of groups emerged from the gate.

Laurent was surprised to see it.

In addition, all the mages around them were buzzing and paying attention.

Because beside them an unimaginable big shot appeared in person.

A pure white robe with fine gold rim.

It was one of Altius's greatest powers, a symbol of an Elder.

"Is that him?"

An old man who is approaching the crowd with mages around him.

Altius' elder Siendal.

As he moved on, the disturbance among the mages faded away.

Then, complete silence fell, and Siendal stood in front of a young man in front of the crowd.

It was Carl.


Siendal looked at Carl for a moment and asked with a distinctive look.

"You really…Are you a disciple of my friend Zeron?"

In a focused gaze, Carl nodded nervously.

"Yes, that's right."

Judging from the reaction, it seems that his character's teacher had a great big shot as a friend.

It wasn't very good for Carl.

The situation right now.

"Jesus, this got too much attention.'

In this harsh world, there was nothing good about having a lot of interest.

Blaming at the public who appeared all the way here, Carl handed him a ring.

"My teacher told me that I could show you this."


Carl didn't even know what it was.

I was just asked to prove my identity.

"…Right. It's definitely his stuff."

The three people nodding their heads and smiling.

He returned the ring to Carl and said.

"Welcome to Altius' home. Don't keep standing here and go inside first."

Carl, who was trying to follow him, paused and turned his head.

I could see Laurent's dazed face looking this way completely mesmerized.

"Friend, thank you for your advice. But I think it would be good to apply it to yourself. I mean, you want me to know where you are."


Laurent who is silent with a red face.

Carl grinned and turned around.

* * *

The tower, which he saw while following Siendal, was completely different from what was imagined.

I imagined something dark and dull, but the interior space was as bright as the outside in the sun.

At the entrance, there's someone who looks like a guide at the counter.

"Come on, sit back."

A spacious room on the upper floor following Siendal.

Carl sat awkwardly looking around.

"What would you like to drink? Tea?"

"Anything is fine."

"Haha, Zeron, when he tried to treat me, he always answered like you did. Anything is fine."

Siendal seemed to be lost in memory for a while.

But if it's your first time here, wouldn't it be a ridiculous answer.

Sitting in the front seat while putting down the cup, he suddenly smiled at Carl.

"By the way, it's astonishing in many ways. His personality, his discipleship, and your level. It's 4 circles, you look only 20 years old and you're amazing. Hoho…"


Everything's been seen through?

He is an aristocrat who is the elder of Altius even though he is seemingly ordinary.

It would be a monster of about six circles, so they would have recognized it at a glance.

"How's Zeron doing? If you've raised such a great student, you'll come with me and brag about it. Why did you just let him go?"

Carl hesitated.

I needed to figure out how to answer from now on.

First of all, Zeron, the character's teacher, is dead.

It was the background of the game since it was first established.

So Carl doesn't know anything about Zeron.

However, it has been so far that the teacher's research materials from various parts of the continent have been collected according to the guidance of the quest.

Deliver Zeron's research to his only friend, Siendal.

Siendal will be able to meet when he visits the home of the Altius school.

Quest Completion Compensation: 50000SP

And the new main quest.

This bloody quest only tells Seindal to deliver, but it never told me how to answer when he asks about his teacher.

Therefore, the important thing from now on was the emergency response.

Carl opened his mouth with a slightly gloomy expression.

"Teacher is dead."


Shocking Seindal's face.

Carl waited without a word.

Siendal, who had been silent for quite a while, nodded with an older look.

"So… that's what happened."


"It's not surprising that you've been working hard on it and working on it."

While pressing down on the forehead, he asked Carl.

"What did you do with Zeron's body?"

"…Buried him in a sunny spot with his wand."

Of course not, and Zeron's wand is now in Carl's inventory.

Feeling a little guilty, the middle-aged man asked me again.

"Zeron, has he ever told you a story about me?"

"He said you were his only friend in the world. I came here because of that."

There was a question about Seindal's face.

Carl took out a notebook and some paper scrolls from his arms.

The eyes of Siendal opened round to see what it was.

"This isn't…"

"Yes, sir. These are the materials that he had been researching all over the continent. He said you would recognize it."


It was a memo with unexpected words and strange shapes drawn in disorder.

Siendal read it with a very serious look.

"…That's amazing."

It was after quite a long time that he expressed his admiration.

At the same time, a message came to Carl's mind.

[You have completed 'Main Quest: Delivering Research'.]

[You have earned 50000SP as a reward for completing the quest]

[You have completed the first scenario.]


Carl cheered inwardly.

A 50000SP is enough to solve dozens of common quests.

Maybe it was because he finished one scenario, but the specifications of the compensation itself were different.

Siendal spoke to Carl in a more likable voice.

"Thank you very much. Thank you for bringing me such important data."

"No, it was his last will, so it was a matter of course."

Siendal smiled and shook his head.

"I've seen a lot of people coming up here. I know better than anyone else how ugly the desire to learn as a mage can be."


"I'm sure you know what this is about and what a great study it is. Nevertheless, you have done your duty as a disciple by bringing this material without being tempted. I know how difficult it must have been. You deserve a full appreciation."

Carl just grinned at the words.

'What are you talking about? It's something I don't understand.'

For him, a fake mage, the 50000SP was much more important to raise the skill level than the scribble.