
How to Survive as a Cannon Fodder

Jade Smith finds herself unexpectedly transported into the world of a cliché-filled novel she once scoffed at. Trapped within the pages of "Twilight's Embrace," Jade must navigate the treacherous pitfalls of being a cannon fodder character.

popo9074 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
235 Chs

Stay away from him

If I dare say, Albert is the spitting image of Raven, only the boy version – except he's less pleasing to the eye. He carries himself with an air of noble arrogance, a stark contrast to his sister's quiet grace. But that's not all; in the book, he was depicted as a notorious womanizer, throwing himself at any woman within sight. And to add to his list of transgressions, he even conspired with the hero to murder his own sister.

"Hello, Raven," I greeted with a smile, though it quickly faded as I noticed her mood was far from cheerful. Instead of Raven, it was her brother who responded.

Albert approached with the swagger of a man used to getting what he wants. He reached for my hand, intending a gentlemanly kiss, but I slapped it away. His cry of pain was almost satisfying as he recoiled from me. He tried to advance again, but Raven stepped between us, a protective barrier.

"Stop it, Albert. Can't you see she wants nothing to do with you?" Raven's voice was laced with anger.

"You're mistaken, Raven. The moment she laid eyes on me, she fell for my irresistible charm. It's obvious she befriended you just to get closer to me," he retorted with a wink that made my skin crawl.

Disgust was the only thing I felt towards him. He attempted to push past Raven to reach me, but when he laid hands on her, she didn't budge an inch. Instead, it only fueled Raven's fury. With a flick of her finger, Albert was sent flying several meters back.

"Good morning, Miss Irene," Raven said, offering a slight smile before taking my hand and whisking me away before Irene could utter a response.

In mere seconds, we found ourselves in the school corridor, Raven halting abruptly, yet still holding my hand.

"I'm sorry about earlier, Jade. That was just my idiot brother Albert. Pay him no mind," she apologized, her voice tinged with regret.

"There's no need for apologies; it's not your fault. But I should point out that you're still holding my hand," I said, my lips curving into a smile.

Raven released my hand, her cheeks coloring with a blush.

"Just… stay away from him," she said sternly.

"Why? Should I be afraid of getting too close?" I teased, unable to resist.

Her blush deepened, and I couldn't help but laugh at her flustered expression.

"He's a bad seed, so keep your distance from him, that's final," Raven declared, her tone brooking no argument as she resumed walking.

I fell into step beside her, and together we entered the classroom. We took our usual seats, the atmosphere noticeably lighter now that the exams were over. The tension that had once hung over us like a shroud had dissipated, leaving a sense of relief in its wake. Seconds ticked by, and then Madame Pauline swept into the room, her presence commanding the start of the lesson.

As usual, I found the class dreadfully dull. It was nothing but elementary school knowledge, nothing challenging. Raven, on the other hand, was the epitome of focus, her eyes never straying from the teacher's words. Then, after what seemed like an eternity, the bell rang, heralding the start of lunch.

Raven and I left the classroom, making our way to our usual spot. We settled down quietly, and I opened my bag only to find it devoid of lunch. It appeared my mother had forgotten to pack it this morning. Turning, I saw Raven eating her lunch with evident joy.

"What's wrong, Jade? Aren't you eating?" Raven asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Actually, it seems my mother forgot to put my lunch in my bag this morning," I admitted, scratching my head in embarrassment.

"Oh, I see," she replied, continuing to eat.

"You know, Raven, as friends, I thought you'd offer to share your lunch with me," I hinted.

She stopped eating, pondering for a moment before responding.

"No, I won't share my lunch with you. It's far too intimate a gesture," she stated seriously.

Just then, my stomach growled, eliciting laughter from Raven.

"It's not funny, Raven. Can't you see I'm suffering here?" I pouted.

"No need to pout, Jade. I'm just teasing," she said, materializing a lunch box in her hand and handing it to me.

"Thank you, you're truly an angel, Raven," I said, opening the lavishly filled lunch box and beginning to eat. It was truly delicious, the best meal I'd ever had.

"Jade, by the way, who gave you that amulet?" she asked curiously, but her eyes hid something else, as if her reaction in the next few seconds depended on me.

At that moment, I felt the urge to tease her a bit more.

With a mischievous glint in my eye, I leaned closer to Raven, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "This amulet? Oh, it's shrouded in mystery," I teased, relishing the way her eyes narrowed in mock frustration, a playful dance of light and shadow.

"Jade, i do not like secrets" Raven said, her tone a blend of jest and earnest. "Especially when they're so boldly displayed around your neck."

But before I could utter another word, Raven rose abruptly, as if to leave. I reached out, catching her wrist, halting her escape. "I was only jesting, no need for anger," I coaxed, drawing her back down beside me, which brought a flush to her cheeks before she released my hand.

"In truth, I found this amulet yesterday during my training," I confessed casually.

Raven leaned in close, so near that I could feel her breath on my skin, sending my heart into a frenzied beat. Her hand reached for my neck, fingers brushing against the amulet's cold metal. "You know, Jade, I can't shake the feeling that you're lying to me," she whispered, her grip on the amulet loosening as she locked eyes with me, not pulling away.

Our moment was shattered by an intrusive voice. "What are you two doing?"

Raven retreated swiftly, and as I turned, I saw Albert approaching us with rapid strides, wedging himself between Raven and me.

"Tell me if my sister has bewitched you, for how else could a creature as normally constituted and beautiful as you befriend my sister?" he asked dramatically.

Raven's anger flared, but the worst was yet to come. Albert seized my left hand, and a second later, Raven grasped my right. They began to pull in opposite directions, a painful tug-of-war, until Albert finally lost his grip. However, Raven continued to pull, and we collided, tumbling to the ground.

Raven found herself beneath me, our faces mere centimeters apart, an instant blush coloring both our cheeks. But then, with a forceful shove, Raven sent me flying meters away. As my body hit the ground, I heard the sickening crack of bone, and the system's screen flashed before my eyes.

[Critical Hit Received: -1000 HP]

Just my luck. I tried to rise, but my left leg wouldn't cooperate, pain searing through it. Seconds later, Raven rushed to my side, her expression etched with worry.

Raven's concern was palpable as she knelt beside me, her hands hovering over my injured leg. "Jade, can you hear me?" she asked, her voice laced with urgency.

I nodded weakly, the pain a white-hot blaze in my leg. "I think… I think something's broken," I managed to say through gritted teeth.