
how to raise your dragon

Omrick the dragon king joined forces alongside his fellow heroes to take down the demon king. The man who took everything away from him. They successfully defeat him but right before he finishes the job a sword is struck through his heart as he was betrayed by the people he believed in the most. 500 years later and he is awakened by a strange human girl, but without anybody to take vengeance on... what now?

Jas0n_H · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

The First Encounter Ch 4

The next morning when I had awoken, Alileen was in a deep sleep, but she had finally let go of her hold

I immediately jumped out of the bed and take a closer look at what I had acquired

Dragons Collar (Mythical)

You can assign this item to a pet or slave increasing both master and slaves might when within 50 feet of one another

The item was classed as "Mythical" and the effects seemed to be strong but... Why did it have to be a collar of all things

I clicked on the item on the screen and it had appeared on the floor in front of me and I had inspected the item closely. 

The lead and the collar itself was white with gold accents and the leather also seemed to be really nice.

The effect were quite amazing and we could use all the strength wew could get, but 

"Hnngggggg" (Alileen)

"Oh your up" (Omrick)

"Yawn yeah good morning Omrick"

It seems she had a good rest, but I was confused on how to approach this topic without degrading myself but before I could say anything

"Alright! first we got to go get water" (Alileen)

She had went to her closet to put on much thicker clothing and a cloak alongside it

"You ready?" (Alileen)

"I suppose" (Omrick)

The ring on her hand brew brightly and before I knew it we were out in the real world. The scent of fresh air gliding across my face, the snow landing upon my wings, and the suns ever so warm embrace was all so beautiful 

Even though it's been 500 years it felt like it was just yesterday I was traveling the world.

"That ring is quite handy isn't it" (Omrick)

She looked down to her hand and held a smirk

"Yeah I'm glad I stole it, anyways lets get to work" (Alileen)

I looked over to Aileen to see her already at work as she was manipulating the snow into two large metal canister. I've seen her control over sculpting ice magic before, yet she still surprises me. What kind of childhood did she have to become so independent. She was royalty so there's no way she was treated that badly... Right?

I walked over and picked up one of the canisters with my mouth and brought it over to her 

She reached out to them putting them in her subspace 

"What are those bulky canisters?" (Omrick)

I had never seen a strange contraption before 

"Oh they're water purifiers. After some time it should clean out all of the dirt in the water for relatively safe drinking water" (Alileen)

The world has seriously changed in the time I was gone. 

"Intriguing back in my day humans had to go to priest for purification every day to obtain safe drinking water" (Omrick)

Thats when I noticed something that I had felt something

A disgusting blood lust was in the air and it was directed at us

"WATCH OUT" (Omrick)

I lunged towards her knocking her down to the floor

"Ow what the?" (Alileen)

The tree behind us was cleanly cleaved and had started to fall down towards us

I looked down at her and saw the expression on her face. She was surprisingly composed as we started getting up to avoid the tree and prepare for the next attack

We stayed back to back, closely looking all around in wait for the next attack




The sound of walking was prevalent and we had immediately prepared to attack in that direction as I had taken a stance and started to open my mouth and Alileen had started casting a spell

'Why would someone who had gotten the jump on us reveal his location' (Omrick)

Sweat had started to drip down my scales despite being in the cold. I couldn't tell if it was bait or not.




They started to get even closer as I looked over to Alileen as we nodded to each other in agreement

"Gelu Spiculum" (Alileen)

A path of ice spikes had started to form in the direction of the steps in a staggering manner blowing through the land and trees

"goT YoU" (???)

A chilling noise had resounded behind us as we had both looked back it was far too late as the man had already made his move

He drew his sword and quickly slashed at Alileen 

"Frigus Scutum" (Alileen)

A small shield made of ice had appeared in front of us but was immediately dismantled at blistering speed leaving us a good look at the man

His hair was jet black and messy with a tall and lean figure. He had multiple scars across his face and his red eyes seem to be in a craze. 


He had brought his sword up, ready to swing down upon us but while this sequence was happening, I was charging up my attack

"Blast Breath!" (Omrick)

I had blasted him point blank range targeting his chest as the area in front of us was engulfed in flames

I was confident that had done some significant damage on him until

The air parted as the sound of whistling steel had echoed through the air

The sea of flames split and through those flames was the worst case scenario

He had been fine




The man put his longsword back in to its sheath and started walking towards us again

My instincts were fighting against my pride

'We can't beat him right now' (Omrick)

"RUN!" (Omrick)

We had started booking it as it seemed that the attack at least slowed him down as we ran through the forest aimlessly trying to gain ground on him

'Damnit what's his ability' (Omrick)

The walking, him putting his sword in his sheath, and his instant burst of speed. Which one was his condition

If he was sent to kill us he wouldn't let us run away like this and could've attacked at the same speed as before. It must mean he can't keep it up than

And that was when I felt it again and it wasn't going towards me

I had leaped towards Alileen again pushing her to the side as a wind blade had hit me directly at my two side legs almost cleanly chopping them off rendering me immobile

"Omrick!?" (Omrick)

I landed into the freezing cold snow as blood poured out dyeing the snow red

"OnE DoWn, oNe MOre To gO" (???)

My head started to spin due to lack of blood, I was so close to figuring out what he could do, but I just couldn't think straight

Alileen had started to stand her ground in front of me without hesitation and all I could wonder was 

'"Why?" (Omrick)

It was ironic that I had protected the blood line I hated the most and they had responded in kind.

Why did I take that attack for her if she died I was free

"Because were friends dumbass!!!" (Alileen)

She had shouted at me as if she were stating the obvious

My heart had dropped to the floor as in this short moment I reminisced on the pass and I remembered that bastard Tora's voice

"Comrade" (Tora)

"Partner" (Tora)

"Comrade" (Tora)

'He never did call me friend once huh, Even in this short amount of time we had grown to be friends. Much more than that bastard ever was' (Omrick)

At that moment I knew what I had to do

"System" (Omrick)

Would you like to equip item "Dragons Collar"


"Yes" (Omrick)

Without a moments hesitation