
How to OutFox a God (BL)

Elias, who has been exiled to the Mortal realm, struggles on a daily basis to survive in this bizarre world. When he encounters a strange, noble rich guy with a mischievous temperament, his world is turned upside down. Elias and his cunning accomplice embark on an odyssey to accomplish earthly tasks in order to reclaim his Godhood and perhaps make a living. Now let us observe how these young men overcome these tough hurdles as they build an inextricable bond!

S1vel · LGBT+
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2 Chs

Phantasia Mistress

In a shabby little town known as Phantasia, a perilous area is located on the outskirts of town. It is renowned for odd hauntings and the disappearances of wealthy counts. Some locals believe it is the cause of the malevolent ghost of a very beautiful lady named Donnah. Rumors circulated that Donnah was the source of the hauntings that had been going on for a decade. This ghost takes pleasure in ripping off its victim's left arm and covering it in a mound of leaves. Whenever she screams, it also releases a noxious fog from her mouth. Thus, she is nicknamed the "Lady in the Mist." There has recently been news of a young wealthy man who went missing a week ago. Folks claim he was last seen with a beautiful woman by the river on the outskirts of town.

"Now it'll just be the two of us, my sweetheart...", "And no one shall ever part us for I am this close to reaching my goal.", "Just a little more and I'll finally be free from these darned soul shackles!" 'AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH'...

. . . . .

"AHHHHH!!! A thief!! Someone grab him!!! He stole my purse!!," A thief ran as he attempts to escape with the woman's stolen purse. "Hold it there! Where'd ya think you're going, punk?" As a delinquent stood in front of him, confronting him and demanding that he return the money to the woman, "Give it back to the lady or else". The young man smirked at him and chuckled at the delinquent, "Huh?!? Are you laughing at me, you little punk?!?" exclaimed the delinquent. The thief then jumped high above him, revealing his face as his golden hair howled in the wind, leaving a big bright smile on his face. With a sudden realization, the delinquent then yelled, "HEY! You're the person who stole all my money from the other day too!!! Oh, you're going to pay big time, you little punk!" As the delinquent chased him across the city, it had felt like a cat and mouse game for both parties. They ran as fast as they could but the mysterious thief managed to escape in a narrow, dark alleyway.

'Pant...pant..."Ughhhh, did I lose him now??" The young man panted. As he examines the purse he took, he quips, "Now, let's see how much I made today!" As he opens the wallet, his eyes brighten up as he sees such a large sum of money! "Wow, with this much money, I could afford a proper meal; that woman was loaded." The young guy chuckled sweetly. As he wandered around town looking for a nice restaurant, he came across a child who was on the verge of starvation. He walked up to the kid and asked, "Are you okay, little kid?" "I-I'm, hungry..." whimpered the small girl. "Hey, tell you what, if you can hold it in any longer, I'll treat you to some great food." "R-really?" chuckles the young guy, "Yep! now come, let's go eat to our heart's delight."

When they got into the restaurant, they ordered a lot of food! How much money did he have on him? There were plenty of dishes on their table, they could even go for another round of lobster dishes. "Hehe, did you enjoy the food, kid?" asked the thief. "It was very tasty! I'm so full!" exclaimed the young girl with a happy smile. "Hey, sir, may I know your name? my name is Enola, how about you?"

"Ahha, me? My name is Elias, remember that well, little kid"...

So, if this sly thief turned out to be Elias all along, how did he wind himself in rags for the previous few months? Is his luck truly so terrible?

Elias and Enola went for a walk after paying for their dinner. "Hey, sir Elias, did you know there's a town named Phantasia and it's only nearby? Recently, there have been reports of ghost hauntings and I suppose it's terrifying and people as well are scared, that ghost is probably a nasty awful ghost!" "Do you believe in ghosts mister??" Enola asked. "In fact, I believe in ghosts; I've seen them many times before," Elias said. "Really?! Were they terrifying?!" shouted the small girl, "Yes, they were quite scary." Sooner than the young guy had worried about where this little girl's parents were and asked her about them, he received no answer from Enola and concluded that they died or perhaps abandoned her. Furthermore, hearing her describe the 'haunting' in Phantasia piqued his interest, and he resolved to look into it the next day. His only problem is that he can't leave poor Enola alone, not out here. He also can't bring her with him as it would be too unsafe. "What am I going to do?" he sighed. "It's getting dark, mister; we should probably go back instead of staying out here by the river." A strange commotion was heard by the bushes as the two headed back to town.

"Where do you live, Enola?" asked Elias. "Oh, me? I don't have a home. My house burnt down because of a fire started by one of the servants. Mommy and Big brother are both gone now, so it's just me and myself." said Enola.

(Poor child...she lost her family at such a young age, but what should I do? I'm in the same position as this kid.)

As Elias was contemplating, the little girl grabbed his arm and ran off somewhere. He noticed a little cottage out in the midst of a tulip field constructed of wood and cardboard there. "This is where I live! I actually live here with my friend, Lily," Enola explained, "Lily??" "Yup! She's my bunny companion." As the two sat down, Elias turned around and saw that Enola instantly fell asleep with the bunny plush snuggled in her arms. While watching this little girl sleep, Elias considered how he could ensure her safety for his trip to Phantasia the following day. Despite the fact that this is unrelated to his daily life, he wants to protect the villagers and save them from this malevolent Phantom. Sooner or later, he became weary from overthinking. "Ugh...what should I do?" he thinks as he caresses the small girl's hair, unable to abandon her despite the fact that she has been alone for a long time. Elias decided to take a break from pondering by gazing at the stars in the night sky.

(How pretty...the stars are shining beautifully tonight.)


'Yawwwwnn' "Good morning─ Enola?!?" The little girl appeared to have vanished. Worried, Elias traveled about town asking villagers whether they had seen a little girl with pigtails and white ribbons, but no one had seen her either; after all, why would anybody pay notice to a small beggar? As he began to gnaw his fingernails, worried for the small child. He spotted the ribbon next to a brown strand of hair, he recognized that it was Enola's. "No mistake, this is definitely Enola's.", He prayed for the young girl's safety as he prepared for the approaching adventure. "Stay safe there kid, I'm coming to your rescue."

What exactly did they want from Enola? or perhaps is it Elias they seek for?

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