
How to Make Money in a Fantasy World

Sam is a Guild master, or he was six years ago As civilisation progressed the need for adventure and quests stopped. Guild mates and friends betrayed him leaving him pennyless and with nothing to do, moving to the city he got a job and an apartment ready to live the rest of his life without adventure bitter and alone. but it never ends like that. Given the goal of £100,000,000 and a time frame of 3 months he needs to make money Fast! How far would you go for your Brother? Would you kill?

Alex_N67 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 7

I stood in the boat, the wooden floor gently rocked by the waves. My feet rocked as I stared at the giant. It was like a human but it had grey skin and was about 100x bigger. I clenched my knife, my knuckles white with the intensity, my stomach felt like someone was shaking me. At first I'd been exited, it's been so long since I've fought a giant but then my nerves set in, next to me was Shaun, his astral body floating by mine. He put his glowing hand on my shoulder and pulled his head close to mine.

"you need to stop thinking, I mean that's what you do best right? Wrong! What you do best is fight. A handicap like this is nothing"

"yeah but how do I kill it without blood coming out?"

"you'll figure it out, let's face it even if I told you you probably wouldn't understand so let's put it down reflex" and with that Shaun disappeared.

I was fired up now, my knife flaming brighter than ever. I jumped into the air, my knife spreading a wall of fire behind me. I jumped onto the arm of the giant running up the grey skin as I cut the skin, my brain not even working anymore. I forgot everything and sank into the fight. My knife burned behind me, searing the flesh as I ran. I expected a shower of blood from a cut like that but there was nothing, just an open wound.

The giant stared at me it's dark eyes leering at the insect on its arm. I jumped into the air sumoursoulting onto its chest a smile cleaved onto my face. I summoned a rope hookedit around the massive arm. I soared towards the giant's chest.my blade in front of me made a path of fire as I cleaved into its heart burning everything in my way melting the flesh and blood vespers as I shot through the giant like a bullet. I met the heart and gripped my knife. I uttered three words and everything froze, the heat and fire gone. Replaced with ice and chill the air seemed to glow blue as time froze for me. I took a single breath, the white cloud plumeing from my mouth.

My knife grew slashing into the heart as it stopped. No blood flowed there was only a block of ice.

"Well that was unexpected. so you chose to freeze the giant to decrease the circulation and freeze the blood? And you think you can do that to a human?" Jack stood behind me hovering in the hole I'd made.

"I developed this technique to freeze phoenixes. It can handle a human but to be honest I had no clue what I was doing. How did I know to freeze it?"

"your spirit? He disappeared right before your fight, right?"


"and that's when your knife started to burn?"


"it seems your little friend gave you a helping hand. Anyway we should get back. I'm sure Arachnid will be eager to know how you did."

We returned to the cave, Arachnid was standing above me as I fell over, the teleportation would take a little getting used to.

"Wow Dumbass you did it! Now ready to take on some humans with me?"


"Wow he sure is eager, well I suppose there's about eighty five million reasons for you to kill! Anyway we need to get you a mask, don'tcha think Jackie!?"

"I suppose so, I take it you can do that? I have another newbie to take care of."

"So I'm not the only one? Hah! I don't suck!"

"Well he is not you. I mean he hasn't tried to stage a fight yet. How did you put it….. Oh yes, pure genius." and with that Jack left.

I'm still yet to think of what is wrong with staging a fight?

Arachnid took me to one of the stores that lined the walls of K.I.L. It was a small shop made of wood and the front was almost entirely glass. It was a dark store, the shop was dimly lit and the walls were covered with mannequin heads. I walked up to one of the heads that looked particularly life-like sticking my face close to the plastic head. I stared at its eerie skin. And at its detailed eyelids, until one of them fluttered the eye opening to reveal a plain green eye. I jumped back, my heart beating faster than a drum solo.

"Hahahahahaha, Heya Arch I like this one he makes such great faces!" The mannequin morphed and contorted into a human head as the body broke out of a table. It was a short man with long black hair tied into a ponytail at the back of his head. He had bright green eyes that were like candles lighting the darkness of his face.

"Heya Mimy, Dumbass this is Mimic he used to be one of the best assassins but now he makes masks as a Smith."

"Hi I'm Sam."

"Good to meet you Sam my boy in truth I remember when you kids were the talk of the town, it was when I was in mah prime, Y'know I almost got a job on you. I wonder who woulda died.Hahaha. Anyway I assume you're here for a mask."

"Yeah, He's a real idiot too so try to show that."


"Don't worry, that's just how Arch is. I'm sure you're fine, what did you do?"


"Sorry I didn't quite catch that."

"I tried to …..."

"I'm sorry these old ears aren't working too well."

Arachnid just stood back holding in a laugh

"I tried to stage a fight."

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU DAMN FOOL!!!" he started crying and fell to the floor giggling.

After a few minutes everyone calmed down and Mimic started working on my mask. It took a few hours for him to finish but eventually he handed me a pile of bandages. I wrapped them around my face, the gaps tightening on my face. I looked in a mirror to see the white cloth covering my face and nose, and in black ink over the mouth was a huge demonic sinister smile that spanned from near to ear. The sharp teeth made me look like a monster. I pulled my hood over my head, the fabric blocking the light from my eyes leaving only darkness and that evil snarl. That creepy Grin.

Arachnid and I walked out of the shop and Jack transported us to the surface with a card in hand.

"Ok sam, I've made my jokes but this is a job. I'll ditch you if you suck and if you choke I won't save you. Got it? Good, right you can have the full reward of 10 mil."

We were outside of a small house, It was in the lower districts and we walked up to a window keeping to the shadows, hiding in the darkness. Arachnid was completely different, her face hidde3n by her mask. He focus veiled by the huge childish smile. I peeked into the bright room. It was horrific. The room was filled with guns and magical weapons, drugs lined the tables and dead bodies hung from chains their tortured corpses dangling from meat hooks. Rage filled my heart. What the hell was this. Who could be capable of such depravity?

I pushed on the window ready to break in and kill them all.

"Wait Sam."

"How can you just sit there?!?"

"Be quiet you damned idiot! Our target's not here yet."

"What, so you're just gonna leave these bastards and only kill the target!?!"

"Shhhhh, shut up. Yes of course that's the job."

I spat on the floor and pushed through the window hugging the ceiling as I entered. My first kill was quick. I dropped down on the guy freezing his blood and stabbing him. Then I picked him up and made a rope tying him to the ceiling as quickly as I could.

"This isn't a good plan shaun. You need their money for your brother."

"I know but I can't let this go. I can't just turn a blind eye to this and I'm ashamed that you can."

"Normally I couldn't but there are other ways to do this."

"Yeah, but I'm not clever enough to do anything. All I can do is fight and kill, so that's what I'll do."

I dropped down on my second kill stabbing him and dragging him under a corpse rushing the next as silently as I could. I stabbed him and chucked him into the wall behind me, he was impaled on a spear in the corner. There was only one left. I walked over my knife growing as the cold spread, I reached up behind him holding his head as I cut his throat, the cold slowed his circulation as I killed him. Then the door swung open. It was our target!


He shrieked at the sight of me and ran back through the door, he had a white suit on and his hands were covered in rings. I darted along the ceiling and ran in front of him.

What should I do? Does he have back up?

I looked at his face, it was struck with horror. And that's when I realised it. How terrifying I must look. Someone who just wiped out four men. I realised a second use of the masks. I held my knife to my mouth, sticking a finger out over my lips.

And in my creepiest voice I whispered. "Shhhhhhh"

He fell to the floor, his large body making a crashing noise as he fell to the floor. His face was drenched in sweat, his wide eyes staring up at me with sheer terror. It was a horrifying sight to experience. It was like nothing I'd ever felt. My body seemed to move on it's own as I walked over to him. He was petrified, unable to move. I took my dagger and it grew, the cold sending shivers down my spine. I plunged the knife into his heart. The feeling of the kill rushing over me.

How does this feel so good?
