
How to Make Money in a Fantasy World

Sam is a Guild master, or he was six years ago As civilisation progressed the need for adventure and quests stopped. Guild mates and friends betrayed him leaving him pennyless and with nothing to do, moving to the city he got a job and an apartment ready to live the rest of his life without adventure bitter and alone. but it never ends like that. Given the goal of £100,000,000 and a time frame of 3 months he needs to make money Fast! How far would you go for your Brother? Would you kill?

Alex_N67 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter 6

I looked around the room, vendors selling murder and weapons like candy and flowers. I still held my head over the conveniently placed bin

"Welcome to K.I.L"

Arachnid stood over me looking down at my pathetic form, hunched over a trash can vomit spilling from my mouth.


"Killing is life! I came up with it. This is the capital for assassins, the4 only way in or out is Jackie. Now come on, I'll teach you how to kill silently."

"Oh ok"

I followed her past some weapon vendors and into a cave, it was dark and filled with weapons and dummies.

"Ok dumbass..."

"Stop calling me that!"

"No. Anyway there is a dummy in this room with a red spot, that is your target, in a minute the dummies will start to move, if they spot you they will let off a siren. Kill the target without alerting anyone."

Lights turned on shining throughout the room, the dummies started to move like a crowd walking down a street, I jumped up to the high ceiling, my knife stabbing into the stone as I hung from the ceiling. I pulled the hood over my face and kicked my legs into the rock securing my body from falling. I then placed my hand over my eye and a symbol formed 1allowing me to zoom in. I searched and searched for the dot but I couldn't find it. There were hundreds of dummies, each one blocked by another, it was impossible to find. I tried to drop down but sirens erupted from the sea of straw and fabric.Hours passed of me looking and looking but I could never find it. My god sight evolved and evolved letting me see through objects but nothing changed. I still couldn't find it.

"Dumbass it's been a day please just find this target in the next hour or I'm giving up on you and so will Jackie."

My heart raced as I stared down at the sea of bodies. It was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

I threw my knife to the floor out of frustration. The metal clanged into the floor sounding out into the crowd,

I held my hands to my head waiting for the roar of alarms but it never came. A plan started to form. I summoned my dagger back to my hand and used a spirit rope, a technique I'd developed when climbing mountains and monsters. It generates a rope made of magic that I can control.

I threw my knife into the ground, the sound drawing the attention of the dummies as I looked. A dummy bent over to pick up the knife, my lucky break! A big red spot was on his leg. I summoned the knife and took one more throw keeping an eye on the target. My knife smashed into the stone and again drew the attention of all the dummies. I flung my rope at the target, coiling it around its leg as I pulled it up and summoned my knife in a fluid motion. I plunged the knife into its back.

All the dummies stopped moving as I dropped to the ground, my target in hand. I was victorious, a huge smile branded across my face.

"Wipe that smug grin off your face, it took you thirteen hours!" Arachnid was standing above me, her face angry.

"I'm not used to assassination! I'm used to big monsters! Jack said you deal with them so why the hell am I executing guild masters??"

"Well kid it's because these are the kind of monsters we face"the masked man was behind me, his hand placed firmly on my shoulder as the cloak enveloped me once more. I was in the air, the wind rushing against my face as I plummeted towards the blue sea. Before me was a colossus, but it was bigger than anything I'd ever seen. Jack stood in front of it, his cloak shimmering on the water.


"So Sam, do you understand now? You think you can kill a god like this?"

"No! Now please help me. I'm going to die."


As I fell for the sea his cloak extended and wrapped me up. It unfolded in the cave as I stared up at them.

"How the hell do you kill a thing like that?"

"Well lucky for you that's the next part of your training dumbass!"

"Wait what!?!?"

"ahahahaha yes dumbass you see an assassin like you need to know where to cut. You've got the speed and strength but if you spray blood around it's useless so how better to train than on a giant? For every drop of blood you spill I'll take that from you, deal? Deal!"

These people are crazy! They really expect me to kill without drawing blood???

The cloak wrapped me up again,

I'm powerless. They could kill me anytime! So I only have one choice. I need to get better.

I was standing on a wooden rowing boat, my dagger in hand and my hood covering my face.

"Shaun, let's do this!"

"Like old times!"

A smile carved across my face as I stared up at the megalithic man, my dagger started to blaze with excitement.
