
How to Make Money in a Fantasy World

Sam is a Guild master, or he was six years ago As civilisation progressed the need for adventure and quests stopped. Guild mates and friends betrayed him leaving him pennyless and with nothing to do, moving to the city he got a job and an apartment ready to live the rest of his life without adventure bitter and alone. but it never ends like that. Given the goal of £100,000,000 and a time frame of 3 months he needs to make money Fast! How far would you go for your Brother? Would you kill?

Alex_N67 · Fantasia
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18 Chs

Chapter 18

The euphoria faded away and in that moment there was only me and Ryan.

I stared into his eyes. The blood dripped down from my ruffled black hair and swelled in a pool filled by the guns.

"Sam? What the hell are you doing?"

"So you knew?...

For how long?"

"Since the hospital you're not that good at lying you know, idiot."

"Yeah I am an idiot aren't I? I didn't notice that my own brother was an assassin… although I guess I can't lecture you about that."

"It's complicated"

"That's your explanation. Your kill count is second only to Jack and you can only say 'it's complicated'?"

"What do you want from me?!?!?"

"AN EXPLANATION!!!!!! What the hell happened to the studious little kid you used to be. The guy who was going to become king and make the world a better place????"

"Let's finish the job, then I promise I'll tell you."

I pulled up my mask and stored the men in my coat. Then using the 'mystic eye' skill I scanned the rest of the warehouse. I found the rest they were all hiding after witnessing the massacre.

I dispatched them quickly and easily, my fun spoiled.

Fun? Ugh, what happened to me? How did I end up killing a warehouse full of people with my brother of all people.

I then walked over to the cages and started to break the locks letting the frightened people out, like animals who have been kicked, shyly and carefully crept from the prisons. It was a sad and pitiful sight. Then when it was done I grabbed my brother and dragged him to the drop point. I took the fifteen people with me too and hopped along the roofs. I do it instinctively now. Avoiding the flooding masses below. Keeping to the shadows alone and secluded. After dropping the people off I took Ryan to the roof of a building. It was my new favourite spot.

The view of the city was serene and calm. On the streets it was so rushed and packed but up here there is no noise but the wind and the birds. The gentle and peaceful whistle of the wind and the calming chirp of the birds. The wind was cold. The good kind of cold that gently tickles your skin, giving you goosebumps as it falls over your skin. The sky was clear from up here too. The clouds are interrupted by buildings towering above. Even in the middle of a bustling city it is an undisturbed and tranquil rooftop.

"What happened to you Ryan? Or 'mist' "

"Shut up, I didn't make that name. You really want to know. When I was in highschool and you and big brother kane were across the country becoming famous and heroes I was alone and started getting used by bullies. They made my life a misery and said if i didn't do what they said they'd use the younger kids at the orphanage.

Where were you then? Slaying a storm I think…

Then the tasks got progressively worse from buying things for them to collecting drugs and then money from sketchy people. And the last straw they asked me to kill. I was happy to. Just not the target.

I killed them all.

Where were you then? Being awarded the strongest man alive.

That's when Jack found me. He cleared the mess up and said I had a knack for it. I worked for him for a year and dropped out of highschool. Then a year later you come back and say you want to be my brother for real. I was so happy. But it's a fucking addiction. I needed to kill. So I moved away and into the city toi work for Jack. and that's when I got ill Jack was the only one that knew. I thought I'd be fine until I collapsed. Jack was there that day to pay my expenses but I suppose he got you roped in. I'm sorry sam. This is all my fault. It's all my fault you became that..."

"That?" I pulled my knife out and started to rotate it in my hands. I stared out into the city "this is the true me"

"But you were my hero when I was younger. You stood up for justice and what's right you can't be that monster I saw in there!"

"Why not? What does this life offer a 'hero' to see his brother, the only family he has die? To be cast out as an idiot? To live alone and sad for the rest of his life. This is what I am destined to be, this is me and this is my curse. What's wrong with that?"

"Liar! Jack must have done something. That can't be you!!! THAT CAN'T BE THE BIG BROTHER I LOOKED UP TO!!!!"

I kicked my legs into the concrete pushing my body from the ledge and tumbling down into the cool air.


I turned my back to him, my tears pushing above me as I fell.

Dammit what have I become?

Something so vile that even my own brother looks at me with disgust?


I can't do this anymore. I can't keep questioning myself! I need to decide!

I walked back to my house and unlocked the flat. Half expecting Jack or Arachnid to be waiting I don't need another lecture or debate about killing, I just want some sleep. I peered cautiously through the narrow window. Then opening the door I stepped in reaching down instinctivly to get a beer. but the bag was empty. I looked back dissapointed and tired. I saw the sight I wanted to see least. The one thing, the one face I didn't want to see.

It was her…

It was my mum.