
#Chapter 5:-

Monica knocked on the door and walked in, where Victoria was sitting on the chair across from the desk.

"Please take a seat ," she said, motioning for Monica to take a seat across from her.

Monica complied and sat down. "You are a copy of her, as if I see Carmine sitting in front of me."

Your mother was one of my bravest and most qualified knights and made many sacrifices for the sake of the world and the end was her life. Now it is your turn to do the same." (Victoria)

"My turn?" (Monica)

"In the distant past, the only human race we know was just a weak minority among a group of different human breeds that lived together .

The powerful breeds united to protect the breeds that were powerless to defend

themselves with time, the number of strong breeds began to decrease and decrease until they became completely extinct

As for the weak ones, most of them became extinct in the wars and bloody conflicts that took place between them .

ironically, the only race that survived was the weakest among the weakest.

Among those strong breeds that fascinated, there was the Virfortis breed that was most similar to humans in terms of outward appearance, with some special features that

distinguished them such as extreme beauty, mighty physical strength and longevity for centuries , the

virfortis was the only breed that did not become completely extinct, and there are small numbers of them living among people in secret , Including the Cluds, who pledged to harness their power in order to protect the weak and deter evil generation after generation ."

"And they were one of the biggest and most influential families in Europe, but unfortunately they were afflicted with a malicious curse, so some of them died, some of them Darkness seized their hearts. And there were only four of them left, me, my brother Henry, and my nephews Jessica and Sebastian. Clude's legacy was dying, so I had no choice but to recruit new knights, among them who past away , and among them who sit.

And the number of Virforts in the world is less every day, and it has become rare to find them. We have already lost a lot of knights, so I ask you, please do not refuse my request to continue your mother's path and join us."

" I.. I don't know." (Monica)

"No problem, take your time, and once you come to a decision, let me know." (Victoria)

"I'm sorry. I'm a little confused" (Monica)

"It's okay, I understand. All this new to you and it can be confusing. You can stay in the castle as long as you want and Jessica will teach you how to defend yourself and then if you don't want to join you can leave and if you accept you are more than welcome." (Victoria )

Thank you (Monica)

"You're welcome" (Victoria)


Nicola threw the magazine on the little round table grumbling: Unbelievable, all day I take pictures and then they choose this ugly picture for the cover, can you believe this Ethan."Then she sat down on the couch across from Ethan. She was wearing a long dark purple robe with long sleeves and loose at the forearm ,Her hair is loose on her shoulders and wavy at the ends.

"What's new?" (Nicola)

"My men could to track down the girl and they could to identify her. She is one of Claude's knights" (Ethan)

"Clude's Knights? Are those people still alive?" (Nicola)

"Do you want me to..." (Ethan)

"Not now. I want her to lead me to the books first, and then I'll let my demons take care of her." (Nicola)


Monica sat down at the table, and Mrs. Gray poured her some soup, and two slices of bread.

Monica sat down at the table, and Mrs. Gray poured her some soup, and two slices of bread.

Monica looked at the soup with disgust. It was grayish-green in color, inhomogeneous in texture, and smelled of onions and fish excrement.

She extended her hand to the piece of bread that Jessica snatched from her before touching it, saying: One piece is enough for you. You have to reduce your fat, and it is better that you finish the whole bowl.

Then she left. Monica's cheeks flushed with anger, how dare her call her fat.

"That arrogant fool who she thinks she is," Monica said to herself, gripping the spoon tightly. With difficulty Monica finished a large portion of the soup and left the kitchen and went to explore the castle.

The castle was large and had many corridors, and its corridors were very similar to each other. "Wait a minute, I went through this painting twice, am I lost? Oh my God!" (Monica)

Monica caught a glimpse of a little girl with black hair and blue eyes in a white dress watching her from behind a wall.

" Hi, I'm Monica "(Monica)

The girl laughed and ran away. Monica caught up with her, saying: Wait, little girl, I want to talk to you.

The girl entered one of the rooms and Monica entered behind her.

Monica opened her mouth in shock at what her eyes saw.

(Chapter end)