

Ren is a reincarnated person. His new world had the same name as his old one, Earth. But that was the extent of the resemblances. Ren had a skill as well, or at least he was told he did, but he had no inkling of how to use it. He was disheartened at first but his goal wasn't the path to power, all he wanted from this world was to continue the peaceful life, but the world didn't even provide him with that. A luminous pillar descended upon him and one of his classmates. Goddess Helastia, one of the most revered goddess, called them to herself, not a good news. However, there, he finds that a group of heroes has been summoned from his past world to confront the Devils that will be rising soon. But contrary to his assumption of being a hero himself, she referred to him as a reincarnated imposter. She labeled both of them as Traitors of Humanity and sent them into a dungeon where they were supposed to live. That is, with their masters and comrades, the Devils and their minions. The monsters in the dungeon were not likely to accept them as allies, instead, they were out to devour the delicacies that appeared in their home. Only despair awaited them. -------------------------------------- This novel is inspired from neets's parallel world syndrome, Abnormal state skill and bunch of other jp novels, this is also my first time writing a web novel. You can also read it on Scribble hub if you want, here is the link: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/385008/how-to-kill-a-goddess-of-another-earth/ Also posting on Royal Road. Wanna come to my discord server? Here is the link: https://discord.gg/RXgdGhecjr --------------------------------------- Now, one chapter per week(on Sunday; I will increase it again after some time. I'm a bit busy with irl stuff (don't look at me like that! I really do have a real life!!)), or sometimes even more depending on the responses ;) I don't own any pics used in this novel, I found them on Google, credits to the artist/owner. English isn't my first language, so, if you find any error, please tell me in the comments.

_Vish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

Preparations for conquering the dungeon (II):

I checked my status once again to calculate how much time will it take me now, to fully disintegrate an Arachne.

[ ]

NAME: Ren Itsuki

AGE: 17

SEX: Male




The Summoned One

< >

A Title that all the Summoned Ones

have. This title has no purpose at

all. It is only there for the sake of it.

< >

LEVEL: 537


HP: 3221.7/3222

MP: 5370/5370

STR: 0

DEX: 1074

DEF: 0

AGI: 1074

INT: 2685

LUCK: not defined


Disintegration lvl 4

< >

♦ A unique skill, that disintegrates any living being. To invoke this skill, you need to verbally call out the skill's activation phrase "DISINTEGRATE", while aiming at the living target that you need disintegrated. The point at which the skill is connected becomes the disintegration centre. And the target undergoes disintegration with the disintegration point being the disintegration centre. Note, the target does not die immediately once the skill connects, but when, it is completely disintegrated. Note, there cannot be more than one disintegration centre in a single target.

♦ Current disintegration rate: 240cm³/s.

♦ Current range: 1920 cm

♦ Number of shots: 81/81

♦ MP cost: 3

♦ Cooldown period: 9 hours

< >



< >

Goddess Helastia has blessed you with an ability to understand all languages that exist in, EARTH-01Z. You can communicate and write in any language that you already know or have come to know through the blessing.

< >

[ ]

'hmm... My HP looks a bit weird with that decimal value. Oh-kay, Stats increase has the same pattern, the parameters for the skill too have the same kind of increment..... Hmm?...Range..... I can't figure out how my "Range" is being upgraded. Earlier I thought that it was just multiplied by 16, but now it got twice its previous value? What's the pattern?..... Well, knowing it would've been good, but I guess its increment is simply random, unpredictable, or some higher math. I guess seeing more values as I level up might help me understand the pattern, let's leave it for another time.'

'Now, onto the main point. Now the time taken to completely disintegrate an Arachne is nearly 14-15 minutes which is a huge perk in itself. With this range, rate and number of shots, maybe now we can escape this place a bit more safely.... But still, it doesn't mean that we can let our guard down.'


Moving away from here may be risky, but we also can't stay up here for more time as there is no guarantee that they will always come in a number that I can handle. They may charge at us in millions for all I know and this dead-end might become our grave if they really do.

We should move from here.

That's the decision I told Akane-san and to which she agreed.



Before moving from here, Akane-san practised her ability for about an hour.

She can use her ability without any difficulty, which means that she doesn't need to concentrate to move something, she uses her skill quite naturally.

She used 'me' to further test the control on her ability. She lifted me, made me fly, made me walk and tried to squeeze me to check the maximum force I could tolerate.

When she made me walk like a puppet, I tried to resist walking but couldn't, and when she tried to stop me from moving, I tried my hardest to move but failed again, it was as if I was paralysed.

At present, I think the most useable application of her skill will be to paralyse the enemy or at least slow them down if they have insane physical strength. The slower they are, the easier will it be for me to aim. And yeah, if we can burst the heads of the monsters that would be good too, this much force should be enough for that.

She can also make a barrier, which we can use to fend the webbing ability that the Arachnes may possess, in case they shoot us with webs or even poison, i.e if they can. At least we will have a measure to defend ourselves.

She can fly too but using her ability to fly through the dungeon's path is not feasible because it will constantly eat up her mana. As well as dangerous, due to the low height ceilings.



Before moving from this place, we also checked our supplies. They consisted of Akane's school bag. A 1000ml water bottle(700 ml water left after using it to wash Akane-san's wound). A box of sandwiches(10 pieces!!). A packet of bandages. A pack of bandaids. An antiseptic cream. A packet of cotton. A bunch of safety pins. A few sanitary pads, a bra, a panty. A few stationaries and a few books. A smartphone and a portable solar charger.

To be honest, when we went through her items, I was surprised quite a bit to see her preparation. But since she is a daughter of a... sinner group, I guess this much should be normal.

"Akane-san, were this many sandwiches supposed be to be eaten for the lunch break?

"Yeah, I am a glutton!"

'She looks quite prideful about it, heh.'

"Well, this much food can only last till two to three days at max, I highly doubt that we can get out of here that period of time. The monsters that live here must be preying on each other or something else for food. I doubt that these spider looking monsters will be edible for us, they have a high possibility of being poisonous."

"Agreed, we should look for other edible looking monsters for eating and for drinkables, they could possibly have a source of water. If we find it along the way, then it would be good otherwise, we might starve to death."

"Hmm, that would be good.... I really do hope we find some edible monster here, but in this dungeon, Devils dwell. Though we have been calling them monsters, their species, is different, they aren't the monsters that adventurers hunt in the forest for raw materials and meat. The dungeons of this world have never been explored for meat and edibles, they are only explored by the adventurers for Mana stones and other minerals."

"Itsuki-san, keep hope. We will escape this place no matter what!"


" "let's go" "

Thanks for reading!!

Next chap on wednesday!



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