
How To Fake A Kidnapping

In which Serena Romero finds herself trapped in an arranged marriage because of her father’s will. With the help of her three closest friends, Flora, Bella, and Julia, she devises a plan to get out of it - a plan that involves faking a kidnapping. However, things take an unexpected turn, and the girls find themselves tangled in an actual kidnapping case from twenty years ago.

Cyperhera · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

05 | Serena


—February 8th, 1990 | Aurora Haven, Bella and Julia's apartment

"Hello." Serena picked up her phone as she sat on Bella's soft bed, freshly covered with pink bedsheets.

"Hey, it's Flora. I talked to Rafael. His friend, Xiao Han, was there, and he agreed to meet up with you," Flora said with urgency in her voice.

Serena could hear Henry's voice in the background. He was probably drunk again.

Poor Flora, having to deal with her drunk dad every morning.

"Damn, already?" Serena blinked in surprise. "How did you get him to agree that fast?"

Flora sighed deeply. "I didn't do anything. Rafael asked, and he agreed."

Serena whistled. "What does Rafael have over him?"

She might not like Rafael, but sometimes she wanted to know how he got all his connections so easily.

"Money," Flora stated flatly. "I'm not even joking. He literally said that as long as you pay him, nothing else matters."

Serena chuckled. "So he's a typical greedy lawyer. Exactly the kind of guy I need."

Flora clapped over the phone. "I wish you two happiness, dude. Hope you choose me as your best woman at the wedding."

"I don't think there's a best woman position at weddings, but I'll make one just for you," Serena cleared her throat. "Anyway, when can I meet him?"

"Tomorrow," Flora said.

"Tomorrow?" Serena's eyes widened. "Tomorrow?"

Flora hummed. "Yeah, so you better have your money ready if you want to get this guy."

Serena smirked. "Don't worry. I have enough to get Mr. Han to agree to anything I want."

"That sounds creepy, dude."

"No, it does not!"


—February 9th, 1990 | Aurora Haven, Manoir des délices

Serena sighed, drumming her nails against the tabletop.

She glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time, her lips pursed into a thin line.

Where the hell was Xiao Han?

Her impatience was growing with each passing second.

The door to the backroom swung open, and a figure stepped in.

Finally, there he is.

Serena's eyes roamed over him as he approached.

Average height.

Sharp, high cheekbones, full lips, and dark brown eyes framed by glasses.

He wore a simple white shirt with black pants that accentuated his lean figure.

"Mr. Xiao," Serena stood up and offered her hand for him to shake.

Xiao Han took her outstretched hand in his, his touch surprisingly warm, and placed a small kiss on her knuckles. "Miss Serena."



Serena felt a slight tingle where his lips had touched. She took her hand back and motioned for him to sit. "Would you like me to get you anything?"

"No, thank you."

"Come on, this is Manoir des délices. They serve the best of everything." Serena held up the menu. "You can't come here and not try something."

Xiao Han smiled. "Since you're insisting, I'll get whatever you're ordering."

Serena smiled back, then flagged down the closest server. "Excuse me, we would like to order two passion fruit mojitos."

The server bowed slightly. "Excellent choice, madam. I will have that brought right away."

As he walked away, Serena looked back at Xiao Han. "I trust you understand the need for discretion?" she murmured, leaning in slightly.

"Of course. You have my word," he replied, his eyes holding hers with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat.

Up close, Serena noticed the subtle lines under his eyes and a small mole between his eyebrows.

Oh, how cute.

Serena pushed that thought away.

She had no time to be distracted.

"Good. Then let's cut to the chase – I need your help."

Xiao Han remained silent, his hands resting casually on the table, waiting for her to continue.

Serena took a deep breath. "My father's health is awful. The doctors don't expect him to wake from the coma, which means sooner or later I'm supposed to take over his law firm."

"I'm aware. I've heard a few people talking about the future of the Romero family," Xiao Han said, his gaze steady on her.

"Except it won't. Because my father left a god-awful will stating I have to get married to inherit anything he leaves behind," Serena explained, clenching her fists as anger bubbled inside of her.

Xiao Han blinked, taken aback. "What? Aren't you his only heir?"

"Exactly. He even had a list of candidates, with Martin Evans as his first option," Serena spat, her face twisting with disgust. "Why should I be forced to marry someone like him just to get what should rightfully be mine? My father's absolutely insane."

Xiao Han frowned and leaned forward slightly. "So, what's your plan?"

Serena opened her mouth but stopped once she saw the server coming closer to their table.

"Two glasses of the passion fruit mojito," he said as he placed their order in front of them. "Anything else I can help you with?"

"No, thank you. We will call you over if we need anything," Serena answered with a smile, ignoring the weight of Xiao Han's gaze on her.

After the server left, Serena sighed and rubbed her temples. "My plan is drastic, but it's the only way I see out of this mess. I'm going to fake my own kidnapping."

Xiao Han's eyebrows shot up, his mouth opening slightly in surprise. "That's... a plan, I guess."

Serena smirked, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Once I'm missing, my dear mother will be forced to take over the company. She'll have to act like a worried mother in public, which means she won't be able to focus on running the business properly. After all, her public image is the most important thing to her."

Xiao Han blinked at her, clearly intrigued. "But how does that change your father's will?"

"If we make everyone believe that my father woke up and that his heart ached so much for his missing daughter, that he decided to change his will, I could get my inheritance without the ridiculous marriage condition."

"But to achieve that, I need someone reliable – someone who can testify to my father's sudden change of heart and ensure everything goes according to plan," Serena said, her eyes locking onto Xiao Han's.

"And you want me to falsify the will and be that witness," Xiao Han concluded, leaning back in his seat with a thoughtful expression.

"Exactly. You're an experienced lawyer. You're perfect for the job," Serena said.

Xiao Han crossed his arms as he considered her words. "If your mother catches wind of this plan, it could backfire."

"I know," Serena admitted. "But it's a risk I'm willing to take."

Xiao Han studied her for a moment longer, then a smile spread across his face. "I have to admit, your plan is insane, Miss Serena. But you can count me in."

"Just like that?" Serena asked, her pulse quickening. "No questions? No demands? Nothing?"

Xiao Han shrugged nonchalantly. "As long as you pay me, I have no complaints."

Serena felt a wave of relief wash over her. "Thank you." She smiled at him. "How much are you asking for?"

Xiao Han was quiet for a moment.

He picked up his mojito and sipped a little from it, his eyes never leaving hers. "Actually, Miss Serena, I don't want you to pay me right now."

Serena furrowed her eyebrows. "Why? Isn't it better if I pay you before we start?"

Xiao Han shook his head. "No, not in this case. Your plan is big, it's dangerous. I have to see it go through before deciding how much it's worth. Especially when it comes to the documents that I need to falsify. I need to see and check everything first."

"If that's what you want." Serena rested her cheek in her hand, her gaze softening as she watched him take another sip from his drink. "Enjoying the mojito, Mr. Xiao?"

"Yes," he replied, his eyes twinkling. "I must admit, you have good taste in drinks, Miss Serena."

"Thanks." Serena couldn't help but smile again.


What a chapter. We are picking things up now that we have Xiao Han! Yay!

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