
How To Fake A Kidnapping

In which Serena Romero finds herself trapped in an arranged marriage because of her father’s will. With the help of her three closest friends, Flora, Bella, and Julia, she devises a plan to get out of it - a plan that involves faking a kidnapping. However, things take an unexpected turn, and the girls find themselves tangled in an actual kidnapping case from twenty years ago.

Cyperhera · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

01 | Serena


—February 7th, 1990 | Aurora Haven, Evergreen memorial hospital

Serena stood by her father's hospital bed, her eyes tracing over his face as he slept.

His body was completely still, his eyes closed, his eyebrows relaxed, and his lips slightly parted.

She had never seen him like this.




Everything a father should have been.

Everything her father wasn't.

That last thought left a bitter taste in Serena's mouth. She had dreamed too many times before that her father would change.

But it was too late now.

He was dying and he had left Serena with nothing but aches and disappointments.

"Serena?" A voice jolted her from her thoughts. She turned to look and found Flora standing at the hospital room door.

With stiff shoulders and unkempt brown hair. Dark circles underneath her eyes and a messenger bag in her hands, still wearing her leather jacket from this morning.

She had probably come here right after her lecture.

Serena smiled. "Hey, how long have you been standing there?"

Flora shrugged in response. "A few seconds maybe. I just came in to check on you."

"Not my father?" Serena joked as she waved for Flora to come inside.

Flora rolled her eyes. "Obviously not," she walked over and closed the door behind her. "But seriously, how are you holding up?"

It's a normal question.

Totally normal.

So many people have asked her the same question since her father fell into a coma.

But Flora's voice was so soft and her eyes were so gentle.

And she knew.

She understood.

Oh god, she understood.

"Not well."

"You need anything?"

"For my father to just die."

Flora sighed. "Well, I can't actually kill your father, even if I want to."

"But how about we go out? Like, leave the hospital and go eat something." She offered with a little head tilt to the side.

"Or drink something." Serena wiggled her eyebrows.

"Ew." Flora whispered, scrunching her nose. "Alcohol is gross, dude."

"Sure it is, dude." Serena chuckled. "Where are we going then?"

"To Starbites obviously."

And as Serena walked out of her father's hospital room, she couldn't help but turn to look back.

He was just so still.

Like a corpse.

"You want to drop by Bella's and Julia's apartment? Invite them to come with?" She heard Flora ask.

"Sure." She answered.


—February 7th, 1990 | Aurora Haven, Starbites

"Will the firm be yours now?" Bella asked as she's handing Serena her solar soda.

"It will probably be mine." She answered, immediately taking a sip of her cold, sweet drink.

Julia furrowed her eyebrows at her. "Probably?" She pushed her meteor fries towards Flora and leaned closer to Serena. "You're not so sure?"

"Considering how my mother is? No way she's letting me take control of it easily." Serena clicked her tongue. "Bitch."

Her dear mother.

Her strongest opposer.

"But you're her only daughter." Bella exclaimed, slamming her perfectly manicured hand against the table. "Literally who else would it go to?"

"Maybe an illegitimate child?" Julia said, sarcastically. "You never know with that woman."

Serena chuckled. "As if she would ever let herself be involved in a scandal like that. It will absolutely destroy her perfect image."

"What perfect image?" Flora rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows what she's really like."

Julia's cheeks turned red in anger as she hissed. "But they act like they don't. Because they know that if they say anything, they'll expose themselves too!"

Julia's rage was a beautiful sight.

"Yes, all of them are the same." Serena nodded.

"So, are you gonna like just take the firm? Or are you gonna talk to her first?" Bella asked, picking up a piece of the saturn onion rings and dipping them in Flora's ketchup bowl.

Flora raised an eyebrow at her before going back to eating her galaxy burger.

"Don't even think about talking to her without a lawyer." Julia stressed, her hand squeezing Serena's shoulder. "Fuck what people might say. That bitch can't be trusted."

"Yeah, but I'm a lawyer. I can protect myself." Serena said.

"Hey, dumbass. Haven't you heard of the saying that a lawyer representing himself has a fool for a client?" Julia squeezed her shoulder harder.

"Now, don't be a fool and get a damn good lawyer."

"And don't get one from your father's firm. You need someone with no ties to your family." Bella warned her.

"Obviously I won't. But what firm would help me out? A lot of these guys would easily be swayed by my mother." Serena leaned back on her chair with a groan.

"Oh! I know one!" Flora raised her hand.

"Really?" Serena was curious.

Flora wasn't usually the type to keep up with law firms.

Actually, she wasn't the type to keep up with anything.

Flora nodded. "Yeah, one of Rafael's friends just opened a firm recently. I'm sure he will happily help you out."



"Your ex-boyfriend?"

"Flora Eriksen."

Flora chewed on her lips. "Nobody said you couldn't be friends with your ex." She said with a shrug. "And he's a good guy."

"Right." Bella said, glaring at Flora with disapproval. "A good guy."

"Is this friend of his good?" Serena asked, ignoring the gasps of surprise coming from her friends. "Will he actually stand by me against my mother?"


Just maybe.

She will finally win against her mother.

"I- think so." Flora stammered, waving her hands around as she continued talking. "I don't remember his name but Rafael said he took care of everything in his business. He said the dude was a literal godsend."

"Business? You mean his club, right?" Julia arched her eyebrow at Flora while crossing her arms over the table.

"Yes. I mean his club." Flora scowled. "I can ask him about the dude if you want."

"Just tell him I would like to meet his friend in person."

She needed to meet him first.

To see if he was up for it.


—February 7th, 1990 | Aurora Haven, The Romero Household

Home was supposed to be a safe place. Far away from the stressful, hectic outside life.

For Serena, the moment she stepped inside her home, she was on alert.

Her eyes wandering around as she looked over every detail. From the white floors to the gold chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

Not a single thing out of place.

Not even a crease on any of the cushions on the couch.

Everything is perfectly organized.

Which means one thing, her mother is home.

"Fuck." Serena ran her hand through her curls.

She isn't ready to face her mother right now. Not yet. She's still unprepared.

Her mother was not a simple woman.

She was dangerous.



And she will cross every line to get what she wants.

Even if it means being an enemy to her daughter.

Serena didn't know why her mother was like that. And at this point, she doesn't want to know.

They are already enemies. And there's no chance for their relationship to be anything else.

Because her mother will never apologize for doing what she believes will benefit her.

And Serena will never forgive her for any of it.

She will fight her every chance she can.

But right now, she can't. So she turned around to leave, with faint steps and her hand curled into a tight fist.


She stopped.

"Yes, mother?"

She heard the clicking sound of her mother's heels as she walked closer.

"How come you are leaving already? Haven't you just arrived." Her voice was flat, hollow.

"Yes, mother." Serena turned to face her. Not bothering to hide any bit of the annoyance in her voice.

Her mother was standing straight, in her black blazer and matching skirt, with her hands behind her back and her curly hair tied up into a neat tight bun.

Her mother hummed. "Are you not going to offer an explanation?"

"Not really."

Her mother tilted her chin up. "Is that so? Well it doesn't matter. We have more important things to discuss, follow me."

Still as calm as ever, her mother walked away, going inside her office.

Trusting that Serena will follow her.

No, not trusting.


She knew Serena will follow her. Especially, when she mentions important things but doesn't elaborate on them.

Serena was really unprepared.

After a deep frustrated groan, she went after her mother.

"What's so important that we have to talk about it now?" She needed to know.

Her mother ignored her, opting to pick up a file from the stacked up pile on her desk and hand it to Serena.

Serena opened it, surveying everything inside.

A photo of a man. Pale skin, blonde hair, brown eyes, a cocky smile on his face.

Serena knew him.

Martin Evans.

The son of one of her father's friends.

And a total jerk.

"What's this?" She sneered.

Who would ever consider Martin Evans as important.

"Handsome, isn't he?" Her mother rested her hand on her palm.

"Wh-why does that matter? Mother, I'm asking yo—"

"Because he is your future husband."


What happens when someone writes fanfics for five years straight then falls into a deep depression, suffers from writer's block and somehow becomes an english language and literature major? You get this apparently.

Cyperheracreators' thoughts