
How to be the Vampire queen

This story is about blah blah blah, we all heard it by now. The protagonist got killed and then woke up in a fantasy world with magic. After that, the protagonist became a hero, killed the bad guys while still being naive as fuck and then ended up with a harem for whatever reason. do I need to mention how shitty the female character is?! and why is the protagonist always a male and is stupid! i wanna see blood, not how he decided to be a good person after killing a village of orcs! how about a story where the protagonist is a villain? where they create a kingdom by themselves from nothing, is ruthless, and is a female? fuck those protagonist that is kind and help others I wanna see blood! fuck them humans! ok, ahem, I may have gotten ahead of myself. Welcome to my story or the start of it, as I am currently stuck in a dungeon after reading a shitty ass novel i found on a website.

WELL · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 5

The spider is foused on Kate, it seem to sense that Kate has stopped moving, which made it pause. I realized the spider is blind. Yes, that right, you heard me. this spider has 12 legs and no eyes. what kind of evolution sacrifice is this? but something I notice is that it legs seem to be pointy, and it has spikes on it back.

Well It now or never I start rushing towards it side, aiming my spear right at its abdomen. As I was about to land the hit, I sense something wrong. For a moment, I saw the spider head till, it was barely noticeable, but it rang an alarm all across my body. my Instinct kick in, and my body step backward almost instantly.

i saw a blurry black object moving in front of me, then I saw a felt a few strands of my hair moving. Holy fuck. The spider leg was deep in the stone floor with a few strands of my hair below its leg, I barely dodged that, I didn't even see it move. If I was a few seconds late, it would have stabbed me right in my brains. At least we know it can stab prey with its legs?

I fought the urge to let out a nervous laugh, which made my face shift into a nervous smile. ok, let's think about this. The spider had no eyes, which means it uses smell, touch, and hearing. how did it find out I am attacking it then? it must be smell, I probably smell like shit from the whole time I been here. How the fuck am I suppose to attack it then?

If I move close, it will attack me. what if I attack it from a distance? I then realize something. how could I be so stupid! blood magic! I grab my spear and stab the tip of my thumb. I could just use my own blood, a thick black liquid start dripping out of me. I then started to use blood magic to form the shape of an arrow, pulling the blood out of my wound greedily. My blood started to harden to create a material that can be described as steel like.

Eat this, bitch. A loud hiss of wind is heard as the blood arrow fires at the spider at top speed. I let out a smirk before my smirk turn into a frown ah fuck, I missed. the spider didn't move, but due to my trigger happy mode, I didn't take the arrow speed and aim into account, making me hit the spider at the legs. Taking out of 2 of it legs as it screams and hiss in anger, it starts to do a mad rush towards me. it legs dig deep into the stone floor with every step, making a somewhat unnatural sound.

Ah, I just managed to piss it off. The movement of the spider is more clumsy than before as it charges at me, ok, fine, I will just make another blood arrow- My thoughts were interrupted as it jumped at me with a god like speed. i didn't have time to process what happened as my leg seemed to delay moving out of the way to dodge the incoming attack. I was too slow.

THUB, I hit the wall as the spider leg threw me on my stomach across the room, and my vision blurred. I could hear Kate screening and the sound of that bitch rushing towards me. I felt my cold blood dripping down my head as i open the eye unaffected by the dripping blood to look at the spider. I can't, move, shit shit shit shit shit.

Time seems to slow down. Every step the spider takes is a minute in my head. My breathing sounds rough as I try to breathe with my injury body. Am I going to die? is this the end? No, I refuse. I fucking get reincarnate into a fantasy world and I fucking die to a spider? fuck no! I can't return back to earth, I can't live that life again, I don't want to live in that family, I don't wanna worry about who will judge me, I don't wanna feel like I can't do anything! I can't I can't I can't.

" Stop" My eyes glow red as i use the Monarch order, The spider stopped. it's body shakes as it try to define my order. I saw a red chain around the spider body because of my spell. The more the spider tried to move, the more tighter the chain became.

" I will fucking kill you" I grab my spear that has fallen beside me before standing up and using the spear as a support. my body cried out in pain as blood dripped everywhere. my bone cracking each step I take, I let out a smile.

" I will bleed you out" I took a step my body shaking as my legs can't barely support me

"Cut all your fucking legs" I took a sharp breath as my lung burns and my throat seem to close on itself.

" and make you eat your own legs as dinner." I start laughing hysterically, but it sounds more like a demon than anything.

I stabbed the first leg as the spider screen in pain.


I stood there, a mix of green spider blood and black blood cover me. I stare down at the mutilated of the spider corpse, I did what I said. all the legs of the spider were cut, and 3 of the spider legs were shoved in the spider mouth and coming through the other side. I think it died when I shoved the third leg in. A smile still on my face as I close my eyes at the wonderful new feeling.

My human brain seems to say this is wrong, but what is wrong about it? it tries to kill my pet and me. I only gave what it deserved.

" Why am i so calm?" I stare up at the cave roof. The roof was splattered with green gore from my little stress relief.

Let me think logically about what I just did, that rage I felt, and that feeling of relief as my spear dig into the spider flesh. yeah, I am insane but it ok. There is no point in acting like I am a sant or I am the hero. What fun is playing the hero when you can play as the villain? with the smile still on my face, I look at Kate.

" What do you think, Kate?" The bat did not answer nor did it say anything, I then use my spear to cut the web to free Kate.

" Why am I worried how people think of me now?" Kate flew on my arms, I pet the bat and scratch its ear. I decided to live as a madwoman in this fantasy world, and I have never felt more free.