
Chapter 4

As we walked in front of the clerk and the clerk looked at Ling who was smiling like he usualy does, But something is just a little off.

" Hello there, How may I belp you? " The clerk said, As she smiled at us and bowed her head slightly.

" I am here to register them as adventurer's " Ling said, As he talked to her with a suspicious smile

" Of course, But you will have to go to a the training ground to see what rank you are " The clerk said and pointed at the door.

' This b****** want's to learn my skill's ' I thought and felt really angry but still agreed to it and followed them to the training ground.

He might to say what we will get, But by just killing the monster's that invade the city we get money to buy special material's and kill some monster's to get some special material's.

We coud just do this in the forest, But the monster's there are limited because of a monster that has been missing for almost 5 year's.

We then walked to a table. She sat on the table and we were in front of her. She then grabed a papper under the desk.

" Do you know what you'r main element is? " She asked and brought out a black crystal ball.

" Yes " Qiqi said, As she looked at the clerk with a confused look.

" This stone will test how much afinity you have on a specific element " She said and bought out more black crystal ball's.

" Oh ok " She said, As she understood what they were doing.

" I wan't to see if I have any afinity with defferent element " I said and looked at her.

" Of course " She said and gave me a black crystal ball.

" Just put you're hand here and infuse it with mana " She said and pointed at the black crystal ball that I am going to infuse with mana.

" Ok " I said and put my hand on the crystal ball.

I put some mana on the crystal ball and the color started to change. It changed into white, meaning I have the power to taim monster's from this world and other world's.

The color was then changed into a dark blue and light blue, Meaning I have the power to control ice and water.

The last color was a dark green, Meaning I have the power to control plant life and convirt natural energy to a target or spell.

" Wow 4 element's that is a really impressive feat " She said and claped her hand a little.

Ling's exprission brightened up more that there might still be home to save the mingxue city.

" Do you want to try? " She asked Qiqi.

Qiqi is a monster that perfectly disguised as a human. No one knew this and just saw her as a really beautiful girl.

" Try it out " I said encouraging her.

This is our one chance to do this. If they see us as useless then they will throw us out and if they do see us as useful then they will treat us good. This is the true rule of humanity that is unspoken.

" Alright " She said and put her hand on the crystal.

She put some mana into the crystal. The crystal started to glow into a red light, Meaning she has the power to control fire, Like her main element.

The second one was gray, Meaning she has the power to control space a little bit. The thrid one is color Light green, Meaning she can control the wind around her.

" Three element and the space one impressive " She siad and clapped a little.

" Now we will try you'r element affinity " She said and handed us the black crystal ball's.

" Please only chose a specific element to put in this orb's to not damage it " She said and toled us which element is which.

" I willexplain how the affinity rangking's work. The first level is a normal person's affinity with every element, 2nd is when you awaken, 3rd is when you have the power to produce a small amout of water, 4th is when you have the power to kill a E-class monster, 5th class is when you have the power to kill a D-class to B-class monster 6th calss is when you can kill a A minus-clas to A- classs monster with a team of at least 7, 7th class is when you can beat a A-class monster by your self, 8th-class are when you are as strong as a city mayor and can beat a S minus-class monster with a team of at least 8, 9th calss are national level people who can beat a S-class monster with a team of at least 7 and lastly the 10th-class, We currently have only 3 people who have reached this power and last one in every power up there are another 10 step's to reach another class" She said explaining everything we needed to learn before we do this.

" Are there any quistion's? " She asked one last time.

" No " I said to her.

" Then let's begin " She said and smiled at us.

I then put my hand on the crystal and put taming energy on it and it glowed quite brightly.

" Congratulation you have a 7-class afinity in the taming class on 7th rank " She said, As all the people claped.

" Me next " Qiqi said and put her hand at the crystal.

She put fire energy to it and it started to glow even brighter than mine.

" Congratulation you have a level 8 fire affinity on 3rd rank " She said and claped with the other's.

" Oh i'll do it again " Qiqi said and grabed the next crystal ball.

She put space affinity magic in the black crystal's and it started to glow a little lower than mine, But was still bright.

" 6th-class space magic on the 9th rank" She said and clapped.

" This one next " Qiqi said and grabed the last crystal ball.

She put wind magic on it and it started to glow like how my Taiming energy was, But a little weaker.

" 7th-class wind affinity on the 6th rank " She said and started to clap.

" Now you next " She said and looked at me.

" Ok " I said and put my hand on the next crystal ball.

I put both my hand's on water and ice crystal ball's and put some energy to it. it started to glowed the same way as it did with the 6th-rank, but a little stronger.

" 6th-class of water and ice type on the 10th rank, It is probably about to evolve " She said and claped with everyone else.

" Last one " I said and held the crystal ball.

I put natural energy to it and it started to glow to a similarly to Qiqi's fire affunity, But brighter.

" 8th-class natural element on the 5th-rank " She said and all of them claping.