
Floating Merchandise

Natalie continues to sweep the area for unusual heat signatures. The heavy rain makes it hard to move around due to the winds too rocking the ship left and right. The area was pitch black no one knows we've landed here and the only source of light they have are spot lights for patrolling.

Seems like Natalie has been sweeping the guards off the boat. I took rounds myself too clearing out the top guards at the bridge and on the guard tower. Knowing this ship is filled with weapons this could be used as a place to deal arms with terrorist groups very convenient if I'm honest. He should be around here somewhere.

"You got any clues over there Nat?" As I speak with her through comms on the other side of the ship sweeping the area for any containers easy to open.

"Nothing yet I'll check below deck. There are more containers there." Said Natalie.

"Be careful at any moment now they'll notice why they lost a lot of men suddenly. Prepare to engage, weapons hot." As I enter below deck to continue my search on my end searching for Maestro but surprisingly they already caught wind they lost quite a lot of men up in the upper deck. Time to engage, from what I spotted after I peeked from my cover around 15 men with Assault rifles with decent armor from the looks of it.

But against my fully built AK let's see what they have in store against me.

I begin dashing from cover to cover trying to dodge as much bullets coming to my direction as I begin my counter attack. Jeez despite the good equipment they have at hand they're those kinds of soldiers who learned gun control for 3 days. And here I thought I would finally have a proper gun fight.

The counter-attack wasn't that too dramatic the exchanging of bullets between two parties is pretty much straight forward. I shoot they fallback, they shoot I fallback, I kill their members I advance, and they don't even try to combat me and counter-attack me with an actual plan. I try to hold back from using explosives to prevent damaging the containers there's a possibility they have explosives inside them.

It's pretty much a one-sided battle at this point... Wait, are they fucking serious now?! They have armored units using exosuits with Pseudotanas. Blades, failed to become a Hypertana but they're no slouch in combat themselves. Who hired these bastards?

I pulled out Vulcan to counter-attack the new threat.

"This is... Interesting." As they charge towards me with their blade clashing mine. I'm no expert in sword fighting, it's not really my thing. I only know the basics of sword fighting and the stances they use.

They're good I tell you that but not enough to appease my hunger for an equal fighter. I twist the handle of Vulcan to activate its ability, as the edge of the blade glows a searing orange. The blade becomes like hot knife on soft butter. Made to slice through material like its nothing.

These chumps can withstand the heat of the blade but they can't last for a long time without any serious defenses. The group that tackled me in this situation all 3 of them were formidable until I used Vulcan against them and their armor are basically paper against me.

Seems like they aren't long lasting as they seemed. I took some parts from them to check who made them. From the looks of it the situation begins to fade into obscurity as I checked the rest of the lower decks just to find nothing. But surprisingly I found Natalie in the halls trying to find more containers.

"Nothing?" As we look around at the top deck and in the lower deck with a lot of the shipment containers are just filled with weapons from the looks of it.

"Nothing, all are just weapon containers." Said Natalie.

As we walk around the area we smelled something horrible and rancid. Smells like people decomposing or something similar.

"Wow that smells horrible." The smells is familiar and I feel the despair of it. The pain of it's origins, it could be him. As I began walking towards the direction of the smell.

"Is it possible he's in there?" Said Natalie as she follows me to the horrible smell coming from across the hallway. We found a sole container there locked up and with flies coming out of the vent.

"Natalie help me with the door." As she helps me pull the door the rancid smell filled the room up quickly as soon as a smidge of the door opened.

"Holy crap the smell is horrible. Maestro you in here?" Said Natalie as she is disgusted by the situation inside of the container nearly everyone inside being barely identifiable.

I enter the corpse filled shipment container trying to find where Maestro is. Or at least a corpse that looks like him. Then I found a thin man on the corner that had a tattoo on his right arm... It's him.

"Maestro you okay in there? It's me Vaughn. Let's get you outta here, Natalie grab his other hand." While we're carrying him out we got ambushed by back-up and began to take cover again.

"I'll take care of Maestro here you have a rifle right? You go cover us, I'll handle moving out Maestro we'll follow you once you cleared out a way for us. Now, come on Maestro this is not the place for everyone of us to die." As Natalie begins to carry Maestro's body while taking cover. I took the enemy's focus away from them and onto me.

"Take cover you too this is gonna be loud." Counter-attacking and advancing as much as we can to push out of this tight room we're stuck in. Slowly but surely we made it to the center of the lower deck where I was a few minutes ago.

"Anna, we need an exfil ASAP where are you right now?" As I radioed in Anna while we defend ourselves trying not to get cornered on the tight corridors of the ship.

"ETA 3 minutes Vaughn I'm just circling around the ship I'll be there in a bit just hold tight." Said Anna as she flies over to our location.

"We'll be on the south bridge be there quick." As we try to rush towards the upper decks to the designated area.

"I see you guys seems like you have company. Your orders Vaughn any ideas?" Said Anna as she arrived at the location.

"We need to get everyone on board first. Just prepare flares in case of emergency." As Natalie and Maestro catches up.

"Sure thing get everyone in safely." Said Anna as she gets closer to the deck with Natalie and Maestro climbed on and seems like we did a good exfil there.

"Anna blow them all up. Use the munitions, use them all." As I look at the ship we escaped from with a big sigh of relief.

"Why though?" Asked Anna.

"Just blow them all up. It's for business purposes." As I remember the containers are filled with shitty weapons for soldiers who are expected to die.

"Always business first in his head, huh." As Anna unleashes every explosive payloads the helicopter has onto the ship sinking it slowly as the storm waves takes care of the rest. That was one successful extraction.

Vaughn, Anna, and Natalie successfully extracted Maestro in that hellish place of a shipping container surrounded by decomposing corpses their operation was a success. Did you like the new chapter? A comment or review is appreciated.

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