
How not to be Multiverse Mercenary

In his previous life, Leo was confined to a bed with a terminally ill body, brimming with talent but completely immobilized. Tragically, he couldn't even fulfill his passion for firearms. After enduring a life filled with suffering, he was reincarnated into a new existence. Driven by an intense lust for guns and marked by immaturity, he carelessly navigated his new life, which led to disastrous consequences: he lost his left arm and an eye. Just when it seemed his fortunes could not worsen, an opportunity emerged in the form of a cliché system. This system presented Leo with a critical mission: he was required to travel across various anime and movie worlds to eliminate other Isekai protagonists. His task was to correct the anomalies disrupting these worlds to prevent cataclysmic interference from outer gods. This mission not only gave Leo a chance to engage his gun fascination but also provided a pathway to potentially redeem his tumultuous past. Main world: Black Lagoon Nisekoi Jormungand Traveling worlds: One Punch Man Fairy Tail === English isnt my main language and if you are looking for Gary Stu type of MC then it is not for you. It is comedy, harem and action. Harem being undecided for the time being.

J_Titan · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Chapter 15: A new mission

Roberta's arrival sent a ripple of dread through the Kawamoto family, but it dissipated as quickly as she appeared.

"Hehe…" Leo could only stand there, letting out a string of goofy-ass laughs. Seeing him unharmed, Roberta scooped him up like a toddler, despite his six-foot stature.

"It's not a maid's place to question her master's actions," she said, her stoic face betraying no emotion. "However, I am deeply disappointed in myself. I naively thought you wouldn't cause trouble for a single day." A flicker of contempt glinted in Roberta's eyes.

Leo scratched his head. "Sorry, things came up. I decided to stay in Japan for a while."

There was more to it, of course. He wanted to scour the manga for clues about his future dimensional hopping. Besides, a break from the glamorous American life sounded appealing.

He couldn't share these reasons with Roberta. She wouldn't believe him. Plus, he wasn't sure if the system allowed the spread of information about dimension-hopping.

"Very well then," Roberta sighed, setting him down. She approached the Kawamotos and Rei, bowing deeply. "I apologize for the disturbance my master and I may have caused. I will return to make amends for any trouble."

"I-it's alright," Akari offered a weak smile, but Roberta ignored her, heading straight for the car and opening the door.

Leo decided to bid farewell to his childhood crush's family. "Well then, Akari-nee-san, if you ever need help, don't hesitate to reach out. You know I'll be upset if you don't."

"Hehe, thanks for the offer, Ryu-chan!" Akari replied with a cheerful giggle.

Leo exchanged greetings with Hinata and their grandfather before turning to Rei. "I enjoyed our shogi match, Kiriyama-san. Perhaps sometime you could invite me again, not as a professional, but as a friend for a casual game?"

A smile finally bloomed on Rei's face as he nodded in agreement. Leo exchanged contact information with Akari and Rei before hopping in the car and driving away.

While in the car, Leo noticed Roberta was as silent as a rock. She wasn't much of a talker, but she would usually initiate a conversation if the silence stretched too long. However, today she was unusually stern. Leo also noticed her grip was practically crushing the steering wheel.

"Roberta, you're going to break the steering wheel."


She didn't reply. Leo wasn't surprised. Deciding not to press the matter, he stayed quiet the whole time.

They soon reached a desolate area where only a few luxury properties were located. After arriving at their destination, Roberta stopped the car.

"Wait, I thought we were going to a hotel?" Leo was confused, thinking Roberta would take him to a hotel to spend the night.

"I predicted you would come to Japan, so I already bought a property to your liking," Roberta said, adjusting her glasses.

"Is that so..." Leo shook his head before spreading his arms. In mere seconds, Roberta hugged him tightly.


However, it seemed her love was too strong for Leo's current state.

"Okay, I think my ribs are cracking," Leo pleaded, but Roberta didn't ease her grip. Having no choice, Leo just accepted his fate and hugged Roberta back. It also had its merits, as Leo got to feel Roberta's fine ass.

"Master Leo," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "I understand I am no more than a human tool, but for you, I would gladly give my life, countless times over. Please, allow me to remain by your side on your journey. You are my purpose, my guiding light."

Leo was speechless. This heartfelt confession was a first. The glistening tears welling up in her eyes confirmed her sincerity. It was a rare glimpse into her true emotions.

"But if you die, I would be sad." Leo removed her glasses before planting a kiss on her forehead. "So let's not die, shall we?"

A tender smile graced Roberta's lips as she nodded. It was an uncommon sight for the Bloodhound of Florencia, but for Leo, it was a sign of the warmth and affection his loyal maid harbored for him.

"By the way, while I'm allowing you to fondle my butt," Roberta began in her usual stoic tone, "Please maintain decorum. Any attempt to lift my skirt would be met with the deployment of the grenades stored in the pockets."

"Wait, why are you carrying ammunition with you?" Leo was confused. It wasn't like she was going to kill CIA agents like in the anime.

"I have to be prepared in case—"

"No grenades from now on. You only use them when I give the direct order. Is that clear?"

"Understood, Master Leo," Roberta replied, though the awkwardness was evident in her voice, especially since she remained in a tight embrace. "However, I require physical contact with you to replenish my 'master energy reserves' for a short while."

Master energy reserves? What is that?!

Leo shrugged, accepting his fate.

"Alright then."

He decided to take advantage of the situation. After all, moments of intimacy with Roberta were rare. He shifted his arms slightly, enjoying the feel of her toned body pressed against him.


Leo usually stuck to his tried-and-true Saitama workout routine, but today, he craved a challenge. Strapping on weighted vests for his arms and legs, he added a hefty 75 kilograms to his usual weight.

"Time to push it!" Leo announced with a determined hop, exiting his residence and heading for the nearby woods. Unlike his usual runs, Leo planned to practice his Flash Step technique here, away from prying eyes.

Flash Step, a skill allowing users to cover vast distances in a few strides, held a special allure for Leo. He yearned to master it, not just to improve his speed, but to truly refine the technique.

He began with small steps, focusing on control. Each step propelled him a meter forward. Gradually, he extended the distance covered, pushing his limits to three meters per step. Thankfully, his impressive stamina and well-conditioned body allowed him to endure the grueling training.

"Huff! That was wild…!" After covering a demanding eight kilometers, Leo collapsed onto the soft grass, panting heavily. Reaching into his handy pocket storage, he pulled out a water bottle and downed it in one go. Resting for a few minutes, he carefully removed the weighted pads.

"Whoa, I feel like a feather!" Leo exclaimed, a light-headed feeling coursing through him. This newfound agility fueled his determination to master Flash Step as soon as possible.

Assuming a stance, he fixed his gaze on a large boulder four meters away. Squeezing his eyes shut, he focused for a moment before kicking off the ground with explosive force. He vanished, reappearing in a single, blinding flash. Scanning his surroundings, he didn't see the boulder. Confused, he turned around to find it several feet behind him. This wasn't just a four-meter jump; he'd teleported a full seven meters, and at an incredibly faster speed.

As he stood there, stunned by his achievement, holographic screens materialized before him.

[Flash Steps Lv. 1 -> 2]

[Congratulations host for leveling the skill on his own.]

"Well, what can I say? I guess I am built different," Leo smirked, a hint of pride in his voice as he rubbed his nose.

[...well, I can't deny that. After all, you have been following the Saitama exercise regime since a young age.]

True, but hearing this from his system felt like a taunt to Leo. After all, it was his eighth-grade syndrome that pushed him to emulate Saitama.

"By the way, can't you also make a function where I could train my skills without disrupting the surroundings?"

Flash Steps were one thing, but to increase his abilities like in One Punch Man, Leo would need a world like Saitama's, where he could fight powerful monsters.

[Such a function is under consideration.]

"Nice!" Leo pumped his fist in the air, relieved. He then headed back to his residence, finding Roberta in the gym room, effortlessly lifting weights that would crush an ordinary man - 200 kilograms to be precise.

Leo whistled in appreciation.

"Roberta, packing some serious heat there," he remarked, already familiar with her inherent strength. Still, 200 kilograms was impressive. These women in different worlds seemed built different.

He decided not to disturb her training session and opted to shower and prepare breakfast for the two of them. As he donned an apron, a new holographic screen materialized, unlike the previous ones. This one held a mission prompt.

[An assistance request has been received from a world.]

[World Code: 'Fairy Tail'

Goals: Save Erza Scarlet and other children from the storyline and eliminate the Parasyte. Transmission commencing in 2 hours.]