
Mia's Difficulties

If there id any spelling, tense or words mistake by chance then forgive me because this is my first Novel.

As per you read that Mia is a girl with intelligence and beauty.

So no more intro .

The Story begins .....

Mia was was passionately studing at her college and one Day she got a news from NY that her mother is no more. This was a huge shock for her as she has the on and only her mother as her family.

Next Day without telling her Nicole she travelled to NY at her mother's funral.

After her mother's funral . She cried a lot that her eyes became red and swallowed.

Now she has no money and home.

She comes back to NJ and goes to her hostel where the dean told her that she can't live there any more because the net month rent for hostel room was not given. She was all alone No one is with her.

Then she heard a voice of a girl who called her stella

She was none other than Nicole .

Nicole always call her stella which meams star.

Nicole: "Hii stella what happened. Why are u standing here and why are you crying" She asked Mia.

Mia: "Nothing Nicole " Mia smiled sadly.


Mia: "No Babe I am not lying"

Nicole: "OH Please . I know u are lying" She said arrogantly.

After that Mia started crying and hugs her.

Mia told everyting what happened with her in last days.

When Nicole listened her she was also feeling very sad.

After that Nicole holds Mia's wrist and takes her to hostel incharge and throws money on his table for last month pending rent. Then Nicole takes Mia to her home but don't want her favour . Nicole consoled her and said "Stella you are my one and only best friend I just wanna help u . And yes when u will complete ur study and gets a job u can go a buy a new home".

Mia hugs her and Thanked her.

Then they both goes Nicole's home where Nicole introduced Mia to everyone and then she intoduced her every family member to Mia.

In Nicole's Family There was-

Her Mother- Jenny

Her Father - Victor

Her Big Brother - Antonio

Her Grandpa and Grandma

And her second Brother was not at home His name is Asher .

Mia meet every one at home but not Asher .

In the kitchen Nicole's mother Jenny was meking food for everyone . When she san Mia standing outside the kitchen she invited her to kitchen.

Mia was very friendly so she easily mixed up in there home nature.

Then in the kitchen she saw a cup on which a pic is made in that pic only eyes were clear and other face were covered with hand. On the cup there is written in calligraphy " My eyes are enough for u to full in love with me" Mia didn't understand that and placed the cup there.

After that she saw Nicole's house and placed her clothes in Nicole's room.
