
Starting to write DLD Chaps

Hey guys,

Going to be putting this on Hiatus until Mad Snail releases more chaps for me to write about. Have been running out of canon material for my fanfic and don't really want to delve into 'original' content if canon will only make it look retarded when its finaly released. Thats not to say I am dropping it, just waiting for a Mad Snail... Yeah...

Instead, will be transfering focus onto 'Dark Lord Dumbledore' and eventually turning it into a Multicross, with ASOIAF/GOT as the next world. If that sounds like something you would be interested in, hope to see you over in the comment section of that fanfic.

If not, pray for Mad Snail to get his sh*t together and release more chaps!

Thanks for your support either way,

Chado Sama.