
How I fell in love with the school Ice Queen (GL)

Sandy is your average friendly high school student. She is energetic and loves messing around with her friends and classmates. Although she can be a bit scatter-brained at times she always means well. Jaki on the other hand is the polar opposite. She is dubbed the Ice Queen at school and is known for being cold and unapproachable. This is a love story about how these seemingly opposite people fell in love with each other!

BennZ · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs


Despite my explosive start today the rest of the day at school was rather uneventful. Even during lunchtime when I introduced Jaki and Skylar to each other, after Skylar insisted.

We ate lunch together on a table at the schools courtyard. Skylar and Jaki seemed to hit it off alright.

The entire time I was nervous that Skylar might say something that will embarrass me. Especially since I can feel a scheming aura around her. But thankfully nothing of that sort ever came out of her mouth.

We chatted about the subjects at school and our thoughts on the teachers. All of us bonded over our dislike for math.

I was surprised to find out that Jaki also disliked math despite excelling in it. But I guess there's just something universal about finding numbers and equations boring. Especially when you are forced to do it.

Jaki and Skylar both got lunch from the canteen while I brought some food I made at home. I could feel them both eyeing at my home-made lunch.

I made some extra portions today knowing that this might happen.

I happily shared some of my my lunch with them.

They both devoured them in seconds. Afterwards they bonded over how much they liked my food. I smiled on both the inside and outside, being able to make other people happy with my cooking also makes me happy.

* * *

The familiar sound of the class bell ringing fills the classroom. As if on cue all the students starts packing their stuff up, preparing to go home after a long day of school.

Skylar looks at me as she is trying to shove her laptop in her bag.

"Anyway, about that café, you're finally free today right?"

"Oh yeah sorry about cancelling on you before! Lets go today!"

"Ah wait lemme just let Jaki know, in case she wanted to head back together."

Suddenly a mischievous smile appears on Skylar's face. I don't know what she's thinking about but I am definitely not going to be a fan of it.

"Ohhh you don't have to worry about that."

Skylar gives me a quick wink before walking towards Jaki who is almost done packing her bag at the back of the class.

"Hey Jaki!"

Jaki turns her head to see Skylar standing behind her.

"I was wondering if you want to come to this new café that Sandy and I was planning to check out for a while."

"Is it okay for me to tag along? I don't want to interrupt if you guys had already made plans."

"Oh no no no, you won't be interrupting anything at all! The more the merrier. Plus sandy reeeeeally wants you to come as well."

For a split second it seemed like Jaki's eyes widened then went back to her usual stoic gaze. Me on the other hand can feel my face heating up, a sensation that has been happening a little bit too often these days.

I glare at Skylar as she turns around and shoots me another wink.

"Right Sandy?"

This cheeky lil $#%%$#&$#&.

I jumble my words as I try to formulate a proper response while feeling like my hearts gonna jump out of my throat at any given second.

"No! I mean yes! I m-mean like Skylar said the more the merrier! So yeah like of course I want you to come along as well."

I could see what seems like a tiny smile trying to breakout from Jaki's face.

"I see. Well lets get going shall we."


"I'm going to grab some stuff from my locker real quick. Is it okay if we meet up in front of the school."

"Yeah no problem."

With that Jaki left the classroom.

After I was sure that Jaki wasn't within hearing distance I jab two fingers into Skylar's side.

"Ouch, ouch! I'm sorry I'm sorry."

Skylar said while giggling slightly as I continued to jab her.

"But hey I mean all's well in the end right?"

I sigh as I stop jabbing Skylar. She is right. Despite all the hiccups she did manage to get a café outing for us with Jaki. Something that I would probably be too shy and nervous to ask.

Especially since we already seemed to spending a lot of time together. I don't want to come off as too desperate and clingy.

"I guess so but if you do this again next time I'm gonna be jabbing you with more than just two fingers."

"Oof. Roger that!"

I give Skylar a playful slap on the back.

"Come on lets go."

My heart beating fast as this will be the first time Jaki and I hang out after school together.

Another day another chapter! Skylar can quite the mischievous character ey. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!!!

BennZcreators' thoughts