


Lauren hands me the opened box of pregnancy tests. I leave Jonas and her in my bedroom while I sneak the tests in the bathroom with me. Locking the door, I chew on my lip as I take one out. Plus means yes. Minus means no. Easy enough—even for someone like me.

I set them on the counter and sit myself down on the toilet. With my pants around my knees, I grip the test but freeze. Blood. A little splotch of blood in my underwear.

I return to my bedroom with the supplies two minutes later and face them. /"That was easy. I'm not pregnant. I just got my period./"

/"What? Just now?/" Lauren asks, taking the tests.

/"Yeah. There was some blood in my underwear. I have to change, but I'd rather be on my period than pregnant,/" I explain as I pull out the top drawer in my dresser to grab new underwear. /"I really got lucky this time. Maybe my body is just trying to teach me a lesson for taking random pills and not knowing if it was—/"