


Why do I have to be so mean to her? Well, why does she have to do that—make me angry. She knows I hate talking about it. What did she expect from me? Did she expect me to behave since Brandon is here? Did she expect me to buckle under his congratulations? I told her not to. I looked right into her eyes and asked her not to, and she did, she spit it right out as if the knife needs to be plunged in again. He won't understand. No one ever understands why I hate talking about it, or myself in general, and that's probably because I can't provide a satisfying explanation.

Entering my bedroom, I quickly turn to close the door, but Brandon wedges himself in the way. Not crazy enough to shove him away or shut the door on his arm, I let go of the handle and sink into my room, letting him in. Expecting questions, I stay silent, but the moment passes.

I turn to see him holding one of my many shells in his hand.