
How Did The Zombie Game Become Real?!

"No Zombies, No Humans, No Food... all rotted away, all that is left is me" Kim Kin A typical Korean highschooler He was pretty bullied because he always sucked in games.. but he really loved the freedom he got, being able to move his character and do whatever he wanted.. It helped him to detach from reality (cruel world)

LeonWilhems · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

The Uncanny Evening -Ep 2

it was a Cold winter morning, with mist all around, impossible to see anything that was within the radius of 5m.. However amongst all this mist, we see a shadowy figure running.. the figure had broad shoulders and a strong frame. After a while when the mist starts to disappear.. we see a guy who's almost 5'9, fairly built, has black hair and his face looked as if it was sculpted.

after better observation, we realize it's Ken.

his hard work paid off. he now looked a lot better and handsome,... the neighbors who earlier were ignorant of his existence kept admiring his facial harmony as he walked past them.

Today was the day he had to go to Highschool again for the tests. It had been a while since he went to school but Ken was not afraid nor anxious, instead, he was kind of excited to see Jaeha 's face when she sees him.

'I'll make her regret what she did to me..'

thought Ken with an evil smile on his face while jogging..

the neighbors who were first admiring his face suddenly became creeped out by witnessing the evil smile..

He soon wrapped up his jogging and started on his way back home.. On his way back though, he witnessed a sight that almost made him feel warm on that cold misty morning.

what he saw was a young beautiful girl in her tracks, jogging, she seemed she was the same age as Ken or could be younger. she had very shiny Black hair, but she was a little short too. when Ken saw her,

his eyes immediately traced down from her face to her enormous melons that had been jiggling because of her slow jog.

'Those are huge! Bigger than Jaeha' thought Ken with a look on his face.

Even though he hated to admit it. Jaeha's melons were really big. it was almost as if they were pumped with water to make them look big.

her eyes Met Ken's, he quickly adverted his gaze from those fine grown melons back on the path he was waking on.

'hush! I guess she didn't see me, SAFE! when was the last time I felt so attracted.. oh it was when I met ja... shit!'

she was so beautiful that Ken almost called out to her. But after a while, her beauty reminded him of Jaeha, and all those terrible thoughts started coming back at him..

'hush! why is Jaeha on my mind? it just ruined the moment!' he thought with a sigh.

They were currently on opposite sides of the pavement. That girl noticed that Ken was looking at her with an annoyed look on his face.. She Instantly felt repulsed..

'What is this guy's deal? does he have a problem with me?'

she thought and decided to confront him

"Excuse me?" The beautiful girl approached as she started to walk toward Ken

"A-ah yes? how can I help you?" Replied Ken with an awkward smile on his face..

When she saw Ken was Handsome, she was even more annoyed thinking Ken was probably just a narcissist.

'I will teach this guy a lesson today wait.' the girl thought to himself..

she was right in front of Ken now.

"umm excuse me? weren't you just looking at me with a disgusted look on your face? You got a problem with me or my existence, huh?!" she bluntly confronted him

now that Ken was right up in front of her, his beauty shined even more and almost blinded him, just like a touch light would, if you pointed it at someone's eyes... he had his tests today, and was finally on his way to getting his consoles back, it was an important day! he couldn't let Jaeha's bad memories mingle with his mind so early in the morning.. he just wanted to leave now

"I'm really sorry about that, I just remembered someone I shouldn't have, by looking at you and got a little annoyed, it's my bad, so bye.." apologized Ken with a Cold look on his face..

"As long as you under-" she didn't get complete and was Interrupted by Ken.

"I'll be going then.. I don't have much time to waste now!" Ken said

as he started his way back on his path. He suddenly felt as if someone had held his shirt from the back.

'it couldn't be one of those cliche anime moments where the girl holds the guy's shirt as he's about to leave right? sigh' thought Ken with a smirk on his face

As he turned around he witnessed a sight that would probably haunt him for ages.

he saw the once beautiful angel girl being filled with anger and irritation, wrath was visible on her face.. She lashed out..

"First! you stare at a woman's chest! and then pretend to apologize while ignoring her?! what kind of hypocrite are you!!"

'She KNEW I WAS LOOKING at her chest! I wanna die out of EMBARRASSMENT!' screamed Ken inside his head.

'Am I going to have to deal with her now?! why does she freaking look scary now holy!' thought Ken.

"I am really sorry, actually I have an important exam today, so my mind is kind of occupied.. I- I ap- apologize for my rudeness, sorry!"

this time he tried to be as sincere as he could with his apology, with a genuine smile on his face.

" wait that's not fair!" she muttered while admiring Ken's Smile. She was kind of melted away by his smile.

"I'll take that as a yes, so I'll be going then?" replied Ken replied keeping his charming smile on..

"wait at least give me your phone numbe-

Wait! don't misunderstand! I didn't mean it that WA-"

for some reason, she started feeling shy and her heart started racing fast!

"here you go"

Interrupted Ken handing his contact info..

right after that, he started running back to the path, seeing he was getting late for school.. it almost looked like a pig was escaping from the slaughterhouse..

"Hey! wait! I didn't yet get to know your name!" shouted The girl from back..

with a flushed look, she continued on her way..

after He reached his place, he immediately opened the main door and went straight upstairs to take a shower and get ready for school.

After he was done with his shower, he started on his morning routine.. While combing he began thinking of all the reactions he'd get at school and how his revenge would play out..

"it's finally time huh?" he talked to himself in the mirror.

After being done with his morning routine he hurriedly went downstairs and saw his mom already sitting on a chair with his breakfast on the table..

"I'm really proud of you now, I know how much hard work you put to change yourself" said his mom as she came closer to Ken.

"Mom, thanks, I'm really grateful for you supporting me all these time, even though I was not attending school, when you didn't even know the reason why I wanted to skip school.." Ken was genuinely grateful to his mother..

"I trusted you and I knew you wouldn't break my trust, Ken, Anyways enough of the emotional chat, and let's eat before the food gets cold!"..

After they had finished their dinner Ken before heading out, Ken reached out to his mother and gave her a firm hug..

"There, there, best of luck," said his mother while patting his back.

"Bye mom"

"Bye ken!"

On his way to high school, Ken was surprised at how much more colorful the world looked! he walked the same road, Boarded the same train, and even sat on the same seat, everything looked the same as it was before a few months ago, but the only thing that had changed was Ken.

After he finally reached his school's nearest bus stand.. He was dumbstruck by the sight he was witnessing right in front of his eyes.

A few police Men were trying to catch a dog and were even pointing their guns at it. And a big crowd had gathered there.

'what the hell? Have the police finally gone insane? Why would they point their guys at the innocent dog?!' he thought.

"Catch it use ANY MEANS NECESSARY!" one of the police shouted


"[BLAH, BLAh, BLah]"

The police kept shouting, Ken after coming to his senses continued on his way.

He walked past the convenience store and thought to grab a mango juice.. While walking towards his high school and sipping his drink, he was constantly getting stares from girls..

'Is this how it is to be handsome? Wow!' he thought with a smirk.

After he reached the school gate he could hear everybody gossiping about him from the back..

"Wow is he a transfer?! So handsome!!"

"Should I talk to him?!"

All those gossip made Ken even more confident! He realized he had started to talk and act with confidence, Now he didn't feel shy to talk to people and could carry on a conversation!

Thinking about all this he reaches the Shoe locker.. He looks at his locker and memories from the past visit him again.

'This brings back memories heh'

Suddenly someone approached him from the back..

"Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm Natsumi Yuki! You must be a new transfer, so thought I'd give you a tour!"

It was Natsumi, she was also Ken's Classmate but didn't seem to recognize him.

Natsumi was a very beautiful dark-haired girl who, for some reason always wore skirts.. She didn't have very big assets but they were average..

"Natsumi San I think you couldn't recognize me." replied Ken with a Smirk

"Wait I know you?! But there's no way I'd forget someone like you?!"

"I'm Kim Ken, did it ring a bell?"

"Ken Kun?! You are?! NO WAY?!" she was stunned.

"Shall we move to the class now? Natsumi San?" Ken Replied with a smile


People were staring at them as they walked past everyone.. They were talking about all kinds of stuff about them. Natsumi also started asking a lot of questions to Ken as they walked. He wasn't that focused on what she was saying but more so on how he would make Jaeha Suffer.

As he went and sat in his seat, he looked around to see where Itadori was, but couldn't find him.

'Hmm maybe he's absent today

everyone kept staring at him, one girl went up to Natsumi and asked

"Who is he?! He is so handsome!! You know him right?! You guys came together?!"

After the girl got to know the truth about the Handsome guy's identity, she started spreading it throughout the room and within 10 minutes he was covered by girls and guys in his class..

Jaeha entered the room saw the commotion and entered the crowd to see what was going it..

"KEN?!!" she was shocked,

She recognized him solely because he was still wearing the necklace Jaeha gave him.. She couldn't believe her eyes..

'he's soo hot now!, WELL he's mine anyway, though he might be a little mad at me for not contacting him all this month'

"Your Ken right?! I Missed you sooo much"

Everybody looked at Jaeha with a disappointed look as everyone knew she was already in a relationship with another guy, but they couldn't say the truth as she was a very popular girl and anyone who messed with her wouldn't be able to spend the rest of their school life peacefully.

"Hey Jaeha, Didnt see there.." he replied with a cold look

Jaeha thought it was a little strange since he should have jumped with joy after seeing jaeha after soo many days..

"Where have you been? I was soo worried! Why did you skip school?! I was sooo lonely!!"

Said jaeha with a cute voice

"Just needed a break, if you were concerned why didn't you contact me? Huh?" ken asked with a firm voice..

"OH tha-" jaeha couldn't complete.

"So class! Get on your seats and ready for the test!!" the teacher walked in..

Everyone started their test.. The time went way faster Ken had imagined it would. He completed it somehow.

'Phew I did it somehow, now I get the time to relax, the results will be shown at the lunch break anyway.' he thought

"Wwoohh!" someone hugged him from the back

and said

"I missed you sooo much! you didn't even reply to my texts! but you know what since you were absent all this time I'll forgive you"

It was jaeha again.

"Are you free today?"

asked Jaeha eagerly.

"no" replied Ken with a dead look

"oh okay then tomorrow will be fine right?"


"uhh, then you can decide the date then? okay?" said Jaeha making a cute face

"Maybe I'll let you do the thing you wanted to do that day at the karaoke"

"huesshh" Ken sighed

he didn't want to break up with her yet, not because he liked her but because he wanted to see her hurt or suffer.

"fine" ken replied.

"We are having lunch together right? and where were you ?! you look so Handsome!"

As they talked someone from the back interrupted them.

"hey, Jaeha?!" Shocked by what he saw he

"you damn witch! who is that guy?!"

"Tsk" sighed Jaeha "He is my official boyfriend you crap!"

"hey there! it's been a while!" said Ken with a smirk.

"You bastard! since when?! and I don't even know you!" the guy raged..

"wow everyone did forget me huh?! I'm Ken your friendly neighborhood Loser! The guy who was cheated by you guys lol" Ken was smiling the entire time

'he knew!!' Jaeha was shocked

"Ken? wait Y-" before he could finish..

"You meathead you think I'm stupid? Haha..

Though I forgave Jaeha! I'll not forgive you"

Said Ken as he took a stance..

He did not forgive Jaeha but was just putting on an act for the sake of this plan..

"The Fu-?" a punch suddenly came out of nowhere and hit his jaw! and the guy fell knocked out on the floor..

Almost instantly he got up

"You'll regret it later!" said he as he ran off..

"WOW, you looked so cool!! You were right he provoked me to cheat on you! I'm sorry!" she apologizes bowing

Ken didn't waste time and went to the staff room and asked the teacher if he could know his results a little sooner.

"Um, but Ken San why do you want it now?"

"Umm teacher I think I'm not feeling well and plan to go home early"

"uh uh sure then here you got an 86, you have improved, keep up the hard work!"

It was a vast improvement for him, he immediately went to his classroom and took his back, and head out, jaeha and others asked him where he was headed but he simply replied with a


Before leaving the room jaeha grabbed his shirt from the back lightly..

"Hey ken before you go, I think its been a while since we last kissed, so don't you think today we shou-"

Ken Grabbed her face and kissed her..

Jaeha was in the air now s hee wasn't prepared... So she let go of her hold.. it was too much for her to process.. Without a word, Ken walked passed her and headed to the main exit.

'This witch, just you wait haha!' Ken made an evil face.

It was already evening by the time he reached his neighborhood, he stopped on his way to tell his mother his marks through the phone and buy some Consoles for him using his PayPal..

At the store he saw a new game, the title read, "Ways to survive in a zombie apocalypse"

'is it a new game? I'll try it out' he thought and bought the game.

Ken after reaching his home immediately went upstairs and went inside his room jumped in his bed..

'huhhh! that was so much work'

he bought a new game.. it was a survival apocalyptic game.. he loaded the game and sat in a chair comfortably.. but the game stopped loading

and changed the loading text to "Exporting Game Setting To Real-world"

"What the fu-" Ken was dumbfounded

"Was I scammed?!"

Exporting done -9%


Location - Ken's Highschool]

Yuki, A High-schooler, wasn't feeling well the entire day. As the class went on she suddenly started having seizures and started vomiting and suddenly she fall on the ground lifeless.

the teacher goes near her and -

(Exporting done -57%)

grabs her and asks everyone to help her take her to the nurse's office (Exporting done -87%)

"sensei is she even alive?"

"Sussh! don't say that! we have to treat her fast! someone carry her!"

Panic started to arise. A boy came forward carried her on his back and started heading toward the nurse's office. (Exporting done - 99%)

"Wait! I think she is waking Up! look! she is moving a bit"

(Exporting done- 100%)

someone called out from the crowd.

the guy dismounted her and put her in a chair.

"hey look! sensei! I think she's opening her ey-!" the guy said with relief

She bites off his throat... She came back to life but with her eyes white, nerves showing all around her face, and blood around her mouth dripped as she still chew the meat off of the kid.

Everybody started to scream and panic!

[Ken's place]

A text appeared before his eyes

[since you activated the game so quickly you are given the title of the first player and also your Class "Healer" (Rank F)]

he was confused.. it was too much to process..

"Ken come here now!" his mother shouted.

he came downstairs and saw his mother staring at the TV with horror... When Ken looked at the TV His eyes Widened!

it said, "it's a case of emergency! It looks like the Ares Virus has finally mutated to its final stage and has started to infect humans!

pe- pe- people are eating each other and infecting others! Tokyo is full of chaos now! Please stay at your own house locked in.. I repeat stay at your house!!!"

"it seems the ares virus has primarily mutated to affect humans and the vaccines have completely stopped working! And somehow it seems it's happening all around the globe too! We don't know anything about the situation yet so citizens please remain closed at your home for now" a soldier reported in the news

"Don't worry Ken it's in the city we don't live near the city so we should be safe, yeah? so don't worry" his mom tried to comfort him

"ye-yeah" replied in a shaking voice.

he ran back to his room.. thinking..

'it happened! just like it said in the Game! and

what was the screen appearing before my eyes a player? Healer? is this one of the stories in webnovel?! no no, I should take this seriously, and "Early Access"? does this mean that everyone will turn into a player too?.. I still don't understand.. just when everything started going as planne-"

a window popped up



LEVEL -1 name- Ken Kim

STR- 4. age- 17 yrs, 11 months

AGILITY- ,5. gender- Male

INT- 6. Points - 100*


???- ???

MP - 100/100

Class- Healer

SKILLS - Instant self-heal lv.1, healers memory lv.1,..


overall status - BELOW AVG.


Store- required 57 points to unlock

(since you are the first player, you get access to the exclusive function store from where you can buy various resources, coins can be earned through killing bosses or lv3 above zombies only"


'WHAT! WHY ARE THERE NO OFFENSIVE SKILLS?! AND WHAT IS GOING ON!? if im the first player shouldn't I get some cool stats!!?'

little did he know that this evening would change the way the world worked...





I have to sacrifice my brain cells to come up with the story so please tell me in the comments.

