

What will you do when you suddenly woke up as a baby in one of your favourite books? Just like any other transmigrated book or reincarnation in your everyday novel, Rehan was also reading a book named " ALL IS MISUNDERSTANDING" when he died and was born as a villainess brother. But what was written and what he experienced in the book was totally upside down. He was in a mess and the only thought in the mind is that he is being cheated on by this smiling demon called male lead and a rotten girl his sister and his sister's so-called enemy best friend Female lead. He doesn't know how to deal with all this, so let us be his supporter and be a part of his journey and get to know whether he changed the genre of the book or was it all but a misunderstanding. Abstract "Ad......Adrian wha.......what are you doing?" Lucas (Rehan) stuttered as he was cornered to the wall. Rehan has always been oblivious to his surroundings and the feeling of others but at this time he could feel the anger and frustration coming out of his friend. " Me " Adrian raised his eyebrow and pointed at him. " I am claiming what rightfully belongs to me", saying that he dipped his head towards Rehan's lips and kissed him hard. The personality of MC and ML Lucas Evans (Rehan)- Proud, business-minded, loves his family to death, competitive, hate to lose especially to certain someone. Adrian Hemsworth- Proud, business-minded, loves to win especially to his proud friend, cold-hearted smiling demon\ devil and shameless towards certain someone. This story is age-progressive so it starts from their childhood. You get to know their childhood and how they become frenemies to a friend, Friend to best friends, best friends to lovers and finally husbands. This story won't have misunderstandings maybe a few here and there but not long and I don't like angst too it won't consist of that too. It will have some drama. This story will be a fluffy, comedy and some childishness and certainly love between family, siblings and between partners. Warnings My FIRST language ISN'T ENGLISH so there will be some grammatical mistakes so please be patient with me and correct me but with gentle words. And I won't force anybody to read my book but if you love my book I will welcome reviews and comments. MY LIFE MOTTO IS " DON'T JUDGE OTHERS AND DON'T LET OTHERS JUDGE YOU TOO." WE SHOULD LIVE OUR LIFE AND LET OTHERS LIVE THEIRS TOO. DO COMMENT AND GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL HELP IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BOOK. YOUR SUPPORT ALWAYS MOTIVATES ME. I will a chapter a day. if I can I would post more chapters. I hope you can motivate me to write with power stones, comments, reviews, gifts, and golden tickets. It is shameless but I hope you understand. And those who support this book be it voting via power stone, commenting, gifting, or through golden tickets please do read the author's comments in every chapter as I always mention them. And those who gift the story do look forward to the chapter dedicated solely to them. The cover doesn't belong to me. I don't know the artist too. Fans Arts submission is heartily welcome. DO CHECK MY OTHER BOOK: FATE'S WHISPER (ROMANCE CARNIVAL) FOLLOW ME ON. twitter- CHArgergirl_06 IG- ch.ar2155 DIscord-CHArgergirl#9795 THANK YOU

CHArgergirl · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
261 Chs


Maria was furious with her dad all the way to her home.

When they reach their home, she sends her children to sleep then walk to her room with her husband following behind her.

" How could dad treat me like this," Maria angrily sat on her bed.

She was his beloved daughter but he couldn't even bend the family rules for her.

She was the part of the family after all and it's his duty to fulfil her wishes and just because she is married, he wants to cut off all the ties and give all the fortune to her brother, it's not gonna happen.

And definitely not on her watch.

" Darling, don't be mad at your dad, after all, Eugene is the eldest son and as his son, Lucas will be the one to handle the family name Evans not George so quite right what father-in-law said so don't be mad at him," Timothy try to calm his wife.

However, it only fans her anger.

" It's true George isn't Evans but he is also their grandson so why couldn't he give him the equal opportunity huh, he is so biased," Maria was in a rage.

Maria seems to forget that her share of the property was already given to her and it was much more than she deserved to.

Timothy's family falls in an A grade family just below the 3 main families and it was all possible due to Marcus help cause before they were only B grades.

Because of the help of her father support and help the standing of Maria in the family is the highest but it seems that she was unsatisfied with her father arrangement and wants to be in the equal standing as her father.

" If only you were the eldest daughter then only would George have been the one to go to training, not Lucas," saying that Timothy sigh in contempt and sadness.

Timothy massages his wife's shoulder as he filled Maria's ears.

" If you were born first then we would be the one with prestige and power, not Eugene or Olivia, George and Joey's standing would have been much higher than Lucas or Luna, such a pity if only they weren't here," Timothy stated as he continues to massage his wife.

How could Maria not understand her husband's instigation nonetheless she definitely agreed with him.

She knows Timothy has always been ambitious and because of that, she loves him more.

If not for his talent and ambition she wouldn't have married him.

Timothy brought this family from the C grade family to B grade and she brought this B grade family to A now both of them will bring it to the top of A country social ladder.

" You know honey, you don't have to talk in a circle with me, you could have just said that you want my brother out of the way," Maria responded as she kissed her husband.

Timothy really loves how his wife understands him.

" I just didn't want to hurt you but now they disagree with your idea and humiliate, it's good to just eliminate them," Timothy caress maria's face with deep love in his eyes. It finally help Maria to calm herself down.

For Timothy, his wife and children are his everything, he doesn't like the things that made them unhappy and now Evans are one of them.

" Then just let my dear brother die with his beloved as for my dear niece and nephew, they would be our perfect puppet," Maria spoke with no remorse in her voice.

" Then it's decided, let's forget about them and focus on us, my darling," Timothy coaxed his wife then led her to lie in the bed and after that, you all could imagine if you want to know what happen.

Where villains are making plans to destroy his family happiness, Lucas was obliviously dreaming about his bright future with his family.

Lucas and his family spent their night in his grandparents home.

They couldn't bear to leave the disheartened elders alone so they decided to spend the night.


It was 5 am in the morning when Lucas was startled from his sleep.

His back was drenched from sweat, he was gasping for air in fear. Lucas couldn't remember what he saw in his dream but he was anxious and feeling restless.

It's something we all experience sometimes.

Sometimes we couldn't remember what we dream about but we feel agitated and anxious, Lucas was experiencing the same thing.

Lucas couldn't understand, however, he has a bad feeling about today's event.

Lucas was in a daze all morning and sometimes he fidgets, everyone in the dining room could notice, something is bothering him but Lucas just shrugged off and said he was nervous about leaving them.

They just let it off but they were doubtful of his answer.

After breakfast, they were ready to leave.

They will meet directly at the venue.

They boarded the car, nevertheless, Lucas couldn't brush off the feeling he has felt since morning instead it intensified.

They were halfway through the way when Lucas suddenly felt sick due to anxiousness.

" Mom, dad could we stop for a minute," Lucas ask trying to remain normal yet he looks so pale, his breathing ragged, it looks as he was having a panic attack that frightened Olivia and Eugene. Olivia made Eugene stop the car then she move to the back seat and gather Lucas in her arms to support and calm him down.

" Eugene, quickly take us to the hospital, son hang in there," Olivia urges her husband then coax her son as she caresses his head and back to calm him down.

Luna who was seated in her baby seat beside Lucas also patted her brother's head copying her mother in worry.

Eugene follows his wife's instructions and he quickly drives the car to the nearby clinic.

In hurry, Eugene even forgot to lock his car as he carry Lucas and run inside the clinic whereas Olivia followed behind with Luna in her arms.

What they didn't know was when they were busy looking for a doctor to check on Lucas, something big happen somewhere else.

Hope you will love this chapter.

Mini Theatre

Adrian( angrily asking)- Hey, Author why didn't you let me show up.

Author( hehe, laughing)- Nobody loves you.

Adrian( Looking shocked)- It can't be, you must have done something.

Author( shaking head)- No, fans don't want to see you and Lucas also preferred his family over you, sorry but not sorry.

Adrian( staggered back in shock)- It couldn't be, just you wait my fans will surely write comments for me, Just you wait (pointing fingers at Author, Adrian left)

Author- Your fans are shy so it would be difficult.

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