
How a boy became a man

A boy who faces challenges at every step of the way while fate nurtures his life and prepares him for the future. This first person pov story is about a boy named Keres Tempest and everything revolving around him as he grows into his teenage life. A story of friendship, love, betrayal and every possible situation one can imagine a teenage boy might face. Eventually leading up to him growing up before his age...let's see what awaits him in his life.

The_MortalDevil · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 7

I'm not proud of what I did but I'm sure as hell not guilty for defending Kai and myself. The boys were taken to the nurse's room while the lecturer dragged me to the principal's office. Kai who was in shock and horror while the scene was played followed us quietly behind. So much for standing up to those thugs.

I never realised that our corridors had cameras. The principal had seen everything unfold and was the one who sent the lecturer. This made me even angrier, where were they yesterday? I saw the horror and frustration on the principal's face as I entered the office. All he said was that my parents were on the way.

Everyone's parents were in the room, watching my act unfold. The look of disgust and horror on their faces can't be forgotten. The principal immediately stepped in saying he didn't want a police chase in the school so it would be best to settle it internally where my parents pay for the medical. To which my parents readily agreed while I tried to fight back saying I was only defending myself...