
Housewife of St. Eves

Matt and Julie are sent to prison for drugs. They both want custody of Molly when released. Matt has a personal relationship with the Guardian ad Litem Christina. To influence the to give him custody. Julie wants to reunite with Matt and share custody. Matt is shot was it a murder attempt. Christian ends up in a coma. How will it effect the custody case? Will her husband find out and report her? Will Matt and Christina be killed by a jealous spouse. Will they live happy ever after?

Sylvia_Russell · Urbano
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7 Chs


Client knew he needed to bring joy into the lives of his children. It was a battle for him. They could see the sadness he was feeling in his actions. The children looked into his eyes and saw the pain that was ripping through his heart. They could see when the pain turned to anger. His eyes would harden and a twitch. All the emotions they saw in Clients' eyes confused the children. The children had always seen happiness and love in his eyes. They never saw him angry until Christiana was in the hospital. He always hid his negative feeling from the children. Now he is no longer capable of hiding his feeling. Feeling he did not want his children to see.

Client planned a trip to the beach, it would be the first time for the family. He knew the children would love the beach. The sight of beautiful white birds flying over the dry shore captured the eyes of Maverick. Maverick was pointing at the birds with a smile on his face. The heat from the sun reflecting off the sand made Haley sweat. She ran in jumped into the water. The coolness of the water sent a chill over her body. She started jumping as the waves crashed against the shore. She wanted Maverick to play with her in the water.

Maverick took his float into the water. He went up and down with the waves. The laughter of the children filled the beach with delight. Client knew his plan to bring joy to the children was successful. Maverick and Haley built a sandcastle on the beach. When the tide would crash against the castle and wash it away. Maverick built a moat around the castle to protect it from the water. As time passes the tide rose and washed the castle away.

Children walked on the beach to find shells. The shells were different sizes and colors. Maverick and Haley gathered the shells placed them in a bag. They wanted to keep the shells. The day disappeared into darkness as the hours passed. The children wanted to go back to the beach again.

Maverick and Haley fell asleep in the car on the way home. They had a wonderful time and were tired. Client called Amanda and tell her about the joyful day they experienced. Client felt like a father again. It had been a long time since they experienced joy, laughter, and peace as a family. All the worries of the world were gone for that day. It was a much needed day. A father with his children enjoying the simple pleasures of life.

Client knew it was possible to feel happiness again. Amanda has shown me life without Christina could continue. Client wanted to show Amanda how much he appreciated her continuing to be apart the children's life. He called and asked her to go out to dinner with them.

She accepts the invitation. She agreed to help with children. Maybe this was the beginning of a special relationship with Client. Client was loaded with money. She was poor and lived check to check every week. If she could start a relationship with Client, she could enjoy the lifestyle Christina had. She could help raise the children. She could use to children to gain favor with Client.

Client lies in bed and thought about ways to kill Matt. Matt would have to pay for the pain he caused the children. He could hire a drug dealer to lace cocaine with lye and sell it to him. Lye has destructive effects on living tissues. If he smoked the laced cocaine, the lye would enter his respiratory system and burn his lungs. They would think he died of lung cancer.

Client could invite Matt to go on a skydiving trip with him. He could put holes in the parachute. Matt would die when the parachute wouldn't work properly. The investigators would think the holes resulted from the crash. He could hire a killer. The killer could break into Matt's house while he sleeps and jab with the basketball pump in the neck. Pump his body full of air. Make an air bubble that would travel through his blood. When it reaches the brain, Matt would suffer the pain from the brain damage. Eventually, Matt would die. No signs of evidence would be left. They would think he had a stroke and died.

Client could hire someone on a construction job to crush Matt with a demolition wrecking ball. Matt could stand in front of a building. The wrecking ball could fall on Matt and crush him. The operator of the ball could claim it was an accident. He could say he never saw Matt standing there. Client continued to think of painful ways to kill Matt. He wouldn't do the murder. But the money he spent would be worth every penny he spent. No one can hurt his children the way Matt did and get away with it. The old saying "Money Talks" would get someone desperate enough to kill Matt.

The client realized how bad his thoughts were. The client is a loving person and had never considered killing anyone before. Client has dreams of being a Senator and this would destroy any chance he would ever have. Client found joy in fantasizing of killing Matt. It was something he could never do. He could not live with himself and look his children in the eye if he killed Matt.

The doorbell rang. Amanda had arrived for the dinner invitation. The children ran to the front door with excitement to see her. They had been looking forwarded to go out to dinner with her. Client had planned to take the family to a new restaurant in town, The Wagon Trail. They designed the restaurant with the old west theme. There was a hitching post in front of the restaurant to tie the horses. They decorated the dining room with wooden table and chairs. A red and white checked tablecloths were on the table. The server delivered the menu to the table. The menu comprised the Chuckwagon meal. Ribs, beans, coleslaw, biscuit, and sweet tea were part of the meal. A fishing hole meal. The meal comprised catfish, home-style fries, coleslaw, biscuit, and sweet tea. A campfire meal. The meal comprised pot roast, potatoes, carrots, gravy, and biscuit. What a Pig Meal. The meal comprised pork chops, greens, mashed potatoes, cornbread, and sweet tea. Beef Herd Corral Meal. The meal comprised steak, baked potato, salad, rolls, and sweet tea. The Little Cowhand Menu. Burger Baby Meal. The dinner comprised a cheeseburger, French fries, and milk. A Winnie Roast Meal. The dinner comprised a hotdog, French fries, and milk.

Client ordered the Beef Herd Corral Meal. Amanda ordered the Fishing Hole Meal. Maverick ordered The Winnie Roast Meal. Haley ordered the Burger Baby Meal. The family sit at the table and talked while eating dinner. Haley asked Amanda if she would take her to the zoo. Maverick wanted to go as well. The family planned a trip to the zoo on Saturday. Amanda asks Client to join them on the trip. Client paused for a moment and stated, I will have to check my schedule. I'm sure if I will work or not. Haley begged Client to go with them. Amanda was excited about Client going to the zoo with them. It would give her another opportunity to spend time with Client. She wanted to get close to him. Her plan was falling together. Now the children were helping her. The children only wanted to go have fun.

Client walked into the office. She notices his Secretary, Jill, was wearing a new fragrant perfume. She was wearing a low-cut dress. Jill always wore pant suits to work. He notices how she looked at him differently this morning. She smiled at him. He walked into the office and sat at his desk. Jill brought him a cup of coffee like she did ever morning. This time, she brought him a homemade BlueBerry Muffin. Client had never seen Jill act this way before.

Client went to the county club to play golf with his friend. After playing golf, they enjoyed a lunch in the dining room. All the women in the social circle began looking at Client with a smile. The women that were friends with Christina came over to the table and offered condolences and offered to help in any way they could. Client realized he was the new billionaire widow in town. He started getting more attention from the women. Client started feeling sexy and intriguing. He could have any women he wanted. Client realized it was too soon after the death of Christina to show interest in a woman.

Client picked up the children from school and returned home. He watched television with the children until bedtime. The children went to sleep. Client took a shower remembered the last time he had been intimate with Christina. He remembered the feelings he had that night as he kissed her and held her in his arms. He masturbated while in the shower. Client went to sleep that night and dreamed he was having sex with a young, beautiful woman. The sexual desire in Client started increasing as the women flirted with him. The sex he shared with Christina was amazing. He began thinking it would be alright for him to date. He knew it was too soon for the children to know about it. Client had lunch at the country club while looking at the women to decide which one he wanted to ask out on a date. He could ask Amanda to watch the children one night.

While at the country club, Client met a beautiful young woman. Becky was full of life. He heard her laughter echo through the dining hall. Client looked, and she was having dinner with another woman. Client walked by their table. Hoping to get a glimpse of her hand. He wanted to see if she was wearing a wedding band. As he walked by the table, Becky looked at him with an inviting smile. A smile shows she is interest. Client goes to the restroom. He looks in the mirror to make his hair is just perfect. He opens a mint and puts it in his mouth. On the way back to the table, he stops and introduces himself to the women.

Becky is respective and asks him to have a drink with them. Client sits at the table and suddenly the other woman, Janice, leaves. Janice is Becky's sister. Client and Becky sit for an hour talking and enjoying the company. The two of them made friends quickly. Client asks her to go to dinner with him tomorrow. Becky accepted and smiled. She looked at Client with lust in her eyes. She was attractive and Client was attracted to her. Client the night would be enjoyable. Now he had to ask Amanda to watch the children for the night.

Client asked Amanda to watch the children. She agreed with hesitation. Client was going out with someone else. She wanted Client for herself. She could not refuse to watch the children. Amanda had agreed to do everything possible to help him. The thought of another woman in the arms of Client was disturbing to her. Amanda knew she had competition now. She asked Client where they met. When he replied, the country club. Amanda knew Becky was from a rich family. She would fit into the social world with Client.

Becky had a social status. The status did not compare with the love Amanda had for the children. She could use that to her advantage. She could use the children to bring them closer together. The children already loved her. They enjoyed spending time with her. The children could help her build a closer relationship with Client. Client viewed her as family, his sister-in-law. She had to change his view of her. He needs to see her as a beautiful woman with a desire to be with him.