
The talk

James had been lost in his thoughts and had failed to catch sight of Noah until he entered the building. He was torn between calling Rachel to warn her or simply going there. He decided to just remain there since it was none of his business in the first place. The two were going to take care of their problems eventually. He had thought he would stay longer before Rachel arrived, but was surprised when he saw her coming out while pulling her suitcase behind her. He didn't fail to catch sight of the tears streaming down her eyes despite how far she was from him. 

Immediately, he opened the door and left the car, forgetting to lock the door as he approached her. 


As soon as she saw him, she stopped walking and began to cry, letting go of the suitcase and using her hands to cover her face. 


"It's going to get better, Rachel. It will be fine." He assured her as he hugged her, allowing her to cry in his arms.