

"What a bastard!" Rachel yelled loudly before coming out of her room to meet the three boys who were busy playing video games. The third boy was called Andrew. He is friends with Noah and Peter. They met him in college and got close. She heard he visited every Saturday, since it was the day set aside for the three boys to play games and gamble with each other— which they had been doing all morning before Andrew arrived.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked with a sigh. He wasn't sure he could get used to Rachel's presence and her loudness. 

"He cancelled on me!" She said in disbelief.

"Who cancelled?" Noah asked. 

"Tristan!" She exclaimed and threw her bag to the floor. She was already dressed in a better dress and heels, with her hair down. Had even wore make-up, only for him to cancel!

"Uh oh... why?" Peter asked, surprised that what he said actually came through.

Rachel also looked confused and began to pace around as she explained. "He promised he had everything set for the party. I called to remind him he'd be picking me up early to meet you guys, and he said to forget about the party because he wanted to focus on swimming, and he hung up! ON ME! He even blocked me on Facebook!!!" 

Andrew, "That's horrible."

Peter, "He really did that?" 

"Of course, he did! Would I make this up?" She yelled at her brother. 

"I don't understand why this keeps happening to me. We're good and all and all of a sudden, they disappear with silly excuses. Am I that repulsive?" 

"Maybe." Peter answered with a shrug and received a slap in the hand from Andrew. 

"Of course not. You are okay." Noah said before standing up. "You know what? Men are scum! You should totally forget about them." 

"What if I am cursed?" Rachel asked them while looking worried. 

Peter nodded and answered, "Maybe you are. I mean, it happened with Damian, Greg, Wellington and that Dog guy—"

"His name is Dulg!" She snapped at him. 

"Sounds the same to me." Peter shrugged again. 

"And it's creepy that you remember all of my boyfriends' names." 

"You didn't get the chance to date any before they ditched you, dear sister." Peter laughed. 

"Come on, don't be mean." Noah said to Peter before turning to look at Rachel, "Cheer up. It's not your fault. Those jackasses do not deserve you." 

"And that is supposed to make me feel better?" She snapped at him. "They all keep ditching me! At this rate, I'd stay single for the rest of my life with every guy ditching me."


"That's not true." Andrew chipped in. 

"Stop being dramatic. You are just 17. You should be focusing on your education." Peter said.

"I am almost 18! And thanks for telling me something totally useless, brother." She replied maliciously.

"Maybe things would get better when you are finally 18?" Noah said, looking concerned.

"Whatever! I am done with guys! Guys suck!" 

Noah nodded in agreement. "You should forget about them. I really wanted you to have fun tonight unfortunately, this happened. Or maybe..." He paused and smiled. 

"We can all hang out together!" He suggested while looking at the other three. "We can throw you a party. You deserve it after getting admitted here." 

Rachel looked at him quietly before scoffing, "I should go out with you three?" She asked slowly. 

"Yes. Bills on me." 

She scoffed even loudly this time. "The last thing I want to do right now is hang out with Jesus's disciples."

Andrew laughed loudly. 

"Hey! Noah wasn't a disciple of Jesus. Besides, your name is Rachel. You can consider us hanging out as a biblical reunion if that makes you feel better." 

"Asshole." She eyed him before turning around and started to talk to herself as she headed towards her room. 


"Jeez... I should take these clothes off. Can't believe I discomforted myself for that bastard." 

"You can still reconsider!" Noah yelled after her. 

"Get lost! Go build some arks or something." Her response caused the other two boys to laugh loudly. 

"Nice one, Ray, nice one." Noah said. 

"You sister is cool." Andrew said to Peter while laughing.

Peter laughed and nodded, "I am so going to beat the hell out of that bastard when I find him." Peter said with a faraway look in his eyes.

Rachel came out of the room and picked up her bag before stomping back to her room without looking at any of them.

Aww.. Poor Rachel is cursed.

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PS: These uploads are dedicated to the sweethearts who added my new book to their libraries.


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