
House on Fire

This story takes place in 2013....

"Dani turned suddenly ,eyes widened in surprise when-"

"Hold it, Dani was there, why can't she just tell the story?"

Nora stopped Jessica in the middle of her sentence.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like you were there Jess. We would get a better perspective from Danielle's point of view."

Replied Kat.

"Okay, fine, sorry Dani, you can tell it."

Mumbled Jessica.

"So I turned suddenly because-"

I stopped in the middle of my sentence when Lily, my ex's new girlfriend walks up with her girl wanna-be look-a-like group.

" Oh, how's Jack?"

Lily asks.

Who is my ex boyfriend,

" Nevermind, he left you for a better model!"

Wow, worst roast ever. Her followers behind her 'oohed' as they walked away.

" What.Was.That?"

Questioned Nora.

" A pile of trash, anyways, Dani, continue."

Responded Kat.

" So, let me just start over. It was Dec.27th, 2009. I was about.. 16-ish. I was at Jack's house. It was our first date. My mom was out of town and my dad was out fishing with Jack's dad. Jack's mom was out with his younger brother. Our parents knew about 'us' so it wasn't like a surprise.

We were, yes, "Home Alone." But most people that i've told this story to, don't believe this part.

The house was proclaimed haunted by 3 priests. Jack's mom was a paranormal investigator at the time. I, at first, did not believe this.

So Jack and I were upstairs in the game room playing Mortal Combat. We were both thirsty, so I went downstairs to get water. They were out in the fridge, so I went into the garage. I heard steps coming from outside the garage. I assumed it was his dad. Then, there was knocking on the garage door, that leads outside."

"Oooooh this is the part where the psycho killer tries to get the victim!"

"Nora, no, just no."

Replied Jessica.

"I mean it could be.."

" Kat! Nora! Just let her tell the story!!!!"

Jessica Shouted.

"Speak for yourself."

Mumbled both Nora and Kat.

" May I continue?"

I ask.


Shouted Nora, Kat and Jessica.

" There was knocking, so I ran upstairs, back into Jack's room. He asks me what happened. I explain, and I take him to the garage. He believed me. But he didn't want me near the presence. So I called my sister to come pick us up.

She was in College and had an apartment. My house was on the other side of town, so we instead thought to go stay at her's."

" Your sister's name is Brooke right?"

Questioned Kat.

" Yea, so, like I was saying-"

" HUSH everyone, I forgot what happened! I wanna hear!"

Said Jessica.

I looked at her with an 'I really don't want to be interrupted again' look, sighed and continued.

"We instead thought to go stay at her's. Brooke was supposed to come by that night. But she never did. We waited outside to what felt like hours. Jack's dad called and said that they would be at his cabin for the night. Jack kept calling his mom. Over, and over, and over again. We then see a car pull up. I thought it was his mom, but no. It was a 1940's, black Lincoln-like car.

After a good stare at the car, I could smell burning. Jack yells, 'THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!' as loud as he could. I turned slowly ,eyes widened in surprise. Without any thought we ran to the car."

" You stopped at this part last time. There's more.. Right?"

Asked Jessica.

" Yes, but before I tell you guys, you have to promise not to make fun of me, or call me a liar?"

" We promise!"

Everyone agreed.

"When Jack yelled that the house was on fire, we tried to run to the car. He made it. A log then fell on my head. The next thing I knew, I was in a forest."


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