
House Of The Dragons (HOTD) : Orphan SI

In the heart of Oldtown, a 25-year-old surgical student wakes up as an orphan under the Seven-Pointed Star faith. His destiny is The Citadel, where orphans go if they can read. He’s a reincarnation with a foreign look and a trusty AI chip as his sidekick. His thoughts: “I am confident as a healer with future knowledge and an AI chip. What? My modern knowledge is useless without modern society. Ok, it’s fine. I am still very confident.” Stay tuned as he navigates different cultures and a civil war with dancing dragons. Author’s joke: “Someone, hurry and make a super AI for the next reincarnate. This one is as competent as a normal man. I want AI to be overpowered.”

KK9494 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

Chapter 12 : Sealord's rewards

---===3 Moon cycles later, Sea lord's palace===---


As I carefully crushed the expensive herbs into a fine paste, the soothing aroma of the herb-filled the air.

Each herb was worth its weight in gold because of its rarity and potency.

But for the Sealord's son, no expense was spared.

"More. You can do it, little Lerggon."

Teacher Bracken gently guided the prodigal son, Lerggon Antaryon, back to his feet, his steady hand providing support as the boy regained his strength.

With the internal stitches already absorbed by his body, only the external ones remained to be removed. His recovery is almost done. Quite a fast one, a lucky kid. And Lucky us.

"Come play, big brother Kerith!" he exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

I smiled as I heard the boy call out to me, affectionately referring to me as his big brother. It warmed my heart to see him recovering so swiftly, his childish energy shining through.

I approached him with the herbal antibiotic paste, his nose wrinkling at the sour scent. "Trust me, it'll make you feel better," I said, my voice soft and reassuring with a gentle coaxing. I encouraged him to take a sip, assuring him of its healing properties.

Reluctantly, he took a small sip, his face twisted because of the taste. But with a determined nod, he swallowed it down, his eyes tearing up.



"That's it, little Lord," I encouraged, ruffling his hair playfully. "You're doing great."


As he finished the paste, I couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief at the task done.

With each passing day, his strength grew, his laughter echoing through the halls of the palace once more. The most important effect of it is that the Sealord's madness is becoming negligent nowadays.

Other than the 100 guards led by Lerio that surround Lerggon as his guard, there is no other measure visible to me anymore. Trust me, this is much mild compared to the initial days.

During the days this kid spent in a coma, death threats were as common as passing winds. Considering Braavos's location as a coastal city, you can understand the sheer amount of threats. 

Luckily, Teacher Bracken informed me this morning that this would be our last time to treat him.

I will miss the guest quarters of the Sealord. It's only after seeing them I realized the meaning of wealth and power.

"If the guest room is not worth thousands of Gold dragons, you are not wealthy." Those were the proud words of the Sealord, on one occasion.


With the footsteps of a hundred guards, the procession moved to accompany the little Lerggon to an important task- playing.

Yep, all this commotion for accompanying Lerggon to his play area, the renowned Sealord Animal Menagerie.






It was the various sounds of the animals that hit me before the menagerie that appeared before us.

"Come on, Big Brother Kerith. Let's go. I will show you some of my friends." The boy's eyes lit up with wonder as he took in the sights and sounds of the menagerie, his laughter ringing out like music in the air.

Quite the cute kid, but unfortunately, he had to be isolated most of the time from his age group. The simple fact is that the Braavosi are all but seizing advantages. Especially the advantage like Sealord's son is like waving a red flag in the eyes of a bull. They get excited enough to rip him apart.

Unfortunately for them and Lerrigon, Sealord's competence allows him to see through their deception, isolating Lerrigon.

Damn it, it's only now that I realize I am the only kid his age that Lerggon interacted with more than a day.

I was broken from thoughts when the familiar figure of Lerio Neol, the First Sword of Braavos, returned from setting a proper perimeter with the guards. Which means he threw away a lot of powerful men to allow Lerggon to play peacefully.

Fuck, no wonder the Braavosi nobles are excited about trapping Lerggon. 

I waved a greeting to Lerio along with Walder and Smallfoot. They could join us in our excursion, their faces alight with excitement at seeing the dancing peacocks, swimming ducks, and the songs of sparrows.

As Walder and Smallfoot played with Lerggon, I couldn't help but ask Lerio, " How are my friends in a Training Yard?"

Might as well ask the first sword of Braavos since I have the chance. Unlike me and the teacher, Walder and Smallfoot had no other tasks, so they joined the Sealord's guards in the training yard.

Lerio Neol, ever observant, commented bluntly, "Their talent in sword skills is average." His words, while harsh, are the truth, "but their growth in body strength is quite all-rounded and remarkable. According to them, it was because of your guidance."

I chuckled at the compliment, recalling the strict diet and exercise regimen I had devised for them. While it would never replace the rigorous training they received in swordsmanship, it would give comprehensive muscle growth.

Stubborn as they may be, they're finally seeing the benefits in their new muscles and as for skill, it will grow with sword fights.

Leaving the lively scene of my friends and the Sealord's son playing with the rabbits, I made my way towards the animal reserve, a place I had been eager to explore since my arrival in Braavos.

Thanks to the Sealord's generous instructions, the trainers were already aware of my visit and allowed me to select a pet as a token of appreciation for my role in his son's treatment.




Entering the caged area of the carnivores, I passed by the intimidating jackals and foxes, making my way towards the enclosure of the tigers and lions.

It was quite scary compared to the other enclosures, especially when seeing the Westeros variant of these beasts breaking apart their prey. If you think normal lions are scary, you didn't meet the lions of the Westerlands. They are the type that can bite a horse into two.

The animals in westeros, especially the species that used to have warg bonds with great lords in the age of heroes, are stronger, faster and smarter when compared to Earth's animals.

Starks have Direwolfs, Lannisters have their 10 giant Lions, etc. 

I am sure that these houses carried out the perverted research of Wolf-dog Archmaester, all the way back in the age of heroes, when they were founded.


The odd combination of different roars made me look towards a solitary creature unlike any other—A Liger cub.

I immediately got attracted to him as I asked the animal handler, "How old is he?"

"A few moon cycles short of 1 name day old."

It had orange fur that looked well with the setting sun, and its height was already near to my waist. On Earth, Ligers grew to impressive heights, enough to climb a Trailer by standing on their back legs.

Here in Westeros, I am damn sure that he will be a giant among the carnivores.

While I was approaching the enclosure, the trainer beside me explained, "This is a liger, a crossbreed between its namesake, lion and tiger. Whose sole existence only occurs under human care. I must say that he is the least dangerous among the beasts."

He opened the cage and entered it with a welcoming gesture towards me. I moved towards the liger cub, reached out gently to rub his head, and felt a sense of connection with this remarkable creature.


I listened intently as the trainer described the liger, "It is a beast of two species, welcomed by both parental pride but still an outsider."


The trainer explained with a pitying tone, "While the liger was a wonder of the Sealord's palace, since the method of its breeding was found, it never flourished. It is sterile, lazy, and lacks the ingrained hunting skills of its family on either side. Due to that, many believe it is cursed by gods for being made by humans."

Despite its limitations, I felt drawn to the liger's quiet presence and majestic aura. I could feel the powerful muscles that he naturally possessed under my palm. As for the skills, I believe with the warg bond as intermediate, I can help him with the AI.

The prime reasons for my choice are two perspectives.

From both the logical and emotional side, I just like him, since he is unique beyond words.

While he lives among the animal kingdom, he is in dissonance with them. Just like me in this world.

The similarity will help in forming a warg bond. In magic, any similarity is a plus. Especially a unique one like this.

Since, unlike the nobles, I don't have any hereditary predisposition to a warg animal. It shouldn't problem for me to choose him.

With a determined nod, I turned to the trainer and declared, "I would like to take this guy as my pet."

The trainer simply nodded , his expression understanding. "Very well, I will start the procedure," he replied, moving off to make the arrangements.

Turning back to the liger, who loomed large and powerful before me, I felt a surge of affection for him. Despite his size and strength, there was a vulnerability about him that touched my heart, especially when he kept looking at his relatives.

With a smile, I reached out to him, gently stroking his fur as I whispered, "I'm going to call you Simba Khan."

The name held special significance for me, derived from cartoon characters that had introduced me to tigers and lions in my childhood.

---===Sealord's Palace, outside the throne room===----

I checked my attire once more, ensuring that my green robes adorned with silver designs were free of any wrinkles.

Walder and Smallfoot stood beside me, dressed in identical attire, their expressions a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Meanwhile, Teacher Bracken, bound by his oath to the Citadel as a master, remained in his customary robes. It was the fate of a Maester, even when summoned to the court of the Sealord for his rewards.

I felt the Sea Lord was generous in awarding Walder and Smallfoot too, just for being our companions and part of our group. At least there will be benefits to his reputation as a generous lord.

Though remembering his maddening love for his son, I could only think that the rewards must be good.

Mantayon, the old chief healer, approached us with a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Are you prepared?" he inquired, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration.

I nodded, my heart pounding with anticipation. "As prepared as we'll ever be," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

Mantayon chuckled softly, shaking his head in amusement. "You are lucky," he remarked, his tone wistful. "Kings and great lords like the Sealord are generous beyond the wildest dreams of us normal folk."


Before I could fully process his words, the announcement rang out, echoing through the halls of the Sealord's court. The names of Teacher Bracken, myself, Walder, and Smallfoot were called, signalling our entrance into the grand chamber.

As we entered, my eyes widened in awe at the sight before me. Braavosi nobles adorned in luxurious attire lined the hall on either side, their garments shimmering with pearls, diamonds, and rubies. And at the very end, sat the Sealord on his throne, looking like a historic painting in the making.

After our approach to the Sealord's throne, we kneeled before the imposing figure of the Sealord, our heads bowed in deference.

"Acolyte Smallfoot, Step forward."

As Smallfoot was called forward first for his rewards.

As Smallfoot approached, the Sealord rose from his seat, his expression solemn yet gracious. With a sense of ceremony, he began, "For saving the life of my son, I give you..." 


With a flick of his fingers, two servants emerged from the shadows, presenting Smallfoot with a sack filled to the brim with gleaming golden dragon coins.


The weight of the coins was enough to weigh down Sealord's arms, a public show of Sealord's generosity.

"Gold that a single man can't lift."


"Unbelievable, such a wealth for a child."

"I know, honey. But I am thinking about the next reward. After all, everybody knows about the customs of the ceremony. Earliest reward is the cheapest."

"Fuck, I had to work myself to the ground for such money."

"Lucky child."

But the display of generosity didn't end there. With another gesture, the Sealord summoned forth a finely crafted sword, its blade shimmering in the light. "And this sword," the Sealord continued, his voice resonating with authority, "crafted by the finest smiths in Braavos, is yours to wield in honour of your bravery."

Smallfoot's eyes widened in disbelief as he accepted the gifts, his expression a mix of disbelief and awe. "Thank you for your generosity, M-My Lord."

I internally thought that the sea lord kept their preferences in mind and gifted the ones they liked. After all, it is not like they hid their sword training.

"Acolyte Walder, step forward."

Anticipation grew among the crowd as Walder approached, waiting for the Sealord to reveal his rewards. As per tradition, the rewards will scale up in value with every person called forward. This fact is heightened by the already impressive rewards that Smallfoot's have been granted.

"For your valiant efforts in aiding my son," the Sealord began, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "I offer you..." With a flourish, he beckoned for his servants to unveil the gifts.

First came the familiar sight of a sack filled with golden dragon coins, and the sword. But the genuine surprise came next—a cage, adorned with intricate carvings and filled with lush vegetation.


Inside the cage, a young gorilla jumped back and forth, its dark eyes curious as it observed its surroundings.

"And for you, young Walder," the Sealord announced, his tone filled with pride, "a gift from the forests of Volantis—a gorilla infant, trained and raised under the care of the finest handlers."

Walder's eyes widened in astonishment as he took in the sight before him. The ape looked the same way as him, with bulging eyes. 


I held back my laugh, looking at the mirror image of animal and man looking at each other in surprise. The Sea Lord truly kept to the tradition of bestowing pets.


As my name echoed through the grand hall, I stepped forward, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness wash over me.

The court held its breath because everyone knew that, unlike the previous two, I had a role in saving his son. My rewards will show the Sealord's love for his son Lerggon.

"For your unwavering dedication and skill in healing my son," the Sealord proclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls, I could hear the genuine joy in his words, "I bestow upon you..." With a wave of his hand, his attendants unveiled the gifts he had chosen for me.

"A chest containing a thousand Golden Dragons. Just for your insight, little Kerith, I had this Weirwood chest personally fitted with diamonds, gifted to me by King Jahereyes himself."

While his message of being equal to King aside, I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude at the generosity of the Sealord's gift.

Next, I received a sword that the finest smiths of Braavos had crafted, its blade gleaming in the torchlight.

But it was the sight of the cage that truly took my breath away. Inside, a majestic liger cub paced back and forth, its golden fur shimmering in the light. "And for you, brave healer," the Sealord declared, his voice filled with pride, "a symbol of uniqueness befitting you, Bred only once every generation by our trainers, making it the sole member of its species in the world — a Liger cub."

But the gifts didn't end there. The Sealord went on, "I must have my citizens of Braavos. One must commend the achievements of this young one. He is the youngest holder of a healer's silver link in the Citadel's history of 8000 years."

The crowd gasped and gossiped as they followed Sealord's hand to see the links hanging from my dress.


I felt some measure of embarrassment at the claps but He went for an extra measure by lifting the Re-quill I gifted him, said to the crowd, "Most importantly, He showed his smith mind by making a new Quill that no longer needs to be dipped in ink. I must say, child, this gift is one of my most beloved items, just based on the fact it helps me deal with the mountain of parchments."

His words of praise were like music to my ears, especially the Braavosi Lords, who are going to be my prospective customers soon.

With heartfelt gratitude, I bowed before the Sealord, "Thank you, my lord. I will always remember this kindness."

I am thrilled with his advertisement for the Re-quill.

"Maester Hoster Bracken, the Knight of 7 virtues, Righteous Noble, Ideal Regent. Please step forward for me."

As I returned to my place among my companions, I couldn't help but look towards teacher Bracken, who was called forth. But, those are some cool titles. Now, I want to really know about his past.