
House of the dragon: The Dragon King

This is a story about a man who meant his end earlier then he was supposed to as as an apology he will be reincarnated into House of the Dragon, Watch as he uses his powers to fight against people who try to cause a civil war in House Targaryen (I am new to House of the dragon and will be basing most of my knowledge off the TV Show) MC will be the Crown Prince of the Targaryen household but there will still be the greens and the blacks.

Shinmon_Dagger · TV
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15 Chs

Chapter 4: The Dragon King

AN: I am not sure whether or not I should use actual High Valyrian and then have an english text that follows showing the translation or just used double quotations marks (""Something like this"") as a sign that they are speaking High Valyrian. Tell me what you guys think. 

Enjoy the chapter!!

Daeron POV

Location: Dragonstone

We had just reached Dragonstone, the castellan had greeted me by the gates and the men were offloading my stuff. I looked behind me and saw Laena looking at me. We had not been the same since we almost kissed, things had been awkward between us as we both didn't know or were afraid to acknowledge what the moment meant. I held the stare for a moment before raising my hand and waving goodbye to the Velaryon family. I saw them wave back and before I knew it I was in the room of the painted table. I placed my hand on it before walking along, feeling the grooves and detail carved and painted into the table. I reached the top of the table, turned to the Castelan and said

"Take me to Dragonmount, the sooner the better"

"Yes, My Prince"


I had climbed the mountain and now stood in front of a large opening that just felt menacing to look at. I looked at the Castellan, who was sweating from walking up to Dragonmount before I said

"Thank you for bringing me up here. However, you may leave now. I shall be back before daybreak"

I nodded to the man before waking into the cave opening, not questioning my decision and going with my gut.

After a while of walking, I spotted a dragon with grey and white scales who seemed to be hiding from me behind a large cluster of rocks. I walked towards the dragon, who roared when he saw me. I ignored his roar and continued walking towards him. He seemed to get more and more nervous the closer I got, so after I was about ten steps away from him I spoke to him in High Valyrian and said

""Calm down Grey-Ghost, there is no need to fear me. Come, let me pet you""

The young dragon, who couldn't have been larger than a horse, walked forward hesitantly before he was next to me and practically inhaled my pure dragon blood scent. He was trilling as he stroked his head on my body, his voice echoing off of the walls of the cave. I started stroking his scaly head and felt the heat that he was emanating. I started stroking his head everywhere as I said in a high-pitched voice

""Who's a good dragon, who's a good dragon. You are!!""

The dragon practically screeched at the attention showing me just how powerful it was to have pure dragon blood. I was like catnip for dragons as they were pulled into me and my very being just because of my scent. I continued stroking his head for a few minutes before saying bye, making him screech sadly which in turn made my heart explode in guilt. I continued walking through the cave before all of a sudden I heard two loud screeches as one bronze dragon and one silver dragon flew up to me and practically enveloped me as they nudged their heads on mine. I started laughing at their actions before placing a palm on each of their snouts and saying

"Vermithor…silverwing. I have missed you both. I hugged both dragons that I have known since I was a child, while they were busy sniffing me and trilling in enjoyment. I laughed as Vermont's hot breath tickled my face before the long wet tongue of Silverwing came and covered me in slobber.

I gagged at the smell of the slobber, which smelled of raw fish and burnt meat, before wiping it off of my face and turning to Silverwing and saying

""Come on Silverwing, that's not cool, I thought that Grandmother taught you that your slobber stains my clothes""

She only let out a short burst of screeches which just told me that she was laughing at my misfortune. I glared at her slightly before sighing and patting her snout, knowing that I can never really be angry at these animals, My blood just doesn't allow me to. Vermithor, obviously jealous of all the attention that his mate was getting, used his large wing to push me to the ground before placing his head on my chest and puffing smoke out of his nostrils. I gasped as I fell and then sharply exhaled at the sudden weight of his head. However, as the saying goes, he who laughs last laughs best as I used my muscular arms to push his head up and hold it there. He was obviously shocked as he practically squawked at the fact that a human just lifted his head while Silverwing, his mate, burst out into another fit of short burst screeches and trillings as she was laughing at her mate. Vermithor shook his head in my grasp but I quickly jumped up and held him there for a bit before he threw his head back quickly, making me land on his back and then bounce on the floor as he screeched at me. I stood up and said

""Ohhhh, come on Vermithor, you can't be so mad. We were only wrestling a little""

I then thought back to my sentence and thought

'huh…I just wrestled with a dragon, that's not something I thought I would ever say…WAIT, I lost goddamn it!!'

Vermithor let out loud screeches at me, and I just said

""Alright, alright!! I'm sorry, I'll rub you on the 'good spot' for five minutes as an apology, alright?""

Vermithor quickly went quiet before he leaned his head towards mine and I started scratching him on the place between his jaw and neck. Almost instantly his leg started thumping on the ground making the cave shake slightly. I was then bumped by Silverwing's snout who looked at me expectantly and turned her head as I chuckled and started rubbing her in the same place as Vermithor. She started making a loud rumbling noise that was akin to a purr. After rubbing them for 6 or so minutes I finally left, much to their annoyance.

I continued down the cave before a mud-brown dragon burst from the roof of the large cave with a sheep in his mouth before he plopped himself on the ground in front of me, burned the sheep black and started munching away. I went behind the dragon and gave a curt whistle as I said, in High Valyrian,

""I'm assuming you must be Sheep-stealer, am I right""

The mud-brown dragon turned its long neck towards me and started snarling, probably just being territorial of its food. I just put my hands up in mock surrender and said

""Calm down, I am not here for your food. I am looking for someone else. He is big, black and has bright green eyes""

The dragon tilted its head in confusion, almost with human-like intelligence, before screeching slightly and sending a burst of fire towards a human-sized hole in the cave that seemed black. So black that it seemed that light would be swallowed just millimetres into it, almost like nothing existed there. I patted the dragon on its butt and said

""Thanks for your help, Sheepstealer""

She only gave a happy trill at the pat before continuing to devour the sheep while I started walking towards the dark entrance. I continued walking, placing my hand on the left of the wall for guidance as, in my stupidity, I had forgotten to bring a torch with me. I continued walking slowly before I stepped on something and felt it crunch beneath my foot. I picked it up and felt a scaly texture before dropping it with a gasp

"*GASP* Dragon eggs… dear god, 'he really is The Cannibal' isn't he"

I continued walking forward, occasionally stepping on bones, eggs, and even scales of dragons that he had devoured before I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I entered it and had to blink a few times to get used to the light. I looked around and just saw bones and other trophies of his previous kills. Before looking up and seeing a massive hole in the top which is probably what Cannibal uses to leave and enter his area. I looked around the cave before a mural on the wall caught my eye. I walked closer to the mural and saw what looked like a bunch of light blue almost white figures fighting against what looked like a Targaryen and a Stark. I tried to inspect it further before my alarm bells went off and from the corner of my eyes, I saw a large all-black dragon about to bite me. I quickly jumped back, seeing the dragon was almost inches away from eating me whole. It saw that I had escaped so it turned to me and screeched in an extremely loud voice. I stood up to my full height and my heart started pumping and a thought flashed through my head

'I'm supposed to feel fear, right? I mean a fucking dragon is screeching in my face yet all I feel is…disrespect?'

My heart started thumping even harder and as if my entire persona shifted from a Royal Crown prince to a beast, disrespected by his prey. I felt my vision going darker and like the hairs on the back of my neck stood up while a mean snarl left my lips that seemed to even make the dragon flinch. My heart continued to pump on overtime and I, without any weapons save for my dagger, launched myself at the dragon and swung my fist on its snout. I was too quick for the old dragon to react so all it could do was bear the brunt of my attack not expecting it to do much.

Narrator POV




The punch hit the dragon on its snout and Daeron felt the bones of the dragon's snout crunch under his fist. Daeron roared at the dragon who had smacked into the floor due to the force of the punch. Daeron thought to himself

'What is happening to me, I thought this dragon was meant to be mine…I was stupid for thinking that taming Cannibal would be easy just because god said he belonged to me. I guess I have to prove myself to this old dragon. Well you beast you get what you wish for '

Cannibal Raised his head high, screeching in pain before his entrancing green eyes flashed with anger and green flames started to fill his mouth. Daeron, like a beast, roared at the dragon even louder making it falter slightly before gaining back the ferocity that it was known for and spewing bright green flames towards Daeron who jumped through them to meet the dragon. The dragon roared expecting Daeron to be dead only to be surprised when Daeron excited the flames, naked as the day he was born, but unharmed. Daeron grabbed onto the dragon's neck before bringing it down with him. Daeron then roared again while lifting up the dragon's throat, along with its head, before bringing it down hard and yelling 


Unknowing to Daeron he unleashed the full extent of his conqueror's haki on the dragon making the, already dazed, beast cower slightly while trilling to Daeron to show him that it had given up and had submitted. Daeron, still under the effects of his anger, grabbed the dagger attached to a sheath on his lower back before slicing open his palm and forcing the blood that ran down into the dragon's mouth. Daeron jumped back onto the floor next to the dragon who was starting to twitch and shake while growing in size. The dragon roared loudly and while he roared it started to turn deeper and deeper until it was so deep and loud that the entire cave started to shake.

The dragon's old scales fell from its body before newer and tougher scales appeared. Its previous horns fell, replaced by larger and sharper horns. Its body seemed to develop more and sharper spikes and its wings grew larger and larger while the wing membranes seemed to develop between the spikes running down his back and body most likely making him more aerodynamic, which meant a large and fast dragon. A green light seemed to glow between the dragon's scales as it stopped growing and shaking and attempted to stand up, which was impossible for the dragon now. Daeron looked at the dragon, a proud smirk on his face, and said

"Your new name shall be…














Cupcake, as it is my favourite treat! Plus, imagine when someone says 'Our entire army was killed by Cupcake' "

The dragon looked at Daeron and gave him a sound similar to a scoff before its spiked tail hit him lightly in the chest knocking the wind out of him.

"*COUGH COUGH COUGH GASP* alright alright. I'll give you a good name now. Hmmmmmm, I got it. You shall be… Neltharion!!" 

The dragon's green eyes glowed dangerously before he gave an extremely deep roar that echoed throughout all of Dragonstone. Neltharion quickly lowered its head as Daeron climbed up the spikes and scales. Neltharion flapped his wings and launched the two of them up into the air as he burst through the hole at the top of the cave. Once they had exited Neltharion gave a burst of his bright green flames as they flew through it. Daeron had a wide smile as they flew through the air, he was about to sit down before the smirk was wiped off of his face as he shouted

"I'M NAKED!!??"

Daeron saw one of Neltharion's eyes practically scream in joy before a trilling-like laughter echoed above the island as the pair flew above the island.