
To King's Landing

[A/N: Thank you all for 500k reads, that was really fast. At this rate, we might reach 1M by the end of the month lol. This is the 40th chapter and as much as I would love to write another 5k chapter, I don't have time for it. 

Considering that this story is 10 chapters behind the Black Lord, I want to ask a question; should I continue this story and get it far enough for me to return to the Black Lord? Or would you like for me to continue The Black Lord until its far enough ahead? I know some of you are here from The Black Lord and many found this story first. 

It is up to you]

(Aerion's POV)

"That is a lot of blood to clean...." Jace said as he scrubbed the shoulder plate with a wet rag

I nodded, "Tell me about it." I said, "Make sure not to go too rough on it, might scratch the steel." 

"It's valyrian steel, it won't scratch." He said with a chuckle

"Hm." I said as I worked on the breastplate, "Well, regardless, let's treat this with respect. It was a gift from your mother." 

It was the following day, Jace and I were cleaning the armor and trying to get it spotless before we departed to King's Landing. I had cleaned my swords already and decided to help Jace who was working on my armor. It was full of dried blood, so much so that he was a bit disgusted by it but managed through.

"How many men did you kill?" Jace asked

I stopped scrubbing the armor, "Uhm...." I said, "I try not to think about that." 

"I know it's a lot when you command Vermithor to breathe fire...." He said, "But with your swords, how many men do you have to cut down to get his much blood?" 

"A lot." I said as I continued to clean the breastplate

"Where's the cloak?" He asked

"Soaking in water, I had Elinda deal with that." I said, "She and the maids know how to clean cloths without ruining the material." 

"Makes sense." He said

"Jace." I heard Rhaenyra's voice, "You were here. I was looking for-" 

I looked back to see Rhaenyra in the doorway, her face was surprised as she laid eyes upon the armor. 

"Rhaenyra...." I said softly

She slowly walked over to it, "That's...." She started, "That's a lot of blood....." 

"Yea, Mother, I was helping Aerion clean it." Jace said as Rhaenyra looked down at it, "He's going to participate in the Tourney, right?" 

Rhaenyra looked at me, a bit of concern on her face, "Jace..." She said, "Would you give us a minute?" 

"I....but I am not done.." Jace started

"It's okay, lad." I said as I gave him a nod, "You can always finish it on the ship on our way over there." 

Jace sighed, "Okay..." He said as he placed the rag down in the bucket full of water

He straightened up and walked away, leaving Rhaenyra and I alone. 

"All this blood....." Rhaenyra said as she looked at me, "Just how many men did you cut down?" 

I looked down as I slowly cleaned the breastplate, "Hm.." I said, "Too many to count." 

"And was it necessary?" She asked

"Yes." I said without hesitation, "I gave them all a chance to surrender, they did not. Men make their choice when they go to war, Rhaenyra, the moment they pick up their arms and march, they are relinquishing their lives for the cause they intend to fight for."

"And you put them down?" She asked 

"Falling to me is the best fate they could ask for." I said, "I don't fight and kill for the sake of shedding blood. I fight for a singular purpose, for the sake of the Realm.....for You. I don't murder in cold blood, they fell in battle, as they were meant to." 

"They are men, Aerion." She said as she lifted my chin up, "They had families.....children....wives.....and....." 

"This is War." I said seriously as I grabbed her hand gently, "It is bloody....it is gruesome....it's cruel. It is the reason why your Father always intends to keep the Peace." 

"I don't want you to turn into a bloodthirsty monster.....Like..." she started

I frowned, "I am not him." I said, "I don't like it. I don't like killing, staining my hands red with blood...my entire body covered in their guts....their blood.....their filth...But I do what I must. And if I must cut down a hundred foes to ensure that you and my family are safe, I will do it. I don't care if I have a dragon, I don't care if the enemy has a dragon....I will fight....because that is what I was meant for.....that is what I was born for. I am of Dragon's Blood, Rhaenyra. Some Targaryens are born to rule....others are born to Fight....I happen to be born for the latter....and you.....the former...." 

I kissed her hand as she looked at me. 

"A hundred..." She said softly, "You slayed a Hundred Men?" 

"It is an exaggeration, my love." I said with a smile

"Aerion...." She started

"Hm..." I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist, "Rhaenyra....everything I do....it is for you....for the boys....for the girls..." 

"I understand...." She said softly

I leaned in, "I know you worry for me, my dear..." I said softly, "You worry for my health, my life...but I give you my word, Rhaenyra...." 

"I will never die." 


"We're leaving our dragons?" Luke asked as we boarded the ship

"Well, you are, I'm just helping with the luggage." I told him as I ruffled his hair, "I'll meet you over there, okay?" 

I had taken some stuff onto the deck and watched some crewmembers pick them up and went to place them where they belonged. 

As Elinda walked past me, holding Joffrey, I got called by Rhaena, "Brother, is Baela going to be there???" She asked me as she walked up to me

I nodded, "She should." I said, "Princess Rhaenys wrote to me saying she'll meet us there." 

"Yes!" She said with a bright smile

I patted her head, "Aren't you a ray of sunshine..." I chuckled

"You are taking Vermithor?" Rhaenyra said as she held Visenya, "Are you sure? You can always sail with us." 

I walked up to her and patted Visenya's head, who slept soundly, "I think it's best if I take at least one of our dragons there." I said softly, "You never know what will happen." 

She nodded, "That is true but..." She said as she looked away, "I may need you aboard, just in case." 

"It's fine, Rhaenyra..." I said kissing her forehead, "It will be fine. Have Jace finish my armor, I want it spotless." 

She smiled slightly, "Okay." She said as I walked away

"Luke, be good on the ride over there." I said pointing at him, "Rhaena, be good." 

"Okay!" they said in unison

As I walked over to the ramp, I saw Jace barely walk up holding the black cloak of my armor. 

"It's a bit wet and all, but it should be clean now, Aerion." He said 

"It's fine." I said patting his shoulder, "Make sure the entire armor is clean." 

"Yea, I got it." He said as he walked past me, "We'll see you over there." 

I nodded, "Yea." I said as I looked back at Rhaenyra

She gave me a smile, nodding silently. 

I gave her an assuring nod and walked down the ramp, making my way down to land. 

"Okay...." I said under my breath, "King's Landing....huh?" 

"A Tourney...."