
The Start

(Third Person POV)

Aerion was mounted on Vermithor, slowly gliding through the rain as he made his way back from Storm's End. As the wind and rain hit his face, Aerion could only think of how foolish Lord Borros was. While his reasoning was sound, marriage proposals might've been the only way to persuade him in allying with them, he was but a fool in solely relying on a single factor that could be taken out on a whim. 

"Tch...." He said as he clutched on the handles of his saddle, "Well....we can say goodbye to the Stormland support. But let's hope it doesn't come to any of that." 

As Vermithor let out a roar, Aerion began to feel a tingling sensation in the back of his neck. It was as if his instincts were crying out to him, alerting him of something watching him. 

He glanced back and saw nothing but darkness behind him, rain and wind filling the void that he was passing through, the occasional flash of lightning. 

"Hm.." He said as the sound of crackling thunder resounded all around him, drowning out the sounds of Vermithor's wings flapping in the air, "Was it nothing?" 

He then heard a distinct sound; flapping of wings. This immediately alerted him, as only a pair of wings was large enough to create sound as loud as the thunder surrounding him. 

Aerion turned around and looked ahead, seeing that he was still surrounded by storm clouds and rain. 

"Okay...." He said, "Perhaps, I should fly lower..." 

Suddenly, as a flash of lightning illuminated his right side, he saw a massive shadow moving through the clouds. In response, Vermithor growled deeply, shaking his head as Aerion looked to the side, seeing the shadow fly next to them. 

"So I was right." Aerion muttered, "It's a good thing the boys didn't come..." 

Breaking through the clouds, Vhagar's figure was seen as the massive dragon let out a bone-chilling roar, the old hag's wings flapping viciously as it fought against the winds. 

"Aerion!!" Aemond's voice was heard

Aerion rolled his eyes, "This guy...." He said as he steered Vermithor to the left, "What an idiot." 

Aerion steered Vermithor to break through the clouds, flying below the storm. As flying below the storm clouds would make him visible to anyone from below, it's better than flying through difficult obstacles that they are, especially if he was being pursued. 

Vermithor broke through the clouds and swooped down below, making his way down to the coast of the Stormlands as he let out a roar, being followed by Vhagar as she roared as well. 

Aerion casually looked behind him, seeing the massive shadow of the largest dragon in the world, unbothered by this. He was calm, despite Vhagar being the one chasing him. 

"You have a debt to pay!!" Aemond shouted in High-Valyrian, "Come and make the payment! Or I shall have my dragon feast upon yours." 

Aerion chuckled, "Yea, right." He said as he patted Vermithor's hide, "You ready for a little chase?" 

Vermithor let out a roar as Aerion adjusted himself on the saddle, Vhagar slowly getting closer to him. 

"Do you think you can escape me, Aerion?!" Aemond called out, "Answer me!!" 

Aerion sighed as the rain hit his face, "It's too wet for this shit...." He grumbled as he gestured back at Aemond dismissively

"I will not allow you to escape!!" Aemond

"You're like a child." Aerion uttered once again, "Fucking brat." 

Vhagar got closer to Vermithor, biting at his tail, barely missing. The Bronze Fury felt this and growled deeply, glancing back at Aerion who looked ahead. 

"Fine." Aerion said as he steered Vermithor back up, "Let's get out of here." 

As Vermithor descended up, Vhagar began to follow him as Aemond looked at him, his white hair flowing in the wind. 

Suddenly, Vermithor made a flip and swooped back down, spiraling around the old beast. This surprised Aemond who flinched hard as Vermithor flew past them and in a quick motion, descended back up into the air with a burst of surprising speed. 

"Tch!!!" Aemond gritted his teeth as he slowed Vhagar's descent and turned her around slowly, "You fucking....!!" 

Vhagar turned around and began to pick up speed, following Vermithor who descended into the clouds, in the opposite direction. This confused Aemond, knowing full well that Dragonstone was in the other direction. 

Vhagar began to pick up more speed, flapping her wings as she let out a roar, following Vermithor into the clouds. 

"I am Aemond, Rider of Vhagar. I am better than you!!" Aemond shouted, "You will not escape my grasp!!" 

Vhagar slowly broke through the clouds as Vermithor roared loudly in the distance. Both dragon and rider had their vision briefly obstructed and as Vhagar composed herself while breaking into a calm space in the clouds, Vermithor's roar subsided. 

"What...?" Aemond said as he looked around, "Where is-" 

Suddenly, the figure of the Bronze Fury broke through a cloud and flew meters above their heads, startling both rider and dragon. Vhagar let out a roar as she began to turn around, her mouth glowing bright red. 

Aerion looked back at this and chuckled, "Can't keep up, huh?" He said as he patted Vermithor's hide

"Up, higher." He commanded the dragon in High-Valyrian, "Let's go home." 

He steered Vermithor higher up, breaking through the clouds and into the lull that was the sky above the storm. Vermithor let out a roar, announcing his presence to anyone in the vicinity. This, of course, was an act of dominance. The Bronze Fury didn't care who he was up against, whether it be the Blood Wyrm, The Red Queen, or Visenya's Mount. He was Vermithor, Aerion's Dragon. 

Aerion chuckled as he wiped his forehead, "Yea...." He said, "I feel you, old grouch.....Oh, here she comes." 

Aerion steered Vermithor to avoid the massive maw of Vhagar as she burst through the clouds, chomping on air. 

"There you are!!" Aemond shouted as he looked at Aerion

Vermithor slowly circled around Vhagar, who composed herself as she growled viciously. 

"Oh, there was killing intent behind that." Aerion said with a bit of surprised, "I am surprised, Aemond. Didn't think you had it in you." 

"It's a new era, Aerion." Aemond called as Vhagar slowly made her way towards Vermithor, "Tell your Wife to surrender, Aegon is the rightful king. I won't let her Bastards be in line for what's rightfully his." 

Aerion scowled as Vermithor roared, "Say that again...." 

"Her sons are bastards, Aerion!!" Aemond shouted, "You know that, you've always known that! If she's to be Queen, at least let me kill them so your children be the heirs." 

Aerion narrowed his eyes, "You've done it again, cousin. You've spewed treason." He said seriously as he steered Vermithor away, "This is my only warning, Aemond. Do not follow. If you do, I will not play games with you." 

"G-Games?!" Aemond shouted, "This is a game to you?!" 

"You've wanted this all along, haven't you? To ride your dragon alongside mine in the skies, chasing each other, eh?" Aerion said, "Well, you better have enjoyed that feeling..." 

"It won't happen again." 


[King's Landing]

Inside the Small Council Room, Otto was clearing his room, "Where is His Grace?" He asked the other members

"No word from him since his outburst earlier...." Lord Tyland said, "Mayhaps he's shut himself in his chambers.....He seemed rather upset." 

"The threat of war is still active." Otto said, "We have to take counter-measures against it. Sending Aemond to broker an alliance was wise of us. Now, we need to send word to the Riverlands and the North." 

"House Stark are allied to Rhaenyra and Lord Aerion." Lord Jasper said, "It will be difficult to sway them to our side. As for the Riverlands, Prince Daemon has been spotted near them. As far as we know, he's on their side." 

Otto sighed, "Just what we need." He said, "Aerion is one thing but if Daemon is with them, it means more trouble than what we've bargained for.....the two of them have always been at odds against each other, I've hoped that would aid us in this....but an united Aerion and Daemon...it would be an unstoppable force." 

"Agreed." The Grand Maester said, "Caraxes and Vermithor are arguably the mightiest dragons after Vhagar. The two of them could give that one a run for her money." 

"Yes well...let us hope we keep them separated." Lord Jasper said

"Indeed." Lord Tyland said, "There is the matter of-" 

"Lord Hand!!!!" A guard burst through the Small Council room, "This is urgent!!" 

Otto stood up as the other members did the same, "What is it?" He said with an annoyed face, "We're in the middle of something?" 

"I-It's the Queen, Queen Helaena!!" the guard panted, "Something terrible happened!!" 

Otto frowned, "What is it?" He stepped forth, "What happened?!" 

"S-She was walking towards the Dragonpit.....with the prince and princess....." The guard said as he looked down, "T-There was an accident.....nobody knows what exactly happened...but Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Jaehaera..." 

"They're dead....."