
House of the dragon: Big Bastard

Half Targaryen and half Northerner are never good signs. Hearing whispers in the back of your head is not good either. At least the whispers are right most of the time. Dark side is strong in this place. Should be fun. MC Has the Force and will get a dragon I own nothing but OCs

resistingsea · TV
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4 Chs

Fuck a Duck

Walking over to a bolder looking out past the mouth of my cave watching the sun resting in the middle of the sky feeling the Dark side in the background gently reminding me she is still there. Closing my eyes remembering the visions the dark side has sent me into twice now. The first time she sent me I grabbed three skills. After that, besides some light taunting, I have been left mostly alone. This time when I went into the 'vision' I received two books and had to fight a Jedi. A wounded and weakened Jedi but still.

I will have to observe for now, but the Dark side in absence of training is sending my mind into that temple. Looking down at my scabbed knuckles remember how I cut my fingers and came out of my 'dream' with the same wounds on my hands. Flexing my fingers popping them one by one and getting a satisfying crack.

Force Levitation uses the force to unsuspend me or another object against gravity, in a stable position without physical contact. This is easier than I thought it would be. Looking down at a fist-sized stone moving my hand as if I was carrying a plate. Moving my hand forward as the rock wobbled for a few moments. I slowly lift my palm watching the stone shake faster and faster. Before long the stone is floating above my waist.

Watching the unstable rock floating in place I lowered and raised it and down a few times feeling little to no strain doing this exercise. Dropping the rock I tried the other technique. Reaching out my hand to point at the stone I curled my finger slowly I watched as the stone slowly came toward me.

After doing this exercise for a while I started doing mental exercises with my new abilities. Meditating while levitating pebbles around me now and then pushing and pulling the rocks with a twitch of my finger.

Looking up at the sun realizing it has almost set below the horizon I prepared for bed sending out my sense one last time and abruptly stopping when feeling the biggest presence in the force I have felt within my range. I could almost taste the madness wafting off of the beast. A sense of mindless hunger overwhelmed almost every other thought I currently had. The Dark side gleefully pressed down the other panicked thoughts as the beast drew near.

Instead of fighting the Dark side, I gripped the parts attempting to invade my mind and suppress it. Pulling and twisting them toward the beast holding steady as the Dark side pressed further and further. A sense of elation spread across the force slamming into the Wyvern. Hearing a panicked roar spread across the open sea as the Wyvern didn't panic so much it backed down feeling the Dark side draw it further out of the madness pressing down on its thoughts.

Feeling the Dark side building up inside of the beast I watched the sky above me light up green with acidic green flames As the flames rained down on the sea down the coast from me I could feel the Dark side feeding the flames hoping to consume them. Watching the shadow of the beast spread its massive wings taking off sending small tidal waves out with each beat of its massive wings.

As it took off I felt another presence as I forgot to reign in my sense. It was smaller panicked racing back to back from where the big beast was. I could feel the force as it started to calm down peeking around and looking for its assailant. Feeling it coming closer to me I could feel its curiosity and wariness.

As it came around the mouth of the cave I spotted a silver-gray head peaking around the corner as I pulled back my sense. Looking at the spikey head of the Wyvern. Looking into the gray eyes of the beast as it tilted its head at me chirping. Grabbing some of my grilled fish I tossed it over to the beast as it beat its wings back landing further away from me.

It tilted its head sniffing the air as it cautiously almost hesitantly stepped forward licking the fish before it looked at me narrowing its eyes. Gently almost caressingly grabbed the fish tossing it into the back of its mouth and swallowing. It let out happy gurgling sounds as it padded closer to me slightly.

"Oh, you want more you overgrown greedy worm" It gave a little his as I laughed at it pealing back its lips threateningly. But through the force, I could feel its wariness fading slowly being replaced with hunger. Slowly walking over to the edge of the water I spread out my sense of feeling all of the fish in the water. Mentally reaching out to feel for a good-sized fish I reached out slowly closing my hand into a fist and capturing the fish. Slowly pulling out the fish hear the excited chirping behind me as the man-sized wyvern saw the fish coming out of the water towards it.

As it goes to take off for it the wyvern paused looking around and waiting for the bigger wyvern to come back to finish off the smaller wyvern. Feeling it starting to become nervous again I brought the fish right in front of it as it quickly swallowed it down looking for the bigger wyvern. I kept feeding it until it felt content slinking off deeper into the cave.

I walked over to my camp packing up all of my dried fish and water skins. Grabbing the water bucket I used levitation to fill it with water and then used it to douse them and headed to bed. As I settled down to go to sleep I looked deeper into the cave "Night you little shit." Hearing out raged squeaking sounds coming out from the deeper parts of the cave. I fell into a restful sleep while chuckling.

A/N: So a lot of people were confused by the 'vision' quests where he was mentally transported to the siege of the sith temple by the Jedi. That is pretty much it I could give him a Holocron but decided why not have the force make him work of it sending him back to that time. Hope you enjoyed the chapt.