
Hound Master In The Apocalypse

Leon, a 23 year old that lives in his apartment goes to the store one day to obtain sustenance from a grocery store across the street from his apartment. All of a sudden a huge earthquake shakes everyone off their feet. Once the earth settles something unexpected happens. Zombies appear out of nowhere and attack everyone on sight.

Sylvan_Cornett · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

16. New Class!

As he's scanning through his character page, everything looks normal except for one thing.

Class: Hound Master

That's something he hasn't seen before. Also his main stat, intelligence, got doubled. This is such a massive upgrade. The Hound Master class description says that whenever he uses any dog like creature to fight they will get a bonus in overall strength.

That means both his summons are going to be much stronger from here on. It doesn't say how much stronger so he will have to test them out on the next fight.

After resting for a bit they decide to move on to the next room. He and Alexis put there hands on the crystal and are instantly teleported away.

This time the crystal takes them to a similarly small room. There's only one hallway leading out of the room so they carefully enter.

After exploring for another hour they start to get a pretty good idea of how this tower works. Apparently they are going to have to fight their way up each floor. Every so many floors there will be a boss they will have to defeat.

On the other floors they only encounter normal enemies such as zombies and skeletons. So far they've only had to fight mostly the undead type of creatures.

Slowly they make there way through the various floors of the tower until they finally reach the next boss floor.

By touching the floating crystal they appear in another room just like the first. The only difference is the golden throne at the end of the room. A skeleton wearing golden armor rests upon the throne. He looks like some sort of ancient king.

Leon tells Alexis to get a safe distance away. She stays next to the crystal and Leon approaches the golden throne with both Spike and Edgar at the ready.

After a couple of steps the skeleton starts shaking violently. A glowing wisp emerges from the ground and flies straight into the skeleton body. After a moment the skeleton goes still. Then it's eyes shine with a bright blue light giving Leon the chills.

It slowly rises up on its feet and scans the group that intruded in its domain.


It let's out a horrifying screech while pointing directly at the challengers.

It then reaches down and pulls out a one handed golden sword and a shield. With the loud clank of its armor it starts taking its first steps towards the intruders.

Leon pulls out his bow and commands the two summons to charge. They burst forward ready to attack the skeleton. Leon quickly releases a few arrows trying to gain its aggro.

Some of the arrows hit but do very little damage. He dodges the rest of the arrows easily. The skeleton becomes agitated by Leon's attack and makes a by-line for him.

This is just what he wanted.

Spike and Edgar arrive in front of the skeleton and pounce on him. Spike unleashes the bone spikes covering his body and leaps onto the skeleton. It grabs spike and is trying to wrestle him off when a pungent smell fills the air.

Edgar's poison breath slowly covers the area around the skeleton. The armor on its legs slowly melts and drip to the floor.

The skeleton gets a burst of rage and throws spike a couple of feet away and jumps out of the poison cloud. He looks around for Leon and when he finds him he breaks off into a full sprint.

He ignores the summons to attack Leon. Since this skeleton is a higher level it also has a high level of intelligence and understands that if he kills the summoner than his summons will also disappear.

Leon quickly switches to his azure sword and prepares to clash with the skeleton.


Leon holds his sword up at an angle as the skeleton uses an over head strike. Both swords clash and grind together shooting off sparks in every direction.

Leon locks eyes with the skeleton, even though the skeleton only has eye sockets, and with all his might he pushes his sword and knocks the skeleton a few feet away.

It digs its heels into the ground to keep from sliding away. Leon releases an energy slash from the azure sword aimed straight for the skeletons neck.

The skeleton ducks below the energy slash and swiftly dashes forward only to be intercepted by a large wolf made of bones. Spike smashes into the skeleton with bone spikes protruding from his body.

The bone spikes pierce through the skeletons body while glancing his golden armor. The spikes penetrate through the skeletons bones holding him in place.

This is the perfect opportunity to finish him. Leon commands Edgar to help spike keep him pinned. The skeleton realizes the danger it's in and begins to struggle with all its might.

It's bones creak under the immense pressure. Just as he begins lifting spike off the ground, Edgar pounces on its back holding it in place.

During this Leon runs forward and jams his sword up under the skeletons jaw. He uses the sword like a lever and pulls down on the sword while trying to separate its skull from its body.

Meanwhile the skeleton is struggling with all its strength trying to break free. It's bones are making an ominous creaking sound.

With one last pull and a loud crack, the skull breaks free of its neck bones and falls to the floor. The light in its eyes slowly dims and fades away.

With a crash, the skeleton falls to the ground as a pile of bones. Leon takes a breath of relief.

He walks over to the pile of bones to see what this powerful enemy would drop. Sifting through the bones he only manages to retrieve the golden chest plate it was wearing and a C rank core.

He lifted up the golden chest plate and carefully dusted off the bone dust. It was a beautiful piece of armor. It had different engravings covering its surface.

He slipped the chest plate on under his cloak. As he did this it actually morphed to fit his exact shape and size. Extending out from the chest plate a gold liquid covered his arms and legs and formed a full body set of golden armor with intricate engravings.

He even had a golden metal knights helmet covering his face with only a small slit for his eyes. After donning the armor he took a few steps to test his mobility.

Normally with a full set of armor like this he would be much heavier and slower. Although, he noticed that the armor was extremely light. He ran in circles and jumped up and down but it felt like he wasn't even wearing any armor.

"Amazing! It's incredibly light. " he exclaimed in surprise.

With his azure sword hanging on his hip and his black cloak draped over his new golden armor he looks sort of like a king. He also thinks it would be a good disguise if he ever needed one.

Alexis runs over when she's sees the fighting is done.

"Brother looks so cool!"

She starts running in circles around him taking in every detail of his new armor.

"Okay okay, calm down!" he chuckles.

After Alexis calms down, they walk over to the back of the room where a floating green crystal hovers, and they place their hands on it.

Like before, they get teleported to another room with a chest. The chest looks similar to the armor he got from the skeleton. It's a gold chest covered with engravings.

He lifts up the lid of the chest and the only thing he sees inside is a small blue cube around the size of his fist. He lifts the cube out of the chest and holds it up inspecting it.

A blue window pops up showing the details of the cube.

It's called a mana cube. It can be charged with the user's mana like a battery and can be used whenever needed. Also when holding the cube it gives a 20% mana reduction to all spells.

"This is really good! If other people found out about this they would do anything to get their hands on it."

While resting in the room with the chest, Leon wonders to himself how many floors are in this tower? How long will it take for them to reach the end?


A few hours have past since Leon and Alexis entered the chest room. They decided to rest here for a while and make some food as well.

When Leon finishes eating he figures its a good time to replace the bandages on his face. He carefully removes the blood stained bandages from his face and places them on the ground.

Unfortunately he doesn't have a mirror or anything so he asks Alexis.

"How's it look Alex? I'm stunning right?"

She moves in front of him to take a closer look. Leon sits there while she inspects his face.

"Mmm, your face is healing pretty good. You'll still have scars though..."

He figured as much. He did get half his face clawed off.

"What are you going to do about your eye though?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's gone. Are you gonna get an eye patch or something?"

"I'm not sure, I can't say I haven't thought about it. Actually I have an idea!"

Alexis looks at him confusedly while he digs around in his backpack. After a few seconds he pulls out the orb of clarity he got before. It's actually the same size as an eyeball so hopefully this will work.