
HOTD: The Crafting Dead

Kurogane Shun was your average University student until one night, something extraordinary happened to him. The next day, another extraordinary thing happened...the whole world was plunged into a zombie apocalypse. Was it a coincidence that after he experienced such a thing, the next day an apocalypse happened?

Blanc_Canvas · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


Morning came and Shun started preparing to move. He eyed the next building top which was only a meter apart though it was a bit lower than where he currently stood. He didn't move yet though as he ate breakfast first.


After packing up, he jumped down to the next building. He had his bow tied on his back with some rope and his arrows were in the duffel back along with his homemade Molotov.

"Now how to get out of here," He scanned the place, there was the option of going down from the building but that was risky. He walked around trying to see if he could find a way down.

And soon he noticed a steel ladder at the side leading down.

"Lucky..." He grinned victoriously. He then slowly and carefully climbed down since was still carrying a duffel bag. While climbing down, he looked downwards and noticed a zombie wandering in the alley between the buildings.

He slowed down to not create more noise. This was one thing he discovered while escaping, these zombies were attracted by noise and they're blind or at least visually lacking.

Soon after he neared the bottom, he jumped down and with his free hand, he unsheathed his combat knife and stabbed the unsuspecting zombie behind its head.

*Schulk~!* *Thud!*


Shun sighed but there are more important things to do. He cautiously walked out of the alley and peeked out. He saw multiple zombies roaming aimlessly. He continued scanning the place and saw many abandoned vehicles on the road.

He then retreated back a bit into the alley and took out one Molotov. He then slowly walked out of the alley and threw the bottle away where it hit a building meters away from him.


The noise attracted the zombies and they started rushing to where the bottle broke however they started burning as they got to it. However, as if they had no pain, they continued while fire engulfed them.

Meanwhile, Shun already walked away in the opposite direction where he passed by the abandoned vehicles. He scanned those he passed by to see if the key was left. Finally, when he passed by an SUV, he noticed the key was in and the door was left open. Though he saw some blood splattered on the hood, he ignored it.

He checked the back seat and there was no one. He quickly got in and put his baggage on the passenger seat and closed the door. Then he started the car which attracted some nearby zombies.

He backed the car crushing some zombies and then turning it before driving off.

"Yeah–! Hahaha;" He excitedly laughed. With his new ride, he headed for the Onbetsu Bridge connecting the other part of the city divided by a river.

The journey took him almost an hour due to interference from zombies. But when he arrived, he saw a big crowd on it as well as zombies. He quickly drove off to a shallow part of the river where he crossed it.

Arriving at the other side of the river, he abandoned his vehicle since it wouldn't be able to go up.

When Shun walked out on the road, he noticed it was silent all around. He once again felt something was off.

"It's too quiet...that isn't a good sign," He muttered. He started walking while staying vigilant. "...The Dojo is still far..."

He thought of his destination. It would probably take him half a day more before reaching it and that is if nothing drastic happens.

As he walked deeper into the neighborhood, he started encountering zombies. At first, it was one or two of then it became more frequent.

*Swish* *Swish*

*Thud!* *Thud!*

Two zombies fell with arrows stuck on their heads.

Shun walked over and plucked his arrows out. Luckily they weren't barbed arrows so it was easier to pull out and is resuable.

"This is getting dangerous," He glanced at the group of zombies he killed. If he ventures further inside this neighborhood, he will probably encounter more zombies.

Shun eyed the walls of houses. He walked over climbed up and started walking. The wall was over two meters so zombies should have been able to get him even if there are hordes of them.

He continued walking further inside and occasionally needed to come down to climb the next wall disconnected by a road. And as he expected, hordes of zombies were roaming.

He continued on his journey while avoiding the most crowded streets. And finally, he saw an area with a steel wire.

"Hm?" It was then that Shun, who stood atop a roof heard an engine coming. And moments later, he spotted a Humvee approaching his general direction mowing zombies along the way.

It was then he noticed the figure of a swordswoman on top of the vehicle roof swatting away flying zombies coming her way.

Remembering the steel wires below, he bellowed a warning to the approaching vehicle.

"Steel wires ahead–!"

As if the driver heard him, he/she stepped on the brake and quickly turned the vehicle sidewards. It slid through the blood and innards of zombies crushed under the vehicle before hitting the wires.

"Saeko–!" Shun shouted in worry as the purple-haired girl wielding a wooden sword was thrown off. He heaved a sigh of relief after seeing her land safely. Her other companions, however, were not as smooth in landing.

"Shit!" Shun cursed out loud after seeing the horde of zombies already near the group below. He quickly jumped down the roof where he stood and ran towards a position near the group.

He then put down his duffel bag and started bringing out his arrows. He didn't use Molotovs as the group could be implicated. Fighting burning zombies is far more dangerous.

"Saeko! I'll support you from behind," He addressed the girl he had known since middle school. "And you, those that can't fight go over the steel wires fast. You'll only be a burden." He turned towards the rest of the group mainly the busty blonde, the pink-haired twin-tails girl, and the little girl.

"Shun-senpai?!" Saeko turned toward where she heard the voice and exclaimed upon seeing someone she knew.

"We can greet each other later, focus on killing them." Shun reminded her to which she nodded.

Shun also started firing arrows as much as he could. Each shot hit a zombie square in the head. The fight prolonged as the other two boys joined. The fat guy wielded a shotgun while the other shot a heavy caliber sniper rifle while using a girl as a stand.

Saeko on the other hand bashed zombies left and right with a sadistic smile on her face.

Time passed quickly but the fighters didn't notice as they solely focused on killing. They were brought out of their concentration when they heard a voice coming from behind.

"Please retreat!"

The sudden voice surprised Shun and the others fighting but Saeko still continued killing while slowly retreating.

Shun looked down and all his arrows were gone. Saeko was quite far from the group as she rushed out to kill. And in her killing spree, she didn't notice how far she's gone.

"Saeko, run here!" Shun noticed the newly arrived group readying their water hoses to pump water to those zombies. Saeko would get caught if she stayed there. The two boys also started retreating.

Saeko nodded after hearing Shun and started running towards where he stood. He stretched out his arm and she jumped to grab it. He then pulled her up to his position but due to the sudden force, he was forcefully laid on his back while Saeko got thrown on top of him.

On the other hand, the firefighters pumped out strong pressurized water toward the horde which killed those in front while pushing the rest.

Back to Shun and Saeko, she had already gotten off him.

"Haa...haa...Glad to see you alive, Saeko." Shun grinned at her cheekily.

"You as well, senpai." She returned a smile to him.