
HOTD: Echoes of Extinction

The dead began to rise and Japan was thrown into total chaos. As these monsters begin terrorizing a high school, the once-familiar halls of William's high school transform into a harrowing battleground for survival. The contagion spreads rapidly, turning students and teachers alike into relentless, flesh-hungry zombies. In the chaos that ensues, William must navigate the now perilous corridors, relying on his quick wit and survival instincts. Haunted by the memories of his former classmates turned into monstrous threats, William must confront the harsh realities of the new world. With each passing day, he learns that the true test of survival goes beyond evading the undead – it demands adaptation, trust, and sometimes the sacrifice of one's humanity. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Author Note: Well I'll do the classic author stick which is saying English isn't my first language lol. (Well it's true) This is also of mashup of a bunch of anime but HOTD is the focus at the moment. Also the first arc is pretty slow since it's slice of life.

Ste1nzzz · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 5

Ah, Saturday, the day of weekend wonders and potential escapades. I decided to grace the world with my presence, donning an outfit that screamed casual cool – or at least, that was the plan.

As I slipped on some clothes, I couldn't help but throw a quip. "Because nothing says 'I'm ready for a chill weekend' like a pair of mismatched socks," I mused to myself, admiring my fashion masterpiece.

With my masterpiece complete, I ventured towards Riri's house, ready for whatever weekend escapade awaited. I knocked on the door, fully expecting a day brimming with epic fun time park shenanigans – and maybe a sprinkle of picnic basket for good measure.

After what felt like an eternity of waiting – seriously, do women have secret rituals for putting on clothes? – Riri finally emerged, accompanied by her younger sister, Ruu Wakasa.

Ruu, a young petite girl with ash-blonde hair adorned with scrunchies, bounded towards me with infectious energy. "Nii-chan!" she exclaimed, tackling me in a hug.

I caught her mid-air, playfully patting her head. She giggled, burying her head against my chest. I couldn't help but reminisce about a time when Ruu wouldn't even speak to me during Riri's hangouts. Now, she was a lively companion, especially when it came to our shared love for zombie movies – a genre Riri detested.

I remember the times when Ruu remained quiet during our interactions.


The doorbell chimed, heralding Ruru's arrival. With a smile, I swung the door open.

"Hey, Ruru! Ready to hang out?" I greeted her, my excitement matching the promise of our day.

"Yeah, I'm ready to play some games. But, I hope you don't mind; I brought my sister with me since grandma is out with her friends," she explained, nudging her sister, Ruu, forward.

Ruu, with a small bow, introduced herself, "Ruu Wakasa."

"I'm Will. Nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand. However, she just stared at it, leading to an awkward head rub.

"Come on in," I invited, ushering them into the house.

After a few minutes of conversation with Ruru, she stood up and announced, "Will, I'm gonna pick some flowers. I'll be right back."

As she left, an odd thought crossed my mind. "That's odd; we don't have any flower patches in our yard. Oh well," I shrugged it off, focusing on the impending activities. "Okay, don't take too long."

With Ruru gone, a brief silence settled in the room. Trying to break it, I opted for my trusty icebreaker.

"So, do you like any movies?" I asked Ruu, but my question hung in the air unanswered.

"Well, that's a bust," I sighed internally, awkwardly glancing at her. However, her eyes were fixed on my Zombie Mayhem movie poster.

Spotting a potential opening, I ventured, "So, have you seen the new Zombie Mayhem 2: Zombie Island?"

Her eyes sparkled momentarily. "I only watched the first one, but Grandma turned off the TV before I could finish it..."

"Well, you're in luck. I have both DVDs right here," I announced, swiftly setting up the DVD player. We settled in to watch Zombie Mayhem: Dead End, her eyes glued to the TV as we provided commentary and debated the best course of action in each scenario. The living room transformed into a battleground of cinematic opinions and laughter, setting the stage for a unique bonding experience.

The movie unfolds, revealing a hospital overrun with the undead. The main character finds himself trapped in the emergency room, setting the stage for an inevitable encounter with the horde.

"Hey, Ruu, if you were in that situation, what would you do?" I asked, curious about her approach to zombie survival.

Ruu looked at me with a thoughtful expression. "Well, Nii-chan, I would block the doors," she suggested, contemplating the potential strategies.

Our conversation delved into the intricacies of zombie survival. While I, seasoned by countless apocalyptic movies, proposed intricate plans involving makeshift weapons and strategic maneuvers, Ruu, the newcomer to the realm of undead mayhem, offered simpler yet pragmatic ideas.

"I'd gather medical supplies," I suggested, emphasizing the importance of being prepared for injuries.

Ruu countered, "But what if we need to escape quickly? We can't carry too much stuff."

As the conversation unfolded, we found ourselves disagreeing on certain points. However, in the spirit of collaboration, we navigated the maze of opinions and eventually reached a consensus. Will, the seasoned expert, and Ruu, the fresh perspective, forged a hybrid strategy that blended experience with innovative thinking. Together, we prepared for a fictional apocalypse, each contributing a unique perspective to the hypothetical survival plan.

"Well, you know what's the best tool in a zombie apocalypse?" I asked, a mischievous grin playing on my face.

Ruu cutely tilted her head, contemplating the options. "Hmmm, a baseball bat?"

"Close, but no dice," I chuckled.

"Hmmm, a toolbox?" she guessed, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Nope, you're getting closer," I teased.

"I don't know, Nii-chan. What is it?" Ruu asked, her interest piqued.

"It's duct tape," I declared proudly.

She looked at me, a bit confused. I took the opportunity to enlighten her on the wonders of duct tape, explaining how it could repair tools, fashion makeshift weapons, and essentially serve as a versatile survival companion in the unpredictable world of a zombie apocalypse.

"You see, Ruu, duct tape is like the unsung hero of the apocalypse. First off, you can use it for quick fixes. Your weapon breaks? Boom, duct tape. Your shoe sole decides to part ways with the rest of the shoe? Duct tape it back together. It's the magical adhesive that holds the crumbling world together.

And let's not forget its versatile applications in fortifying our shelter. Need to reinforce barricades? Duct tape. Trying to secure windows against zombie intrusion? Duct tape. It's the ultimate DIY survival tool.

But that's not all. Picture this: you're on the run, supplies are scarce, and you need to fashion a makeshift bandage. What do you reach for? You guessed it, duct tape. It's not just adhesive tape; it's a medical marvel in a roll.

And let's not even get started on its role in crafting. Need to put together a quick trap? Duct tape. Want to MacGyver a sling for your arm or a holster for your weapon? Duct tape, my friend.

In the chaotic dance of survival, duct tape is our rhythm. It's not just about sticking things together; it's about adapting, overcoming, and making the most out of whatever the apocalypse throws our way. So, when the undead rise, and chaos reigns, remember this: duct tape will be your steadfast companion, the glue that binds your survival in the face of mayhem.

And, Ruu, let's not underestimate the emotional healing properties of duct tape. I mean, if it can patch up a leaky pipe, surely it can fix broken marriages, right? Just imagine, couples in the apocalypse rediscovering their love for each other, all thanks to a roll of trusty duct tape. Who knew adhesive magic had such a profound impact on matters of the heart?

But in all seriousness, the point is, duct tape is more than just a survival tool; it's a symbol of hope, an emblem of resilience. So, if the world ever finds itself in dire straits, remember this timeless piece of wisdom: when in doubt, tape it up with duct tape." I say it all in one breath.

Ruu, though a bit perplexed, nodded in agreement. 'I think she gets it,' I thought, satisfied that my impassioned ode to duct tape had at least made a mark, even if it was met with a hint of confusion. Sometimes, in the whimsical world of survival discussions, a touch of humor and a dash of absurdity can make even the most unconventional ideas seem plausible.


"Hey, Ruu, ready to play?" I asked, the grin on my face reflecting the genuine joy of the present moment.

She nodded with infectious energy, her enthusiasm pulling me along like her life depended on it. Riri smiles and walks with us while holding Ruu's hand.

The park unfolded before us, a canvas of possibilities ready to be painted with laughter and playful antics. Our game of hide and seek commenced, and the vibrant energy of childhood enthusiasm filled the air.

Ruu, then pointed at me. "Alright, close your eyes and count to ten, Nii-chan!"

"Got it," I replied, playfully covering my eyes. As I counted, the sound of giggles and hurried footsteps revealed the spirited attempts of Ruu and Riri finding the perfect hiding spots.

"Ten! Ready or not, here I come!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air. The chase began, with Ruu and Riri skillfully evading my attempts to uncover their hiding places. Amid the merry chaos, the hide n seek game has ended when I found them. I found Riri hidden behind a tree while Ruu hid beneath a table. The poor girl thought I couldn't see her.

After the hide and seek thrill, we moved to the playground. Ruu immediately went to the swings, as her laughter carried by the wind, while Ruru joined her afterwards as they asked me to push them forward. 

As I was pushing the swing Ruu suddenly jumped off as she landed, Ruu grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Nii-chan, you can't catch me!" she declared, running away from the playground.

"Oh, it's on!" I responded, chasing after her. After a few minutes Ruru joined and she ran away from me as after of tagging multiple times I'm back to being it again.

"I'm it!" I declared, chasing after Ruu and Riri, who giggled and darted through the playground with gleeful abandon.

Ruu, the agile and energetic one, skillfully maneuvered around the play structures, occasionally calling out, "Nii-chan, you'll never catch us!"

Riri, showing surprising agility, expertly dodged my attempts to tag her. "You're going down, Will!" she teased, her laughter blending with the rustling leaves and the distant sounds of other children playing in the park.

As we weaved through the playground, the atmosphere buzzed with the infectious joy of our game. "You two are faster than I thought!" I exclaimed, pretending to be winded as they continued to elude my pursuit.

Ruu, looking over her shoulder with a mischievous grin, teased, "Come on, Nii-chan, catch us if you can!"

Our laughter echoed across the park with the delighted cheers of other kids in the park. Ruu suddenly went off the park as her hat flew off in the wind. Ruu's hat fluttered onto the road. Without a second thought, she dashed after it, and instinctively, I followed suit. As we reached the edge of the pavement, a gut-wrenching realization hit me – a fast-approaching truck thundered down the road, oblivious to the impending danger.

My heart raced, pounding against my chest as I sprinted, desperately closing the distance between Ruu and the oncoming danger. The deafening roar of the truck drowned out every other sound, and the world around us blurred into a chaotic whirlwind.

With every stride, the threat loomed larger, and a surge of adrenaline fueled my desperate attempt to reach Ruu in time. Just as the truck bore down on her, I lunged forward, tackling her out of harm's way.

The screech of tires and the roar of the passing truck echoed in the aftermath of the near-catastrophe. Ruu, though physically unharmed, looked shaken. She buried her head on my chest, seeking comfort in the aftermath of the narrowly avoided disaster.

Riri rushed over, her eyes wide with fear and concern. "Will, are you and Ruu okay? Are you both hurt?" Her embrace enveloped both Ruu and me, the tension in the air palpable. Ruu, overcome with the magnitude of what just occurred, shed tears that mirrored the collective relief and anxiety we all felt.

The truck, not even stopping just went past the street and disappeared, not even acknowledging our presence.

I gently patted Ruu's head, offering a reassuring smile as I attempted to inject a touch of normalcy into the lingering tension. "Tag, you're it," I playfully declared, hoping to shift the focus away from the recent scare.

Ruu, though still shaken, managed a smile, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and the lingering jitters. "It's not fair, Nii-chan," she teased, a hint of playful protest in her voice.

As we stood there, the park returned to its lively rhythm. Other children laughed and played, blissfully unaware of the close call we had just experienced. 

I then looked at them as I see them physically shaken I then asked to ease the tension. "How about I buy you guys some ice cream? It's getting hot, after all." 

Ruu's eyes still dripping with tears looks up, and she eagerly gestured for a piggyback ride. "Carry me!" she exclaimed. With Ruu on my back and Riri walking alongside us, we made our way to the ice cream vendor.

As the sun began its descent, casting warm hues across the horizon, I found myself carrying a peacefully sleeping Ruu. The golden glow of the sunset framed our journey home.

Upon reaching their house, Riri expressed her gratitude with a heartfelt "Thank you." However, the weight of what could have been lingered in her eyes. She began to express her inner turmoil, fearing the worst, but I interrupted her with a comforting hug.

"It's not your fault, Riri. We should blame the truck. Maybe we can get some money out of it," I joked, attempting to lighten the mood.

She chuckled through her tears, and it took a while to calm her down. As she lifted her head, gratitude evident in her eyes, she whispered a sincere "Thank you" and held my hand as we walked towards our respective homes.