
37 R18


112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


The most awkward situation I have ever been in, I think even if I include my last life as well. It is similar to the time when I was a young boy and I was set Infront of a urinal and expected to use it. I was surrounded by grown men I had never seen before and it freaked me out and left a memory deep in my mind. Now this situation is probably ten times worse, sitting at a table knowing I will soon consummate my marriage. The kicker is the almost pained look I see whenever King Viserys looks into my eyes.

Like I could never understand what he is feeling at this moment, his wife up and left after the vows and binding and he is left alone. Then he has to sit through the last of the feast that is slowly devolving into a drinking match. Then he looks at the man who is about to take his daughter to bed... I would be freaking out.

"If you plan on sneaking out and not having them try to push the 'tradition' through I would suggest leaving now. If you do not they are only getting deeper into their cups and it will not be long before the first person shouts 'bedding ceremony'." My Mother warns from beside me as she pretends to take a sip of her wine. "They are only half paying attention, just stand up and take her by the arm and go." I lick my lips as my heart starts hammering and I know she is right.

The King said there would be no stripping of his daughter and his good son but I doubt the drink Lords would give a shit. They are likely to try and get it through anyway, most just want to spot a naked princess anyway. Which is why I am pushing down the awkward and nervous feelings and pushing my chair out silently as I prepare to make a run for it.

We are supposed to head to her room and that is quite the distance from here for a bunch of drink people. I expect that once we make it out of the room we will be in the home clear, but I am keeping a waterskin on me. I can always play off a waterskin stashed on my person as just being thirsty since no one knows I can make a weapon out of it. At worst they think it's poison and I can drink some in front of them and all is well, the perfect weapon and defensive tool. I am quite literally fifty percent responsible for my wife's protection going forward, cant be caught lacking in a dark hallway.

Standing up smoothly and attempting to not attract attention I make my way around King Viserys. I pat the poor fucker on the back as he likely knows what is happening next and I see his fist resting on the table tighten. I ignore him as my eyes lock onto my bride and I hold my arm out for her to silently get the memo.

She looks around as she stands up smoothly also not dragging her chair or otherwise trying to attract attention. She loops her arm with mine and I head for the side exit where I see servants going in and out of. Going out the massive door just seems like trying to attract someone to shout something, even if I doubt they would do anything at this point. I am likely to just slap a bitch if he goes for my wife's clothes in front of all these people with my arm around hers.

Now if someone goes for her when it's less crowded and they are catching an icicle through the skull.

"Do not worry so much Daeron, if any Lady tried to tear off your clothes before me I would deal with her myself." She chuckles as I pick up the pace seeing a servant carrying a tray opening the door.

"I am more worried about having to knock someone over the head but it seems they all listened to their King after all. I am pleasantly surprised, I was not looking forward to having to get violent with someone on our wedding night." She hums in response and my nervousness kicks up to a higher degree as we round a corner.


"This is much harder than I expect it to be... I should have had Myriah come along to help." I sigh as I help Rhaenyra with her hair that is braided to high hell and back.

"I won't lie, this is one of the most complicated braids I have ever had my hair in." She chuckles as she sits in front of her mirror and tries to help me.

I do not know what I was expecting to do immediately upon entering the room with her, maybe kissing and slowly make our way to the bed or something. I was not expecting to have to learn to undo twisted-up hair while drinking wine and laughing when I make a mistake. It certainly killed any nervousness I had, I think it also did the same for her as well.

"It did look good, now it just looks like a mes- I got it!" The 'crown' slowly unwraps after undoing some parts and falls down into just long straight braids.

She laughs and I ignore her as I feel like I defeated a great foe, I wonder if this will become something common. I would not be against it, she usually has her hair just straight and falling down her back but this is a nice moment.

She stands up and sets her cup to the side as she runs her hands through her hair making sure it is all undone. She takes a last look in the mirror and gives a satisfied nod before turning around to face me with a small smile.

"Seems my Prince consort has some practical use after all, now I never have to worry about needing to summon a handmaiden to help let down my hair." Her lips form into a smirk as her eyes light up in amusement.

"Well, I suppose I could replace your handmaidens in their duties from now on, though they do more than put up and take down your hair if I had to guess. I wonder if you could walk me through the other things they help you with that I now need to assist with." Now it's my turn to smirk as she looks embarrassed.

"I suppose there are a few other things..." Her eyes lower to look at my lips as she shifts in place. "They help me get ready in the morning most days and that involves helping me with the more tricky parts of my outfit that I can not reach easily on my own." She turns and reaches around her back toward some laces that would be a pain to undo on her own.

"I see." I guess we are moving along, I reach up and start undoing the laces and I see the dress start to loosen around her shoulders.

Once the lace is undone the only thing keeping the dress up is her hands on the front of it and she is watching me in the mirror. I can practically feel the nervousness coming from her now that she is 'exposed'. But I don't want her to feel that way so I need to make her feel another way, leaning into her neck I press my lips against it.

She jolts and lets out a small gasp but otherwise does nothing to stop me as I kiss her neck. I wrap my arms around her from behind and grab her right hip with my left hand and vice versa. She leans her head against mine as I make the first love mark of hopefully many in our marriage.

I pull back from her neck and look down to see the small mark that is slowly forming, I meet her eyes in the mirror before she looks to where the mark is on her neck. The nervousness she had not but a few moments ago is long gone as her eyes ignite seeing the mark on her neck. She spins around in my arms and I find my hands now on her ass and her lips crashing into mine.

I don't like Arbor Gold very much, it's too sweet of a wine in my opinion but on Rhaenyras tongue I could grow to love it. She breaks the kiss only for a moment to take a breath and then reinitiates it with even more passion. Her dress starts to slip but she seems to not notice or not care as her hands instead run through my hair and pull my head down.

Knowing she might feel awkward if she realizes she is soon to be naked and I am fully clothed I break the kiss to fix that problem. She only seems to notice her dress has slipped down when she stares heatedly at my chest and stomach. She pulls up her dress almost on reflex before the situation sets in and she instead lets it drop more. She pulls her arms out of it and it falls to the floor leaving her in only her 'small clothes'.

Not one to be left behind I step on the heels of my shoes one at a time and remove them before slipping down my pants. We both take a moment to observe each other bodies and I find myself unable to tear my eyes from her breasts. I suppose it made sense in the dress she was wearing but not having anything else wrapped around her breasts left them exposed without it.

I step forward and slide my hands around to her back before pressing my lips against hers once more. She follows my lead as I help her step out of her dress without tripping, I grip her rear and hoist her up before heading to the bed. She whines into the kiss before breaking it and looking down at me and then toward the bed we are headed to.

"Scared?" I ask and she shakes her head before swooping in to continue kissing, this action sets aside any remaining concern I held.

I make it to the bed and lift a leg to place my knee on it before following up with my other, I then walk on my knees to the center. I drop Rhaenyra onto her ass right in front of me as I make a game plan for the next part. I want to take it slow and not make it more awkward than it already will be but before I know it she is lifting her hips and sliding her small clothes off.

My eyes widen as she tosses them to the side and is bare as the day she was born, her hands then move to my own as she sits up and presses her lips against my abs. Her warm and soft lips against my skin sends a jolt through me as I quickly help her remove the last of my clothes. With my hardened shaft before her face, she looks at it with a hard-to-read expression before looking up at me.

"Should I... you know?" She reaches up and grabs my cock in a show of confidence that does not reach her eyes as they dart between my own eyes and my member.

"Suck it? If that is what you mean you can decide on your own." She nods as she looks away from my eyes and narrows hers onto my cock.

"Next time, I want to get the 'hard' part over and I think I am ready." She lets go as she slides back on the bed toward the headboard.

She stops just shy of the headboard and pulls some pillows and stacks them up before laying on her back with her head propped up. She lifts her knees and spreads her legs showing off her sex while not meeting my eyes.

"Let's start." She seems like she is waiting for someone to just a Band-Aid off but I guess it would be better to say rip an arrow out, I shake my head.

I walk forward on my knees before placing a hand beside her head and getting in between her spread legs. I seal her lips with my own as I grab my cock in my free hand and rub the tip along her slit causing her to squirm beneath me. The kiss turns sloppy as I try to raise her arousal and find success as her slit gets hot and wet.

When I break the kiss and find her eyes clouded with lust once more and her hand reaching down to rub at her clit I know she is ready.

Thanks for reading!!!

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