


112 AC


Daeron Nymeros Martell


Unlike the Archery portion King Viserys showed up to watch the melee, there was a noticeable difference in the crowd with his presence here. Before even the participants all made it onto the battleground everyone is silent or only whispering. There are no loud conversations going on between family and friends as everyone instead seems to be preoccupied. At any given time there are at least hundreds of eyes looking into the royal box at the king as he sits front and center.

At least there was until he decided to make a major announcement here before everyone in attendance. I was caught off guard as I only expected to watch some people knock each other around and maybe a death or two. But the King shifted the attention from himself to his daughter and me with the announcement of the engagement.

"I could be convinced he did this on purpose." I whisper into my cup to hide my lips but speak loud enough for Rhaenyra on my side to hear me.

Her lips thin and she gives a small nod of acknowledgment but her eyes don't leave the field where men stand at the ready to do battle with blunted swords and shields. A certain man in dragon-themed armor that is black as coal has not looked away from me since the announcement. I half expect him to get his blood lust flowing in the melee and try to run me through if he can climb up here. Gaelithox almost seems to understand my uncomfortableness as he circles above within the clouds like a guardian angel.

A simple nose dive from being at my side and ready to roast anyone who thinks they're up to the task. I would still like to have a spear at my side but I could not bring one with me, plus with an ordinary spear I look kind of poor before all these people. There are minor houses with Valyrian steel weapons and yet I a dragon rider and the heir to Dorne use a normal steel spearhead. I plan to fix this problem as fast as possible but opportunities to buy one are nonexistent, so claiming on a battlefield is the only way.

A trip to Qohor may be necessary to reforge a sword into a spearhead and the leftovers can go into knives or a smaller sword might be necessary. Swords are the main weapon left around of Valyrian steel, an axe here and there but mainly swords. I plan on being shameless and taking any Valyrian steel I can as not just myself needs some but my brother and future sons and daughters if they want to fight. Myriah will get a dagger as she is most skilled with one and has spoken about wanting one.

But putting aside my lack of a showpiece to wave around and stab people with I plan to talk with Rhaenyra after this. I want to let her know my secret and in doing so open myself up in a way I haven't with anyone other than direct family. Funnily enough, though I am still only trusting family as not only she will be my wife but is technically also kind of my cousin. King Viserys is my cousin but I will just pretend he is more of an extended uncle until he is my father-in-law.

That also makes the man visibly angered at me out on the field also my 'uncle' even though he fits the cousin role a bit better. But I am sure he would never consider himself either of those things to me and I would only waste my time pursuing any familial relationship with him. He would sooner cut me up if I had to guess how he feels about me.


112 AC


Rhaenyra Targaryen


I was expecting him to announce it at the feast but he went ahead and did it here without even a warning. I am of the same opinion of my engaged that my Father did announce it on purpose with neither of us being ready. I don't doubt he will speak of it again tonight at the feast before the jousting starts tomorrow. But I had plans after this that I don't know if they will remain intact, Daeron wants to talk to me about something before he visits my mom.

Alicent seems taken aback by the announcement for some odd reason, she knew it was likely with the state of Dorne having dragons. But she seems to be sitting on needles and constantly shifting next to me, a question hidden within the depths of her eyes. I will ask her what's wrong once we leave here if she doesn't speak up on her own.

My uncle Prince Daemon if he wasn't wearing a helmet would likely be attracting more attention than the winged helmet he is wearing. The frown and glare are obvious just from his body language even with the heavy armor. Daeron has on a normal smile he wears around half the time but there is a burning fire in his eyes as he looks toward my uncle. The same fire in his eyes as when the Kingsguard drew steel on him at the Dragon pit, a purple matching his eyes but a hint of pink to it.

I almost wonder if I am just seeing things as whenever he looks toward me his eyes look fine. But other than the fire he seems to want to burn my uncle with his behavior has not changed. We are officially engaged now and it is publicly known, the entire realm will know within a week or less. There is no more 'if' and 'possibly' instead it is now only a matter of 'when' unless I ran off which I have no intention of doing.

I have come to appreciate Daeron so far, he is far better than I could have ever expected when I first heard of a Dornish man with a dragon. I have no complaints about attitude or appearance and he enjoys similar things as me so it is not a bad match even if the threat the Martells represent is ignored. I even am thinking if I met him and he did not have a dragon and was not a threat that I would approve of the marriage.

It is not some song or story where I feel like falling over just hearing his voice but instead it's a slow-building comfort. Similar to a small fire if I had to put it into words, every time we spend time together the fire grows a little more. I never expected this going into a political marriage, I never expected to marry, to begin with, if I am honest. But marrying Daeron is more freeing than I expected marriage to be, once we marry I will have options I did not have before.

In Dorne they could care less if a woman learns to fight, it is even encouraged in most Houses. Myriah can fight and defend herself at the very least, she may never ride off for war and glory but she can fight. I look forward to spending time in Sunspear with my new sister and learning from her to fight, even if it's only to defend myself I am still happy about it.

I can't wait to see the look on my father's face when he meets me after I spend some time in Dorne with my future husband and his family. He will be expecting me to return with a bunch of babies and maybe some tales of learning my future duties. I can't speak about the babies as it is a good possibility if that massage was anything to look forward to but my father won't expect a blade on my hip as well as a babe.

"You must be pleased with the announcement if your face is anything to go by." Alicent softly speaks beside me and I check if Daeron heard her but he seems to be focused on the field.

I turn to her with a slightly annoyed glare and she shrugs with a small smile but it does not reach her eyes. She seems out of place as she looks between Daeron and me and I wonder if she was starting to like him or if she is worried about me leaving. I have no idea when the wedding will be but after it, I will be beside my husband and if he is in Dorne I will also be in Dorne, she might be worried about that.

I also have a bitter taste in my mouth about not seeing my mom or my friend but it is unavoidable until I at least give him an heir. The good part is that a girl or a boy can be the heir in Dorne so only one is needed. I do not know if I will be having more than one but if my pregnancy is anything like what my mom goes through I believe I will only be having one. But if Daeron can massage me daily how he did on my legs it might not be that bad of an experience with all things said and done.

"I am not displeased." I leave it at that and she nods as I grab her hand and give it a firm grip. "Regardless of what happens I will be able to fly Syrax back to visit you every now and then, no one could stop me but I don't expect to be stopped. I actually am willing to bet I will have some company on my adventures back and forth between Sunspear and Kingslanding. Who knows you might be able to come to stay with us for a while, House Martell is building a place called the 'water gardens'. It is supposed to be for keeping the dragons away from people but also being comfortable and close to Sunspear, they will have massive pools of cool water from the ground. I think I will be able to convince the right people to get you an invitation to come to visit and see it for yourself." I speak loud enough for Daeron to hear and by the time I stop talking he gives a nod even as he watches the Melee start.

"It will be a nice and quiet place to relax and beat the heat from the Dornish sun, it will also be safe enough with the defenses I am having built and the dragons. It will be the place most of the future Martells are raised and educated." A polite way of saying we will raise our kids there and they will be safe and happy, which I appreciate.

He doesn't act the way I have seen some men act with their wives, many men seem to think of their wives as only wombs to make their future sons. He speaks in a way that shows a certain respect that I can only hope is genuine. Here in Kingslanding is one thing but once we head to Sunspear in the future is when I will see the real him. He won't have to worry nearly as much about the ears and eyes once we get there and if he is only pretending I will find out only then.

But I doubt he is anything less than what he has put forward, the time I have spent with him gives me the feeling he is being genuine. I have plenty of experience with people openly lying to my face and hiding their true intentions behind a mask.

"Thank you Prince Daeron, I look forward to an official invitation to persuade my father with when that time comes." Got to have it in writing on the off chance something happens to her down in the sands of Dorne.

He takes it well and smiles with a slight nod before looking back out to the field while pulling a cup of water to his lips. He knows what to expect, especially from people from the Reach and Stormlands. I study his features wondering what it is he wants to tell me before we go see my mom but I only notice his lips slightly curl up when he notices me. He winks before completely ignoring me and focusing on the remaining half of the fighters, more specifically my uncle. The same fire sparks in his eyes once more as he watches my uncle battle with different knights and Lord's sons.

A further look into how Rhaenyra views this upcoming marriage after the first official announcement of it. For those who will worry about it because I know a few will, yes they will actually love one another it just won't be right off the bat. They are attracted and are a good match, feeling will grow and strengthen.

Also yes I will do a POV of people like the small council reacting to the marriage announcement. Wouldnt be this time period if Otto didn't say something about something so it might be from his POV or Daemons after the Melee and before the feast.

Thanks for reading!!!

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