
Chapter 20




Many years later

"YOU'LL TELL me when the scary part is over. Right?" Lydia held her hands over her eyes and her head tilted to the side, covering one ear while her spare hand stuck a finger in the other.

I laughed, ignoring the bloodshed on our oversized TV and choosing instead to stare at the face of my beautiful wife. "Sure, babe."

When she called earlier saying she'd picked out our movie for the night, I hadn't asked her the title. It wasn't until the opening credits when a stripper had her head cut off with a machete that questions came up. Why would my blood-adverse wife want to watch this?

"Is it over yet?" she asked.

I checked the screen. A man dressed as a clown ran at a group of students as blood flew off his large knife. "Definitely not." I tightened my hold on her, hoping it would bring her comfort. "Why did you pick this?"

She sighed. "Mia said Nash loved it. I wanted to let you watch a movie you'd like for a change."