

Soft winds blew past the swaying meadows of green and yellow, dancing around the ancient brown trees and up into the bright blue sky with dashes of clouds. Travelling at a pace faster than one can sense, it flew past countless fields with animals, flowers, forests, and lakes all in the span of a few seconds. The winds dashed through branches and leaves, occasional isolated cottages and huts before eventually riding up along a waterfall to the top of a cliff.

If anyone was there, they would witness an utter miracle, where the winds slowly started swirling around and around, slowly turning from a translucent clear colour to a more pure marble white one. It slowly started forming a humanoid shape, then suddenly a glare of white light flashed and a young woman stood at the exact place where the winds swirled a second before. She had luxurious pearl skin, lean muscles, as well as long white hair that flowed gently up to his hips.

She appeared elegant and mature, wearing the silky thin white robe, whose sash hung loosely yet still displayed her alluring figure. Her aura was one that gave off a slight cold yet gentle, peaceful yet mystical feeling that made others naturally drawn to her charm. She slowly opened her eyes, which revealed a colour of azure blue that even the skies would naturally be jealous of.

Her eyes roamed across the scenery in front of her, and though a normal person could only see the fog made from the waterfall mist, she seemed to be able to see everything below it and more. After a while, she let out a small sigh barely audible to even herself and raised her head towards the heavens.

She parted her lush red lips, and spoke, "It seems that my time has come." A soft and melodic voice tumbled out, both seemingly quiet yet loud enough to resound and echo around the surrounding space. "I've lived in this world for more than countless millennia already, and I believe I've seen and experienced enough. All my past family members whose face I no longer recall have left me, leaving me to roam this vast land alone."

"All my close friends have long since perished in battle or have gone their own separate ways, becoming legends of their own right. Even my beloved has long since moved on, vanishing from the surface of the earth. I truly believe it's now my turn to do so as well." She raised her slender right hand, twirling two fingers once and summoning a small gust of wind.

The wind started forming a shape in her hand, to which eventually solidified into a plaque in the shape of a light blue snowflake, with additional strings of soft white material dangling over her wrist. She gazed at the keepsake that her beloved left for her before departing from the world, and a hint of tenderness showed in her emotionless eyes.

She took a deep breath, lowered her head then started to slowly chant, her enchanting voice filling up the area around her once again. The snowflake-like plaque in her hand started emitting a pure white glow and began hovering a couple of inches from her palm. As she continued chanting softly, the glow began to burn brighter into a white light, rising higher and higher in the process.

All the while, flurries of winds started gathering around the woman, becoming more and more fierce the longer she continued her chanting. Little over half a minute later, the winds had become so strong that her sash swayed precariously, threatening to undo itself, and the white light from the plaque was already blinding to the eyes.

Suddenly, the woman stopped chanting flipped her head up again, causing the plague to immediately turn it's aura from pure white to dreadful black, dying the world of death. It also caused some kind of suctioning effect that pulled the woman towards it, who didn't resist and let herself be picked up by the force and dragged into the air. The winds around here have already become so violent and strong that it was deafeningly loud and destroying land whenever it came in contact.

The plaque had risen a long distance away from the woman, so even with the fast suctioning pace, she would only arrive at least a minute later. It was sufficient enough time for her to say her last words to the world before she got sucked into the gaping void caused by the plaque which already was nowhere to be seen.

She thought once, then bellowed out in a cold, powerful, yet euphonious voice, "I, Lei Yufeng, announce to the four major lands and seven boundless seas that I will dutifully disintegrate and merge myself as part of this world. My essence and qi shall be cast across the lands, giving blessings and plentiful offerings for generations to come."

"This shall be my parting gift to the land that housed me and nurtured me, that also taught me vast knowledge and priceless wisdom. I hope that even eons later, my name along with my beloved's will still be part of a famous legend told from a mother to child when night comes. May God watch over you till eternity thus ends."

With that, Lei Yufeng arrived at the black hole now wide enough to swallow an entire expanse and felt numb needle-like pricks emerging all over her body. She glanced at her arms, and saw them disintegrating, and knew that these pricks were actually meant to be a pain, though it had been too long for her to even react to it now.

She suddenly couldn't see even a sliver of light anymore now and knew that she had fully entered the black hole and no longer had any way of turning back. With the sudden dawn of death upon her, she started softly laughing, then raising her voice to laugh loudly and openly, as if without a care in the entire world. It had been so long that she had forgotten what joy it was to laugh, and for the first time in many centuries, her voice was filled with exhilaration.

She could slowly feel her life essence bit by bit scattering, and her powers leaving her and being scattered along with the winds to each corner of the world. As she was the only high goddess to ever occur in the history of mankind, the mourning period for the mortals down below would certainly be harsh and brutal. However, after the ten days and nights of darkness were over, their gains would undoubtedly exceed their risks, so they would be grateful for it nevertheless.

Finally, Yufeng could feel her consciousness slowly slipping away from her, and she knew that her end had finally come. She let out one last unrestrained smile before the darkness bore down on her and torn her apart whole. Her last thought and wish were that if she was to be reborn again, she would reunite with her beloved once more and they would travel the world together in another life again.

Eventually, the gaping black hole started slowly closing, but the darkness that its aura displayed didn't disappear. On the contrary, it spread far and wide, covering many mountains and human civilizations, even turning the green and blue seas and skies into a murky black colour. Crops withered wherever it touched, and animals started suffocating and birds started dropping from the skies.

The ten-day and night mourning period had arrived, and so long as the humans managed to concur this obstacle, they would no doubt later live a wealthy and blessed lifestyle in the future. However, this no longer had anything to do with Yufeng anymore. Even though her life had ended in this world, her journey was far from finished, as a brand new world filled with countless other experiences were awaiting her to encounter.

An absolute novice at writing stories. Dunno if this will even get read. Prob won't update again unless I see people want it. See ya!

Lasting_Raincreators' thoughts