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[The Skeleton Brothers Home]

(Red's POV)

Red had woken up presumably late, but was surprised his brother did not come to wake him and call him out for being a "lazy bones". So he teleported downstairs, not bothering to read the clock, and went to the kitchen to grab breakfast. He walked into the area and found a little note hanging on the fridge. He pulled it away from the magnet that kept it in place and read it to himself.

"Dear brother, I'll be back around noon with some food. I was in a rush this morning for Guard duties. I am permitting you the day off, so have fun. Sincerely, your brother, Papyrus."

"Aw, thanks bro," he said to himself and smiled. He set the note aside, grabbed himself some mustard, and decided to do stuff around the house.


Around noon time, Red was sitting on the couch, watching some MTTtv, when his little brother came in.

"Sans! Are you home?" Edge called out.

"Yup, over here, bro." Red stayed on the couch.

"I brought you some of those greasy burgers and fries you seem to like so much from Grillby's." Edge handed a semi greasy bag to Red.

"Aw, ya didn't have to bro-"

"Can't I do something nice for my big brother? After all I've done to you… it's the least I can do for you, Sans..." Edge sighed and crossed his arms.

"Paps, c'mon, I already said I forgave ya. That shit is in the past, alright?"

Edge sighed again and nodded at what Red said.

"Now, let's eat," Red added, pulling a burger out of the bag, and offered another to Edge.

"I am NOT eating that filthy grease," Edge said with a somewhat disgusted tone.

"Eh, your loss. More for me then. By the way, how was your day?" Red bit into his food with his sharp teeth.

"No humans, and I had a chat with Undyne. You?" Edge sat down.

"I tried cleaning the house while you were gone, but uh... I didn't get very far, as you can see," Red chuckled.

"Hmm, it's not as bad as before I suppose. Good job, Sans."

Red smiled at the praise from his brother.

"Sooooo," Edge continued, "I was thinking about a sleepover with our friends." Still feeling the need to make it up to his brother about the past.

"Hm? That sounds cool, who are we gonna invite?" Red took another bite of his burger after he spoke.

"I was thinking Undyne and Alphys."

Red nodded and swallowed his food.

"Mind if I invite Blue and Stretch too?" Red asked.

"I don't see why not." Edge nodded.

"Great, I'll tell Blue to come over with his bro and you shoot a text to Undyne to bring Alph."

They both grabbed their phones and started texting.


Reds Text to Blue: (Red's Pov.)

Red: yo

The Marshmallow: hello, Red

Red: I was wondering if you and ur bro would like to come over for a sleepover? My place

The Marshmallow: sounds great, Red! I'll tell Papy right now, when should we be there?

Red: any time is good, just not too late y'know. See ya there, Blue

The Marshmallow: you too, Red


Red blushed just ever so slightly while talking to Blue and put his phone in his jacket pocket when he finished.

"Blue said he and his bro are coming."

Edge nodded and set his phone on the table.

"As are Undyne and Alphys," Edge added.

Red nodded and they waited for their guests to arrive.

꧁꧂꧁a few hours later ꧂꧁꧂

There was a soft and polite knock at the door. Red immediately guessed it was Blue and Stretch and went to get the door to greet them.

"Hey Blue, 'sup Stretch."

The smaller, blue-clothed skeleton smiled at Red and responded with a "Hi," while the taller orange wearing one gave a simple nod. Red let them in.

"Thanks for inviting us, Red." Blue smiled.

"No problem, Blue." Red smiled and scratched the back of his skull.

"You can set your stuff in my room while we wait for the others to arrive." Edge said as he walked to them and greeted the two.

Blue and Stretch nodded and went upstairs to do so. Suddenly there was brash 'knocking '-more like banging- coming from behind the door.

"Yo, punks! Let us in!"

"I got it!" Red hurried back to the door to see Undyne and Alphys.

"'Sup, Sans! Thanks for inviting us," Undyne said as she smiled and marched in.

"Y-yes, d-domo arigato, Sans-kun." Alphys stepped in.

Red didn't know what the hell that meant and just went with it.

"Set your stuff in Paps' room," Red closed the door and sat on the couch as Undyne picked up Alphys and ran up the stairs with their bags . Alphys blushed and was just dragged along.

Soon enough they were all done with that and had changed into their PJs. Undyne had changed into a black tank top with pajama pants that had little fish prints all over it, Alphys had on a "Mew Mew Kissy Cutie"