

Lucifer watches as the Angel falls to the floor blacking out, "I didn't even get to tell them that I found my mate how sad." He says, the demon next to him just chuckles.

"Next time I guess, it's not like they'll be out forever." She turns around and starts walking "Guards take them to where their supposed to be."

Guards flood the room picking the unconscious bodies up, "How sad, when are they going to realize that the universe isn't going to allow them to be together?" He turns away and starts walking towards his mate Keira. "They can't have the two most powerful Angel and Devil becoming mates now can they?"


Hailey walks over to Nemesis's house holding Alex and her husband Tristan holding Zander, she rings the doorbell and Eve answers it with a smiling face. "Hey Hailey!" She says with a smile, now Hailey doesn't really like Eve that much because she feels like she's trying to take Ayla's place. She's also overnice and it started to get under Hailey's skin.

"Hello, where's mother?" She ask looking behind her

"Oh...she went to the headquarters." Eve's voice went cold and hard, her face scrunched up and she was clearly upset.

"Why is that?" Hailey said with a smile

"Because-Because my sister... is the queen of Heaven."

"Oh that's amazing!" She knew that Eve hated that but she was so happy for her bestfriend, but soon her face turned sour realizing that Ayla hates attention and that she's not amazing at giving orders. "Was it her choice?"

"I don't know, no one knows. All we know is that she's the new Queen.... and you can't have a Queen without a King."

"That's what Luciano is for." Eve smirked

"Luciano is the King of Hell now, Lucifer stepped down he found his mate. Insane isn't it?"


Ayla groans and shivers not feeling the usual warmth of her Demon around her. She sit's up holding her forehead, she scans the bright room with pure white walls and not a single stain on it.... just like her room back at home. She was about to climb off the bed until she realized it's a normal size bed and not Luciano's large bed. 

She steps onto the cold tiled floor and shivers, she crosses her arms over her chest rubbing her arms trying to cause some friction to keep her warm. She opens the door and is greeted by two guards staning on each side. 

"Um hello?" She says quietly

"Oh your majesty, you're up! Would you like some food? A shower? A tour? Anything?"

"Where's Luciano?" She says looking around noticing these aren't his guards

"Uh majesty-"

"My name is Ayla!" She snaps back her eyes turning white, the guards are frightened and shrink a little in the armor.


"Oh calm down she's only a child!" A familiar voice says behind them, Ayla whips her head around and see's Apollo walking over to them in informal clothes

His hands in his pockets, once he reaches the Angel he pats her head and her eyes shower her pupils and gorgeous blue color. "You guys are dismissed."


"Don't make me repeat myself." He said not taking his eyes off of Ayla, once he hears their footsteps gone he smirks at her "So I'm guessing you want an explanation." She nods with his hand still on her head, he the force turns her head towards her room and starts lightly pushing it so she can walk.

They sit down on a couch in the room "So, you're the Queen of Heaven. Crazy right, what's even more crazy is that Luciano is the King of Hell. Which means you guys, well your relationship might not workout so well you know. You might have to find a new-"

"A NEW MATE!" Ayla jumps up from the couch her whole body glowing and not a trace of blue in her eyes but it wasn't Ayla it was someone else. As if there was more than one person in her body, just like Luciano.

Everyone meet Quinn Ayla's anger Angel.