

I sit up from the bed abruptly, I hear someone chanting my name. I look over to my side to see Luciano sleeping, I can't feel my body, I'm still tired. Soon I'm off the bed, I don't remember climbing off the bed. I start to walk, against my will, I try to stop it but I can't.

Am I cursed, I try to yell for Luciano but I have no voice, I can't say or do anything. I start to hear my name again and other foreign words being chanted. I try to yell but nothing comes out, I start to cry as I walk out of our room that I am being forced to leave. 

I try to say looking the servants who are passing by me, do they not see my face? My worried terrified face? Soon I see a bright light and I'm not around servants or darkness anymore. I'm around light and peace, I know this feeling. I'm back home.

I drop to my knees feeling weak, I move my legs a little, I have my body back. "Excuse me ma'am are you ok?" I look up and see an Angel guard crouched down next to me.

"Y-yes... I-I.. I don't know why I'm here." I say honestly "I ne-need... Luc-Luciano." He gives me a worried and terrified look

"Go get boss." He yells to other guards "Hey, hey. You're going to be ok, everything is going to be fine." Cooed, my body gave up and darkness consumed me.

I sit in my office reading a book as some music played in the background, I sway dancing to the music still focusing on the book in my hands. I hear a knock on the door "Come in." soon one of my many sexy lady servants come in, I smirk at her.

"Uh... sir. There is a lady at your doorstep, she doesn't know how she got there and she is passed out." She says looking down, a lady? At  doorstep, I smirk at the thought also the though of her being unconscious. 

"Bring her to my room, immediately." 

"Yes sir." 

"Oh and ride your dress up more, I like it like that." I grin as I see her pull her dress up practically showing most of her ass, I lick my lips as she walks away with it giggling. God I love women. I place my book down and turn the music off, I head to my room. 

I open the door to see a small tiny Angel sleeping peacefully in  bed, I close my door and lock it. I walk over to her and caress her cheek, she doesn't move. Good. She's out cold, I rip the blanket from her, she curls up in a little ball. I scan her body, it's covered up by a long white silk gown. She has nothing that I admire, no ass, no tits, no lips, no curves. She's practically a stick, I make a disgusting face at the ugly lady in front of my.

She doesn't deserve to be in my room, she need's to be put in a cage and once she wakes up I will make sure her surgery is ready. God she's ugly, I don't bother to put the covers over her, I sit down and watch her sleep. I hope it's a good sleep because this is the only time she will have a be- her eyes open- I feel my heart stop. 

Her piercing blue crystal eyes, their so beautiful, her face is full of innocence. Suddenly I'm looking at the most beautiful women in front of me, I just look at her as her eyes search the room and then it lands on me. She jumps up and scurried back, frightened of me, it hurt me. She reminds me of my sister Helena, Helena is supposed to be the most beautiful women in the world but compared to the Angel in front of me... she doesn't compare.

"W-who.. are you?" Ah her voice, it's music to my ears, I could dance to it all day.

"My name is, Apollo."