
Hope of the Abyss

nhnnxs · Fantasia
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1 Chs

Is this fate? Or just a coincidence.

Anyway mate, you see. Your debt is forty thousand, got it on ya?

" Sorry, the fact is.. well, my mum..and well " Again, a loss for words.

What a pain, again? I can't keep holding the money off you, the boss gonna come and hit yo' ass. Better get a move on with that payment, god knows what he'll do.

"Sorry, sir. "

The man left, although without a single word. Like he wasn't able to face Gin, like he'd done a heinous crime. Gin fell to his knees, his face turning pale. He let out a large sigh, Perhaps of relief. A short time later, Gin's younger sister walked into the room.

"Gin!!! Can we have dinner now? Ooh, let's have Curry! Then when mummy returns with daddy I'm sure they'll give us a yummy meal!"

"Of course, cup noodles everyday gets a little tiring doesn't it?"

Gin's younger sister, Althea was a tall girl. She looked much older, although having the mental state of a child, playing with dolls and little knowledge. She always looks tired and pale, like she's slowly disappearing. After the issue within the outside, I doubt she'll be back. To her normal self, long term affects are now common and during this society maybe it's seen as a normal problem. But people are selfish nowadays, always thinking for their own damn self.

" Curry! Curry! Mama, Papa. Let's eat, I'm sure we're all so hungry. Time to eat! I'm sure Gin will be able to make lots of money! Then we can all eat together!"

Gin, patted the girl on her thin back.

"Sure, just wait a little longer.. Alright?"

The room turned deadly silent, almost if even a pin dropped the silence would not break. The girl, barely the age of 15 had fallen asleep beside the bed. Shortly after that, there was a loud knock of the door, after that. Gunfire? After the wall across the lake, splitting families leaving the suffering to die was built. Guns had been provided, to numerous people, soon after that. The use of guns faded, but so did the population. The door, again. Gunfire.

"You fucking bastard, killing my girl like that. I'm coming for your sister, more use then this son of a bitch."

Gin sighed, as he had recognised these people before. The name of the group where DSF or something else that seemed impossible to remember.

"This society is so fucked up."

The men slowly moved towards the door, standing behind it. In the position to shoot, although their hand were not placed on the trigger. Implying that they had no will to shoot.

"Coward, you can't even shoot a person like me? I guess in your eyes I'm just some guy nothing out of the ordinary. I mean is there actually anything special about me?"

The man scowled. Still his hand placed on the trigger another man appeared out from the dark night.

" The boss wants money, bring the shit."

Gin started to place his to hands together, they were fragile looking and long slightly damaged with bruises and cuts. He started to laugh.

"Pfft. Looks like I'm popular tonight, well that's not a issue. I'll make sure all of you are in high spirits.

Care of a cup of tea? It's my pleasure, do come in."

The men outside looked around them, only the stars within a wall of about the size of London could be seen. Slightly closer then it was yesterday.

How long was it, ten or so years? No, must be near twenty.

"Do be quiet, men like you shouldn't wake up this poor girl."

"Y-you bastard, what the fuck are you?"


Gin pressed one of his fingers on his lips. Claiming a calm attitude. Human or not, what lay Infront of him was the dead body of the men .

"Oh well. I've got my work cut out now, those guys at the wait was it the DSD? No, must've been the DCV. What does it stand for again.."


The detectives work was a large origination that worked in crimes in the lower towns. Killing, assault and theft one of the squad five members was Gin. It was a small room, filled with useless objects from the main office. In other words it was a trash dump. Today there was a statue made out of matches, must've been one of those cheap diy kit ones. Actually it was made quite well, the glue wasn't dry and so it was still sticky.

"Oh for fucks sake. Another assignment?"

The lady had a large briefcase and short hair, she'd obviously had it cut on the past few days.

"Ginn could you please finish this attachment for me? I'm busy later~"

"Looking at your track record your only in well, Less than two days a week. It's a full time job no?"

The lady looked a bit offended about the mention of her days on and off work. Gin laughed and read the email. Although it was clearly shown on his face that he wasn't willing to work for the woman.

End of chapter 1!! Thank you for reading hope you enjoy~!