

new beginning can start at any time

MaryWan43550601 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


A beautiful lady full of activities

She has mesmerizing eyes

However they are hollow

With no dreams and expectations

Suddenly standing in a daze

Even the slightest breeze could carry her away

No one notices her

Bypassing her as if she is invisible

Her brain is blank

As if her life has been paused

Should I go east or west? north or south?

Should I go to my friends?

But I can't seem to recall any

Should I go home?

But where is home?

Who should I turn to?

Her feelings are dead

Yet her heart hurts like hell

From all the grievances and disappointments

Buried deep inside; together with her personality

Booling inside her like lava ready to erupt

Screaming to be let out to devour everything

To rise again like a fire phoenix

All this for nothing

If she is to rise she is an ice phoenix

Predestined for a sad ending

With no warmth to give or receive

To break the invincible shackles holding her

This will be her greatest success

She was taught to hide her tail between her legs

Where did she go astray?

When her dreams became blurry?

When she hot addicted to numbing her pain?

When she gave in to different whims?

When she settled for what's available?

Her smile lost never to be seen

A child knocks her startling her

Nevertheless there was no prejudice in his eyes

She stretches her hand to take the candy offered

It's sweetness spreads throughout the body

Coming to her senses

For the first time hope in her eyes

Goes back to work diligently

Hope that one day a dragon will melt her cold heart

Maybe one day she could break every chain

Maybe the universe will grant her a rebirth

To rewrite all those wrongs

To correct her blunders

To take the precise path

To kick her addiction

To hold her head up high

To have visions and aspirations ;live them

She was pulled back by her yokes

Falling so hard

A tear drops from her dry wells

Followed by a torrent of them

Fate knew it's time for rebirth

Who cares whether it's a fire 🔥 or ❄ ice phoenix

It only knew one culmination

A new beginning .

the key to new beginning is to start from where it started going down no matter how much time has passed.

MaryWan43550601creators' thoughts