
Honkai Impact : The Rise Herrscher of Shadow

The mysterious disaster "Honkai" has eroded the world, and humans infected by the "Honkai"have become "undead" who have no thoughts but only understand destruction. They were together with the beast beast "Honkai Beast" born from Honkai Energy. This poses a great threat in this world. Witness the Resurrection of a traverser who came to this world from mere mortals to become those called "Herrcsher". This is the resurrection story of "Herrcsher Of Shadow" (Note: If there are similarities, characters, names, events and so on, it's purely coincidental.) This is my first novel. (Disclaimer: I don't have anything except OC.) English is not my main language. sorry if the grammar is terrible. [Thanks to @B_N_F for the cover.] Support me on : [ ko-fi.com/the_hanged_man1 ] Tags: Dense protagonist

The_Hanged_Man1 · Videojogos
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254 Chs

Digging my own grave

At night, under the soft full moonlight, Sakura and Higokumaru, who were still discussing whether or not to tie up Kouro, suddenly turned to look outside the balcony.


After that the two of them simultaneously looked at each other before Sakura asked in confusion, "Did I just see it wrong or did I really see Kouro flying while spinning at a very high speed in the air?"

"I think... I saw it too..."

They looked at each other once with speechless expressions before Higokumaru finally muttered, "Has he really gone crazy?"

After which she then looked at Sakura before shouting with a serious expression, "Sakura! Get me some rope!"


A short while later...

Sakura and Higokumaru with ropes in their hands looked at Kouro who was sitting in Seiza in front of them with Kiana standing beside him while folding her arms and looking at him coldly.

Kouro's face looked swollen, but even so, his expression looked... Out of place?

How should they say it... Kouro's face at this time looked completely calm without any guilt at all.

If it wasn't for 'Kiana' telling them the reason why Kouro's face was like this, the two of them would have thought that 'Kouro' had been wronged by someone...

Wait? Is there someone who can molest Kouro?

Hmm... Looking at Kouro's swollen face, it seemed like there was.

Even so, Higokumaru somewhat knew how Kouro could be hit like that by Kiana despite having a very strong body.

Higokumaru seemed to glance at Kiana seriously, although it was faint she could feel a Herrscher's aura from her.

She then looked back at Kouro, this was probably just her feeling... But why is it that everyone so close to Kouro is always a Herrscher or at least has the strength of a Herrscher?

This person... Does he have a magnet that attracts Herrschers?

Thinking about all this, the two of them then heard the voice of 'Kiana' who was asking Kouro in a cold voice.

"Human... Tell me the reason why you did that earlier?"

Although she said so, her heart was currently saying otherwise, 'Damn it! Why couldn't I control my emotions back then!'

Previously a moment ago, after trying with all her might and by using several other factors, Sirin was finally able to control Kiana's still sleeping body.

Although 'Kiana' was unable to use her Herrscher abilities thoroughly, at least she was now able to control Kiana's body.

And the thing she did after controlling Kiana's body was to search for Kouro or rather revenge.

'Kiana' really couldn't forget Kouro who had defeated her in such a humiliating way.

But in the end, no matter how vengeful she is towards Kouro, she cannot directly avenge herself because she was now still weak.

She knew that Kouro was now very strong, and how did she know that? It was because she shared her memories with Kiana, although Kiana herself was unaware of this.

With her current strength, she really couldn't beat him.

So after thinking for a long time she ended up looking for Kouro anyway, of course not for revenge, but wanting to see using her own perspective how Kouro was doing now.

And just then when she managed to find Kouro, she saw him flirting with a girl very intimately (according to 'Sirin's' view).

When she saw him doing that act, her mind went blank, and a very uncomfortable feeling arose in her heart, that feeling really pierced her so that she got carried away and ended up putting on a cold expression mixed with anger.

And... She ended up hitting Kouro with her Herrscher power to send him flying into the sky and spinning at high speed.

In the end, after hitting him, 'Kiana' regained consciousness but it was too late, with her hand position still in a punching pose, she could only see Kouro spinning in the sky with a blank stare.


Hearing 'Kiana's' question, Kouro then looked directly into her eyes with a calm expression, looking at her blue eyes that had turned completely golden, there was only one thought in his mind.

'I'm Fu*ked.'

Kouro with his acting skills (Master) could almost control his calm expression even though his mind was currently working at breakneck speed.

'How could Sirin's consciousness reappear? Shouldn't she have been asleep for at least a year to gather her strength!?'

'First of all calm yourself Kouro! What you need to think about now is how to answer her question correctly! If I get it wrong...'

Kouro's adam's apple seemed to move up and down while thinking about this.

He raised her head to stare at 'Kiana' who was looking at him with cold, shining golden eyes.

After thinking at breakneck speed, Kouro finally seemed to sigh either in relief or disappointment, with a thoughtful expression as if he was composing words, he finally said in a calm voice.

"Because I wanted to teach her what 'love' is, my queen..."

"Love?" 'Kiana's' eyebrows rose when she heard this especially when Kouro called her 'queen'.

As a Herrscher, her knowledge of something like 'love' was completely blank, unless she actively sought out such knowledge from Kiana's memories.

But right now her thoughts were veering in another direction, she was currently thinking about Kouro's call to her.

She didn't resent that call.

In fact, she felt a little happy that Kouro had called her that.

"Yes. Let me give you an example... I hope my queen, won't mind."

After saying that, Kouro stood up and looked at 'Kiana' with a serious expression before finally approaching her slowly.

"Wh-what are you doing-!?"

Seeing Kouro approach her, she then remembered the previous incident where Kouro had done the same thing to 'that' girl.

"I am showing you how I will convey my love to you, my queen." Kouro said calmly and softly, his eyes never leaving 'Kiana's' face.

Higokumaru and Sakura immediately turned to look at him with dumbfounded expressions, there was only one thought in their minds.

'This guy, he's dangerous!' x2

"Yo-you!" Hearing Kouro's blunt words, 'Kiana' pointed at him with trembling hands and a flushed face.

This was the first time she had heard someone confess his love to her so bluntly.

Kouro who was already in front of her then knelt down before kissing 'Kiana's' hand gently.

"My queen, when I first saw your eyes I saw the reflection of my soul and at that moment I finally realized, you are my sun, my Moonlight, and my star."

After saying that, Kouro stood up and held both of 'Kiana's' hands, "I fell in love with the clarity of your eyes, my Queen. The place where I found a miniature garden of heaven... The place where I feel happy."

After that, he held 'Kiana' to his chest gently.

'Kiana' really did not resist, her face was so red that smoke came out.

Those words had never been said to her, let alone the real Kiana so she really didn't know what to say, her mind was completely blank to the point of making her body involuntarily go limp.

Kouro did not attack her using force to hurt her, he only used 'sweet words' to attack her and it seemed to be very effective.

As expected of Kouro, he preferred to use his intelligence rather than his fists.

"So my queen, what do you think?"

Kouro asked with his face really close to 'Kiana's' face.

Seeing Kouro's face so close, the blushing 'Kiana' with a dumbfounded face seemed to open her mouth with a stutter like a broken record.

"I-I, I-I..."

'Kiana's' last defense finally crumbled due to having no experience with this kind of situation at all so she finally blurred into the real Kiana's consciousness.

The stunned Kiana then fell unconscious and dropped her head onto Kouro's chest.

"zZz... Zzz..." Kiana seemed to be sleeping very soundly in his arms.

Seeing Kiana apparently asleep, Kouro waited for a few moments to make sure before finally letting out a sigh of relief.

"Fuhh... That was close..."

After that, he then laid Kiana down on the bed before moving away and finally turning to Higokumaru and Sakura who had been watching from the beginning.

"...Why are you guys looking at me like that?"

"Kouro... The previous confession... Was it real?" asked Higokumaru with a strange expression.

"Hm? Of course not, I was just acting." said Kouro with an innocent expression.

(E/D: I guess our wish of watching him getting murdered while drinking wine like we were watching the hunger games has turned into reality. Also, anyone got popcorn... weed will also do the trick.)

Seeing his innocent expression Sakura and Higokumaru clenched their fists.

They somehow wanted to punch his face now.

Didn't he know that his acting just now really felt like a really romantic confession of love!?

"Kouro. You will definitely get stabbed by a girl someday." Sakura said with a flat expression.

"Huh? Are you cursing me?"


The next day...

Kiana who was sleeping peacefully opened her eyes, she yawned before stretching.

"Hm... Yesterday's dream was really strange... it was as if Kouro was confessing to me... That beautiful dream... It really felt real."

After muttering that her movements had suddenly stopped, she raised her head and looked around before putting on a puzzled expression.

"This room... Not my room..."

Kiana's nose then seemed to twitch before she finally figured out who the owner of this room was, "This smell... Kouro's smell? I... in Kouro's room!?"

She tried again before finally being completely sure that this room was indeed Kouro's.

"How did I get here?"

Kiana tried to remember as best she could what she was doing earlier, "Last night... I was chatting with Mei-senpai along with Bronya... After that, I went to my room to sleep... Before I woke up here..."

'I don't remember anything at all!?'

After thinking hard, Kiana really couldn't find an answer to this so she finally gave up.

After all, no one had been harmed in this incident, it was better to forget it.

After thinking like this, Kiana finally nodded her head confidently before heading out.

She saw not far from the door of the room, there was Kouro who was leaning against the wall while talking with Sakura and Higokumaru.

Just when she was about to go to him with a happy expression, the dream then flashed in her mind.

Her face turned red, a strange feeling arose in her heart making her dare not directly look at Kouro until unconsciously walking with her head bowed away and going to her original room.

'It was just a dream! It was just a dream! It was just a dream!'

Kouro who was leaning over noticed Kiana's strange actions, he wanted to greet her but Kiana who realized this instead ran faster as if she was afraid of him.

Seeing Kiana's who went quickly out of sight, Kouro turned to look at Higokumaru and Sakura with a constipated expression.

"She... Won't remember that, right?"

"... Maybe..." Higokumaru muttered while avoiding his gaze.


Sakura: "Kouro I think you should bring a shovel to dig your own grave and order a coffin."


A golden Xuanyuan sword suddenly appeared in Kouro's hand before transforming into a shovel.

Holding the shovel, Kouro then turned to look at Sakura with a resigned smile, "Sakura, do you know a good place where I can bury myself?"

Seeing Kouro who seemed to be about to actually dig a grave for himself, Higokumaru finally couldn't help saying.

"...I think the thought of tying you up yesterday doesn't seem bad."

(E/D: Higokumaru and bondage play... I am in.)