
Honkai: I Have A Skill System

Arthur was a normal young boy who somehow awakened in a different world with memories of his life in that World. Far from the semi-peaceful world the9v public saw, this World was filled with danger that threatened Humanity Fortunately, he had a System. One that let him learn anything as long as he either put in effort or used points to cheat his way up Now, follow Athur in this World unfamiliar to him as he makes new friends and fights for the future they want.

Biometal_Model_Z · Videojogos
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8 Chs

An Easy Opponent


Arthur was speechless at what he saw, he swore this was probably done by the Valks at Bianka's request or something

Currently, Arthur was looking at his personal transport, a jet like plane with two large, angle-adjustable rotors in each wing with a wingtip that could move for better maneuverability and it also had multiple options including weapons and cloaking tech (Basically the Quinjet)

The part that made him speechless? It was its colour, while it had used to be a jet black before, it was now somehow pure white and dark blue with the Schicksal logo attached the top of it.


While he roared in his mind, he still couldn't disagree that, it looked really cool. Although it was already pretty good-looking before but now, it seemed to look a lot better

Anyways, since functionality won't be affected and Bianka probably did this, he was gonna keep it

"I'll be flying it myself." He said to the Pilot who was supposed to accompany him, she was a C Rank with flight as her area of expertise, meaning that she was specifically chosen for this role

But, the pilots were one of the most dangerous occupations in their line of work as there are multiple Honkai Beasts with the ability to fly and cause damage to the vehicle, especially in an area where there existed a flying Emperor Class

"But sir-" she tried to argue only for him to stop her with a look "Miss Laura, the mission this time is multiple times more dangerous and involves a Emperor Class Beast." Arthur stated

"I'm not going to beat around the bush, if you choose to follow through with this, there's a 9/10 odds of you not surviving." He said as she gained a slightly complicated look which turned into determination

"Sir, I'm ready to sacrifice my life if it means that I'll help save others." She said but he could feel a quiver in her voice

"You don't need to sacrifice yourself, miss Laura. Your husband and child are still waiting for you to return, you know?" He said with a smile as he patted her shoulder, her eyes becoming confused and her hands clenching into fists.

"If it makes it any better-" Arthur said " This is an Order directly from me, Valkyrie Laura #C98568, you are hereby transferred to Flight Tower for the course of this mission." He said as she looked at him in shock

"I'll be going then." He said as he smiled at her and walked towards his jet with a huge suitcase, the ramp doors opening as he stepped into it




"Opening Hatch 7, Llamrei II, prepare for ascent."

"Llamrei II, Ready for Departure." Arthur said as the ceiling above him drew back into the ground/ceiling

Arthur looked at the picture on his left as he sat in the pilot seat, the picture was of Laura in her Battlesuit and a man wearing a lab coat as they held the hands of a young boy, all three wearing bright smiles.

'And she was ready to give up her own life.' he thought to himself and took a deep breath

This was the life of other Valkyries, not knowing whether they'd survive every mission, being prepared to leave everything behind, a determination that he admired

But, that wasn't gonna stop him from helping each and everyone of them

Laura is a good example, a former B Rank Valkyrie who after her body's Honkai Erosion neared its limits after years of fighting, decided to still fight for humanity as best as she could as a pilot for others to help in their fight

She had a happy family and a life to live but was ready to give it all up in today's fight, he had lied earlier since the possibility of her surviving this mission was less than 1/100 since Vishu, The Emperor Class itself was a beast able to fly

He didn't want to watch his comrades die in vain or for a bit of glory. No, he wanted them to live, to live life to the fullest and enjoy it

That's why he fought, for a World where everyone could smile and live without worry, no matter how impossible of a dream it seemed, he'd fulfill it.




"Llamrei II, Departing." Arthur said as the jet slowly took off, ascending above the ground to slowly disappear into the thin air as the cloaking tech was activated


"I hope brother's doing fine." Bianka said with slight worry as she stood with the wind hitting her face as her hair flew with the wind.

She currently wore a white short dress with golden lines running through it, some parts of it containing armour parts, mainly the part that covered her elbows, shoulders and some parts of her abdomen. She also wore white thing high socks with some golden lines and armour plates at the knees while wearing calf length light blue boots

Camelot: Broken Light

( A/N: The first part of it, according to my AU is the series of which the suit is part of and the other is its name )

In her hand was a Lance that many would know, a white body that looked like a flower as it opened near the handle with a purple tip as it extended a few metres with a black handle and a gem of purple embedded to the end of its handle. A tool of the Previous Era so powerful that only a select few could ever wield it as it was created using the core of a Herrscher, A Divine Key.

The 6th Key Of Creation - Black Abyss White Flower

Behind her, laid the corpse of the Assaka, a hole that pierced through its head as multiple Valkyries worked on dismantling the beast for all its worth


{ Shenzhou-Russia Border, 3+ km above ground }

Arthur watched in slight awe a huge white bird like creature that looked more similar to a pterodactyl than a bird with pink lines running through it with talons on its wings

The bird was probably over 10 metres in size alone excluding its massive wingspan that was probably over 30 metres

It was humongous, he looked like a small animal when compared to it.

As Arthur floated infront of the beast wearing a prototype wing type attachment that ejected a stream of energy as it allowed him to float and as he assessed the beast, it also seemed to be evaluating his threat to it.

Suddenly, it screeched. It sounded like a chalk being dragged on the board but loud and multiple times worse, making his eardrums ring as he was close to the beast, then it tried to bite him which, he easily dodged and hit it on its beak

The Vishnu's head jerked to the side as it lost its centre for a few seconds due to the force of his attack and then screeched again

"Shut Up!" Arthur said as he slashed his sword forward. It was a sliver-like longsword with intricate designs and a blue hilt and a white handle, the difference of it from normal swords being the blue lights that emanated off of the blade with the occasional crackling arcs of electricity that bounced off it,

Diator, a Sword personally given to him by Otto as a tool to protect.

The beast, for all its size and glory may have been a huge threat to many but, for him this beast just made itself a huge target that was easy to attack

A floating Templar Class beast suddenly tried to put itself in his swords trajectory, perhaps on the orders of the Vishnu or perhaps due to its instinct

The beast was too slow, for Arthur, the beast that tried to act as a substitute was pitifully slow in his eyes. Arthur ignored the beast as his slash towards Vishnu continued without hesitation and the beast trying it best to dodge only that-

-A light in the shape of a sword erupting from his sword's blade as the joints that connected the left wing of the Vishnu was cut off, making the beast lose its balance as it crashed towards the ground with a screech of pain

He looked around at the numerous lower levelled beasts that tried to intimidate him, only for him to give a short laugh, he sliced his sword horizontally as the light blade appeared once again but, this time a lot thinner yet wider

He made a full 360 as multiple beasts sliced into halves fell to the ground, him following them as he turned off the prototype wings and went into freefall, it wasn't a prototype for nothing.

The wind had no effect on Arthur as he fell with the help of gravity while covering himself with Honkai Energy to prevent damage

He dived even faster as he put his hand behind him and saw the Vishnu, clumsily trying to balance itself only for it to rotate and fall.

The fall wouldn't kill it as Honkai made the body multiple times more durable the more of it one had and an Emperor Class definitely had a lot but, although it wouldn't die, it'd definitely be injured even worse

As he dived, he remembered one of the things he wanted to check

'Lia, Scan It.' he told Ophelia as he fell and heard an affirmative

[ Target: Vishnu ]

[ Skills: Devour ( Lvl 2 - 1021/25000 ), Honkai Body ( Lvl 3 - 4800/75000 ),.... ]

It had skills but, most were useless to him.

Two stood out among the many skills it had, and as he focused, descriptions of them appeared

[ Honkai Body ( Lvl 3 - 4800/75000 ) ] [ Points Required: 50 ]

[ A skill that allows one to turn their entre being into Honkai Energy and strengthen itself ]

[ Level 3 - Turns one's being into Honkai and Strengthens it by multiplying its power 25 times ]

[ Caution: Honkai Erosion may cause lose of self, the higher the level and adaptability, the higher the chance of losing oneself in other beings ]

[ Devour ( Lvl 2 - 1021/25000 ) ] [ Points Required: 100 ]

[ A skill that allows one to absorb the power of another by consuming it. The effect of the skill is to absorb skills as well of the devoured creatures]

[ Level 2 - Devours around 20% of the consumed target with a chance of 1/50 to absorb its skills ]

'Okay, the warning specifically mentioned others. Is it because of me being able to perfectly integrate myself with anything?' He questioned Lia

'Yes User, You are immune to any demerits that may be brought by Skills but, it may cause changes in the skill to make it adapt perfectly to User.' Lia told him as he smiled

'Copy both these skills, integration can be done later.' He instructed her-

'Understood' She replied

[ Commence Skill Copy ]

[ Skills have been Copied ]

'Now, time to end it.' he thought to himself as the beast kept screeching in pain and desperation as it saw the ground getting closer

Arthur steadied himself mid-air as he rotated in the air, his body becoming vertically upright as he changed his hold on his sword and held it in a reverse grip

He slightly leaned forward as his body tilted, pointing his sword at the Vishnu, his prototype wings rotating to become flipped and the thrusters pointing at the back now

He activated the wings, suddenly, as the energy was released in a huge burst, he disappeared from his current position


A sound filled with pain and despair echoed as suddenly, Arthur was on the falling Vishnu, his sword piercing the head of the beast

Multiple sonic booms were heard from his previous location as the Vishnu and he were launched to the ground faster due to the momentum generated


With a resounding explosion from the impact, a huge crater larger than the beast's body was formed with the whole area being covered in a cloud of dust


A sudden wind was generated as the cloud dispersed a bit as Arthur, jumped off the body of the Vishnu, it's head in two halves with pink blood and brain matter splattered in multiple areas

'Lia, Integrate Devour and Max it.' Arthur instructed as he slashed his sword as the blood and flesh on it were splattered onto the ground

'Understood ' she replied-

Suddenly, another explosion but multiple times lesser than the one earlier rang out a bit far away as then multiple impacts were continuously heard along with the sound of something splattering

"Ah." Arthur made a sound of recognition "The weaker beasts." He said to himself while feeling a bit guilty and quickly made a mental apology to the clean-up team

"HQ, Caliburn Here." He said into his comms

" Lord Caliburn, this is HQ. Is the mission complete? " A young female voice tinged with admiration and awe responded

"Yes, the threats have been dealt with." He said and paused for a second "Also, I recommend that the teams dispatched for clean-up bring something able to clean up splattered messes." Arthur said in a slightly guilty voice


"Yeah, I'm serious."


[ Knights of The Round ]

[ A Team of Schicksal that is led by S Rank Knight - Arthur, The Knight King.

This team is considered the Strongest Team of Schicksal to have ever existed

They are a group of elites where each Squad has 3 to 4 members with each individual Squad specialising in an area.

The position in the Team are divided based on a Squads speciality and ability

The Specialised Squads chosen personally by Arthur himself are the numbered - A group of A Ranks that specialises in Hunting Honkai Beasts, they are trained by Arthur himself.

There are currently 4 numbered Squads in The Knights of The Round

The rest of the Squads are called 'Named', they were named after the Knights of the Round depending on their speciality

( For Further Details on Named, Please Click Here ) ]