
HongHuang The Avenue Of Fate

Time Travel to the world of HongHuang he becomes a 36 purple fate lotus that is favored and blessed by the avenue and the heavenly way and he is the only one that can learn the road of fate he becomes Taiqing Laojun's first disciple but he most of the time in taiqin dojo the story starts when Honjun becomes holy PS: if you don't know much about honghuang I recommend that you read the books about HongHuang on readwn.com or mtlnation.com

TheFateAvenue · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Honjun becomes Holy and first preach

Honghuang, just after the battle of the three clans—the dragon, the phoenix, and the qilin—and the victory of Hongjun in the conflict between Taoism and Demon Dao,

peace prevailed. However, the tranquility was disrupted when a higher-level entity than Daluo Jinxian emerged, and a mysterious voice echoed, saying,

"Poor Dao Hongjun, who has now attained holiness, will deliver a sermon at the Zixiao Palace in 100 years. Those destined to hear it are welcome to attend!"

News of Hongjun's impending sermon in the Zixiao Palace spread like wildfire throughout Honghuang. The prospect of receiving divine teachings from the revered figure drew the attention of all the people in Honghuang

"In the following years, anticipation grew as tales of Hongjun's wisdom and profound insights circulated across realms. It was said that Hongjun possessed an unparalleled understanding of the Dao. Many believed that attending the sermon would grant them a rare opportunity to elevate their cultivation."

The fateful day arrived. Chaos buzzed with anticipation as people gathered at the Palace of Purple Firmament to hear Hongjun's sermon. Six futons awaited the esteemed guests: Taiqing, Yuanshi, and Tongtian on the first three, Nuwa on the fourth, Hongyun on the fifth, and Kungpeng on the sixth. A crowd of 2998 eager souls filled the palace, ready to be enlightened by the words about to be spoken. The air crackled with excitement as Hongjun prepared to deliver his profound sermon, destined to shape the lives of those present and the world itself.

At this moment, two figures entered the Palace of Purple Firmament. It was Jie Yin Zhǔntí who had come from the far west, entering the palace. The fairy gate of the Palace of Purple Firmament closed slowly, enclosing a total of three thousand Zixiao guests. This gathering catered to the Three Thousand Grand Dao, signifying the boundless nature of the Grand Dao itself.

In a moment of despair, Jie Yin embraced Zhǔntí and cried out, "Junior brother, our lives are filled with misery!" Zhǔntí was overwhelmed, his tears mingling with his runny nose. Turning around, he clutched Jie Yin tightly and wept, "Senior brother, we traveled millions of miles from the far west, only to arrive too late. There's no place for us here!"

"Brother! Hundreds of millions of souls in the West await our return to preach and guide them on their karmic journey. Now, with all the seats taken, how can we explain to those waiting for souls in the West?" Jie Yin lamented.

Zhǔntí continued to sob, "Let's sacrifice ourselves!"

"Junior brother, let's embark on this journey together!" Their cries echoed throughout the Palace of Purple Firmament. Jie Yin and Zhǔntí were truly a sight, their faces drenched in tears and mucus. Their distress touched the hearts of all who heard them and left onlookers unable to bear the sight.

But amidst their anguish, a resolute figure stood up. "Hold on, my two Daoist friends!" It was the venerable Hongyun.

"You two have traversed billions of miles from the west. Your journey has not been in vain. I willingly relinquish my place for you," Hongyun declared.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" The sound of Hongyun offering his Meditation Mat prompted Zhen Yuan'zi, who stood behind him, to panic. He wanted to scold Hongyun, but their friendship of tens of millions of years made him aware of Hongyun's kind-hearted nature—a penchant for forging good karma. Zhen Yuan'zi had never fathomed that Hongyun's kindness would extend to sacrificing opportunities like the Meditation Mat. Zhen Yuan'zi was on the verge of stopping him, but before he could, Jie Yin and Zhǔntí transformed into two streaks of light, racing towards the vacant sixth Meditation Mat. Zhǔntí managed to claim it just a fraction ahead of Jie Yin.

"Poor Daoist Zhǔntí, on behalf of billions of beings in the West, I express gratitude for your kindness, Daoist Friend," Zhǔntí said, taking his seat on the Meditation Mat. He bowed to Hongyun.

Tongtian, sitting on the third Meditation Mat, witnessed the scene with disdain. The other guests from Zixiao rolled their eyes at Zhǔntí's behavior. Was he truly grateful? Did he not even bother to inquire about Hongyun's Taoist name? Nevertheless, the two brothers had more pressing matters at hand—to secure the next Meditation Mat.

In unison, the brothers empathized, their determination evident. Their gaze shifted to Kunpeng, who sat on the fifth Meditation Mat. Jie Yin addressed Kunpeng, saying, "This Daoist Friend, please relinquish your seat."

Kunpeng glanced up, his response cold, "Why should I give up my seat to you?"

Zhǔntí looked at Kunpeng and replied, "The Meditation Mat connects us all, and this seat shares a destined bond with me in the West."

Kunpeng's attitude incensed Jie Yin, who exclaimed, "From this day forth, 'Destined Bond with Me in the West' shall be recognized!" Jie Yin's shamelessness seemed inherent, giving birth to this newfound phrase.

"Coming from the desolate lands of the West, their shamelessness knows no bounds!" Kunpeng's anger finally ignited.

He may not have dared to provoke the Three Pure Ones, but the two brothers from the West posed no threat to him. In the Great Primordial world, neither he nor Emperor Jun had reason to fear the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. They were both of the Demon Race, after all.

Kunpeng's demeanor caught the attention of Yuanshi, who retorted with scorn, "How dare you, hatched from an egg and sprouting horns, share the same row as me!"

Yuanshi's words nearly provoked Eastern Emperor Taiyi to reprimand him, but the Eastern Emperor restrained himself. He whispered to Emperor Jun, "Taiyi, the Three Pure Ones of Mt. Kunlun are, after all, the primordial spirits of Pangu. There's no need for us to offend them. Furthermore, this is an opportunity to teach Kunpeng a lesson—to show him that without our support, he is nothing. Only by joining and submitting to you and me can he establish himself and avoid being bullied."

Indeed, Emperor Jun's words were reasonable. Eastern Emperor Taiyi agreed, recognizing the chance to demonstrate their dominance. Years ago, the two brothers had begun preparing to unite the Demon Race, traversing the Great Primordial world. In the North Sea of Darkness, they invited Kunpeng to join Sunstar Demon Race. However, Kunpeng declined without hesitation.

At this moment, Kunpeng's countenance changed. He glanced at Yuanshi but refrained from speaking out. He understood that surrendering to Emperor Jun and Eastern Emperor Taiyi now would offer him an opportunity. Yet, Kunpeng harbored great ambitions and aggression in the Great Primordial world. He refused to yield.

Hongyun, observing Kunpeng's hesitation, interjected, "Kunpeng, forging a positive relationship would benefit the West. A seat is a small price to pay for such a bond."

"I…" Zhen Yuan'zi looked at Hongyun, while Kunpeng gazed at him with an unfathomable hatred. A burning hatred fueled by the humiliation he endured from the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the silence he maintained before the Three Pure Ones, and the shameless seat-grabbing by the Western saints... A multitude of grievances converged upon Hongyun at that moment.

"Very well," Kunpeng uttered a single word. He relinquished his seat, allowing Jie Yin and Zhǔntí to secure it as they desired. From start to finish, Jie Yin and Zhǔntí displayed shamelessness, while Hongyun graciously yielded his seat, Yuanshi spoke out, Kunpeng endured humiliation, and Emperor Jun and Eastern Emperor Taiyi watched it all unfold. It seemed as if an inexplicable rule governed the proceedings... What was happening?

Just then, the voices of two children reverberated throughout the Palace of Purple Firmament. A boy's voice exclaimed, "Congratulations, Ancestor!" A girl's voice followed, "Begin the preaching!"

"Buzz!" A gentle hum resonated through the air as the sun radiated its brilliant light. Auspicious clouds unfurled, blooming like ethereal flowers. Suddenly, a Qingyun bed adorned with nine hues of sunlight materialized, emanating a melodic chime, "Ding ding dong dong." Within the embrace of Qingyun, the majestic realm of Grandmist unfurled, with celestial bodies adorning its vast expanse. Radiant hues from the five colors of light bathed the heavens, while the enchanting melodies of the eight-tone fairy music echoed throughout the universe. Beyond Qingyun, a cascade of golden lanterns, lotuses, necklaces, and beads descended from the sky, falling like gentle raindrops from the eaves. The resplendent sounds of immortality filled every corner of the Palace of Purple Firmament.

On the magnificent Qingyun, Hongjun assumed his seat at the center, radiating an aura of profound authority. Positioned to his left was a young boy, none other than the future ruler of the Three Realms, Jade Emperor Hao Tian. To his right stood a celestial maiden, destined to become the esteemed Head of the Female Immortals in the Fairyland of the Three Realms. As Hongjun made his appearance, a wave of reverence swept through the assembly. The Three Pure Ones rose from their seats, followed by Nuwa and all the immortals in attendance, each offering their obeisance and uttering in unison, "We humbly greet the presence of the esteemed Hongjun Saint." The entire gathering of immortals paid their respects, bowing in reverence to Hongjun.

Hongjun gazed upon the assembly of immortals and announced with solemnity, "I shall deliver my teachings thrice, each lasting for 3,000 years, with an interval of 3,000 years between them. Each of you shall have the opportunity to comprehend these teachings according to your own destiny. And once this period concludes, your positions shall remain unchanged." Upon hearing these words, Kunpeng forcibly suppressed the deep-seated resentment within his heart, directing his ire towards Hongyun. Zhen Yuan'zi, perceptive as ever, noticed the tension. His gaze shifted from Kunpeng to his dear friend Hongyun, who, at that moment, remained oblivious to the reasons behind the animosity.

Hongjun embarked on his divine sermon, his voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom that resonated through the halls of the Palace of Purple Firmament. As he spoke, the ethereal ambiance seemed to shimmer with anticipation. "The essence of the Grand Dao lies veiled from mortal eyes, yet it is the very foundation from which the heavens and earth are birthed," he began, his words imbued with a sense of profound truth.

"Unyielding and impartial, the Grand Dao orchestrates the celestial dance of the sun and moon, unperturbed by the ebb and flow of existence," Hongjun continued, his voice rising and falling like the harmonious rhythm of the Dao. "In its boundless nature, nameless and formless, the Grand Dao nourishes and sustains all life, unseen yet omnipresent."

With the weight of a sage, he delved into the numerical essence of creation, unveiling the intricate dance between the heavens and earth. "The celestial count is four or nine, leaving one remaining," he proclaimed, his eyes gleaming with wisdom. "This signifies the sacred progression of Tao: from one arises two, from two emerges three, and from three springs forth the myriad expressions of existence."

The atmosphere in the Palace of Purple Firmament crackled with anticipation as Hongjun's words wove an enchanting tapestry of knowledge. A celestial resonance filled the air as if the very fabric of reality responded to his teachings. Golden lotuses, radiant symbols of purity, blossomed in profusion, their delicate petals emanating an otherworldly glow. Within the sacred space, the purest essence of spiritual energy coursed through the atmosphere, infusing the palace with an ethereal aura.

Amidst this mystical display, the palace came alive with the songs of cranes, the sinuous movements of dragons and phoenixes intertwining in a celestial ballet, and the resonant roars of majestic unicorns. Time seemed to stand still as the divine sermon unfolded, captivating all who were fortunate enough to bear witness to this extraordinary moment in the Palace of Purple Firmament.

What Hongjun said at this time is not very in-depth. From the beginning of the practice to the Daluojin fairyland, it is all-encompassing, and there are many laws and ways mixed into it, which makes people feel fascinated.

Although most of the present here is Da Luo Jinxian, they also listened very carefully. While listening to the Tao, they felt that their foundation has become more stable. Although their cultivation level has not improved, they have strength. By growth

Taiqing analyzes it in detail at this time. Although Hongjun's words are not in-depth, he can confirm that the absorption is extremely limited, but when he reaches his realm, he wants to go to a higher level, but he has to go through extremely deep It can only be accumulated.

So, although it can be confirmed that there is not much absorption at this time, even if it is only a trace of accumulation, it is too high.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the sound of the Great Dao of [Non-based Origin Sutra] sounded, allowing him to assist in the enlightenment, and can quickly analyze it, almost the same as Hongjun's preaching speed, and the fastest of all gods and demons.

Next, it is Yuanshi and Tongtian, and then Nuwa, Dijun, and others. Their speed is not slow. At this time, they are all quickly analyzing and confirming their own avenues.

After Hongjun explained the Great Dao to Daluo Jinxian, he began to explain the laws of the Great Dao, which included the Three Thousand Great Dao. Although it was not in-depth, some lacked only the superficial principles of the law, but the Three Thousand Great Dao did. It is indeed included in it.

"Including the Three Thousand Avenues, although it is not deep and lacks, it is quite extraordinary..."

Taishang made a secret in his heart. With the help of Hongjun's words at this time, he quickly analyzed that there are not many great principles that can basically make Taishang analyze and understand. At this time, he is also on the same level as Hongjun's preaching. What I'm talking about is nothing more than Da Luo Jinxian's great principles.

For him, it is true that there is not much to be absorbed.

Tongtian and Yuanshi are a little bit slower than him at this time, but the speed of understanding is not slow.

As for Nuwa, Dijun, Hongyun, Zhunti, and others, they have a lot of understanding at this time. At this time, they are constantly analyzing and confirming their own avenues and the whole body is enveloped.

In the latter row, Fuxi, Taiyi, and Houtu are relatively fast, and the others are almost the same.


Time passed quietly, and in a flash, more than 2000 years had passed quietly.

After reaching this point, Hongjun's Dao Laws were completely finished. He glanced lightly at Nuwa, Dijun, Hongyun, Yiying, Zhunti, Taiyi, Kunpeng, and others. These are all in the Daluo Jinxian. In the realm of Consummation, there is also a chance at this time to be promoted to the realm he re-delineated, the quasi-sage.

Since the end of the last calamity, there has been a fault in the prehistoric heritage, and there are few ways to practice. Since he wants to preach, it must be to open the realm again. Everything below the Daluo Jinxian will not change to the Daluo Jinxian and above. He has replaced the quasi-sage.

Da Luo and above, the saint is not full, it is the quasi-saint.

"The way of the quasi-sage lies above the Da Luo, and the sage is not full..."

After Hongjun said a word in his mouth, he informed the gods and demons of the concept of this realm. The gods and demons are not ordinary gods and demons.

When the voice fell, Hongjun began to explain the Dao Zhi Li and Da Dao essence of the quasi-sage realm. These are the Dao Zhi Li and the essence of the pure quasi-sage path, and they are basically in the early stage of the quasi-sage.

As for the three-corpse way he created, he hasn't talked about it now.

"Above the big Luo, the saint is not full, it is very suitable to fit the new era with a new realm..."

Taishang whispered in his heart and began to analyze it. After all, the great principles and the essence of the great Dao mentioned at this time are at the level of quasi-sages. The principles and essences that Hongjun comprehends at the level of Hongjun are naturally extraordinary. Too detailed analysis confirms it, but there is a lot of accumulation.

So, after 500 years, Hongjun stopped preaching.

At this time, the complete existence of those few Da Luo Jinxians have already been promoted to the realm of quasi-sages, and they are already top masters in prehistoric times.

The existence of these newly promoted quasi-sages has been slightly stabilized for hundreds of years, they slowly opened their eyes, and the other gods and demons have also awakened from the state of sentiment.

3000 thousand years of preaching have come to an end, and the gods and demons have also awakened from their sentiments, each with a reward.

They looked at Hongjun at this time and waited for him to speak.

Hongjun slowly opened his eyes, his indifferent gaze slowly swept over the 3,000 people present, and then slowly said, "This sermon of 3000 has been completed, and the next sermon will be 3000 years later. For a while, you need a good grasp of life to consolidate your realm..."

After a pause, he continued to say In addition, since the last calamity, after the battle between the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn tribe, the prehistoric situation is uneasy and not conducive to development, so today he wants to choose two gods and demons to manage the prehistoric. To calm the turbulence of prehistoric times, the heart of An Honghuang billion trillion creatures..."

Hongjun's voice fell, and at the bottom, many demon gods showed hot gazes.

This is a chance!

If you can get this position, then you can get a huge fate of fate, which will be of great help to your own practice and the future road, but it is a rare benefit.

In addition, at this time in prehistoric times, the Lich family has risen. If they can get this position, they can get the order of Hongjun and occupy righteousness. Then they can quickly pull up third-party forces in the predominance. Fight against the Lich.

In this way, in addition to great luck, there is also a general fortune. Not only the gods and demons in these two positions but even the gods and demons that join are beneficial.

Facing such benefits, they can't help but have some thoughts in their hearts.

In the gazes of the gods and demons, Hongjun slowly swept his eyes and finally fell on two of the figures. There seemed to be a trace of fluctuations on his indifferent face, and he said lightly, "East Prince, West Queen... …"

At this time, the expressions of the two kings of the East and the Queen of the West who were named by Hongjun changed slightly, and the King of the East showed joy and excitement. After all, this was a great opportunity for him.

As for Queen Mother West, her eyebrows are slightly frowned at this time, she always feels that it is not easy at this time, why is it herself? But after thinking about it, I still didn't find anything wrong, so I had to ignore it for the time being.

At this time, Dao Zu called her name, she didn't dare not go out. Together with the Eastern Prince, after getting up, he first saluted Hongjun, and then respectfully said, "Taozu, I'm waiting here..."

Seeing this, Hongjun nodded slightly, and said, "East Lord, you and even the Yang Qi, with great luck in your body, can be the head of the male immortal, dominate the male immortal, and give the dragon head Zen stick..."

"The Queen Mother of the West, you and even the Yin Qi transforming form, also according to the atmosphere, can be the head of the fairy tales, dominate the fairy tales, and give water purification bowls. You need to stabilize the floods as your own responsibility, and you must not slacken..."

After that, he waved his hand and then saw two brushes passing by, even if Xuan turned into two innate spirit treasures, they fell into the hands of the two.

The Eastern Prince's hand is the Dragon Head Zen Staff, which is one foot long and has a dragon head above it. It is the best innate spirit treasure, but it has been tempered by the power of the saint, so even if it is compared to the most top innate spirit treasure, it is the slightest. not bad.

As for Queen Mother of the West, it is the round water purifying bowl, which is also the best innate spirit treasure. It is also tempered by the power of a saint, and its power is comparable to the top innate spirit treasure, and it is also a symbol of their identity.

With these two spiritual treasures, it is the edict of the ancestors, righteousness in the body, and a symbol of one's own identity, which is quite extraordinary.

Looking at the best Congenital Lingbao in his hand, even the Eastern Prince, at this time, has a feeling of being in a dream. Queen Mother West looked at the water-purifying bowl in her hand with a dazed expression, she always felt that the matter was not that simple.

"Thank you Dao Zu for the treasure!"

After a long time, the Eastern Prince returned to God and bowed to Hongjun, and the Western Queen also bowed slightly to thank him.

At this time, the gods and demons around all cast envious eyes, this is the best innate spirit treasure! It has been tempered by the saint's holy power, and it is even more extraordinary. It is not bad compared to the top-quality innate Lingbao.

"The lecture is over, you need a good understanding when you go back..."

Hongjun spoke faintly, glanced at it slowly, and disappeared on the high platform.

Seeing this, after the gods and demons looked at each other, they slowly got up and walked toward the outside of Zixiao Palace.

At this time, many gods and demons are walking together, and most of them are going to lose to the East Prince and the West Queen Mother. The identities of the two are different at this time. If you join them, you will have a wild spirit. Fortune, there will be general luck at that time, and these are all things that are helpful to the practice of the Great Dao.

In addition, there is backing, and they will not be afraid of the Lich Clan by then, and they naturally want to join them.

As the saying goes, near the water tower will get the moon first, the gods and demons in the prehistoric monks have not yet received the news, they already know at this time, and naturally, they want to join them first.

The best proof is that they return to their predecessor together at this time.