
Art of lying

Seeing the crow's car shouldn't surprise him. Seeing cars was something Sans had grown used to. The dozens that pass him by, were all a blur. None of them caught his attention. And yet this one he couldn't look away. It reminded him of his brother's bed.


He could still remember the first time he brought it home for his brother. His brother was grinning for weeks.


 The body was stocky like his brothers but there were a few changes to this contraption that his brother lacks. For one, its engine makes a sound similar to the human's stomach when the crow brought it to life. 


And the inside had seats all beaten up from the years it's been used. But he could see it was handled with care as a few scratches had nicked the car.


He could feel an ache at the bottom of his stomach, feeling weaker the closer he came into contact with the car. 


If only his brother could see it now. The poor boy would cry if he saw his dream car. If only he waited maybe his brother would be here with him right now. But, he couldnt risk his brother blowing his cover. His brother wasnt great at suppressing feelings. He could already imagine him screaming in joy, and his screams always boomed.


The crow patted the seat next to her signaling him to sit down. He hurried over. To his surprise, the car was bigger on the inside. The seats practically hugged him the moment he sat down. 


He could get used to this level of comfort. And with the top down reassured him his bro could enjoy it too.


Crow drove out. They started going down the road. The feeling of wind flowing past his skull felt liberating. Even if the crow was driving like a snail on the road. Sitting never felt more luxurious. He didn't need to use any magic to move or put any effort. For once he could appreciate human contraption without terrible repercussions.


"Ooo let's put on some tunes, We're not living until we have it on full blast! Or thats what Neil used to say" Her voice grew quiet, from a glance it seemed like the crow was lost in thought, but he could see her eyes grew warm as she began to smile. "He was a crazy man, but I love that bean"


As the crow slowly sped up, he kept thinking back to the underground. He's seen pictures in books about these vehicles, whenever he went dumpster diving for Papy. Only to finally be sitting on one. Papyrus would kill him the moment he got back and tell him about the journey.


 Sans never knew hitching a ride was more enjoyable than a shortcut. Besides his usual short cuts, it felt nice to feel some speed, the car would bump along with the road. The crow soon chats up a storm about the diner they were going to. Talking about the owner being a close friend. Her voice would shake with the car. It was fun to see as she told her stories. So far he learned that Larry was an old friend. They grew up a state over.


During her time she was planning to become a therapist and work with children. Those struggling with motor skills and speech. Whatever she learned she would apply those techniques to Larry's little sister Dolores. Dori appreciated the new playmate. Whenever crow came over she would help Dolores while Larry cooked a meal as thanks. This led to many trips to their house.


 He found it interesting to hear his cooking far surpassed the crow's mother at a point. 


Once they graduated, Crow planned to go to the university out of state. This motivated Larry to open up about his dream to his parents. He explained to his parents about it. The parents were against it. 


This led to Larry opening a diner a state over, out of spite for his parent's dreams for him to become an engineer. Larry in a sense preferred flipping burgers to work on cars. After the diner grew successful, he settled down. And now his son took over the family business.


"I remember how proud Larry was when he learned his kid wanted to cook. It's funny how over time the kid picked up a love for it too. His mom would always rave about it during open house"

She chatted away, he occasionally nods.


The sun was almost gone now. He should be able to blend in a bit. He had no idea what to do. Walking into a place filled with humans left him feeling on edge. Any magic that he had left was for him to teleport out of there. If things go too far.


"Honey, we're here!" 


The crow had stopped at a small building. There were flags and colorful lights. In bright lights, it read Toffee. The place had some charm to it. 


Walking in was a different experience. The place had a couple of people in booths. Most were hanging around the bar. Lights seemed to be a bit dimmed. This put him at ease, at least for a bit. No one seemed to notice them yet. The people paid no mind as they walked. 


He looked down to see the crow wrapped her arms around his as she led him to a table by the windows. It seemed people looked up to smile at her and follow it with a look of confusion. He tried to ignore the stares that followed them around as they made their way there. People grew quiet as he passed their table. He could hear the whispers from others farther by. Once he helped her sit down, he settled into his own seat. He paid no attention to the girl hesitating to come to their table. Even when she tripped from being distracted.


The crow seemed oblivious to the patrons. She pulled a menu that was hidden away behind the flower vase. She placed it in front of him. He immediately opened it and placed it down moving it so they both could see the menu. He didn't want to be rude. He would prefer to hide most of his face right about now. 


Anything before he blew his cover. But, the lady did agree to feed him, so he needed to play nice. He could already tell his stomach wasn't gonna be kind to her wallet. The crow quickly moved the menu back to facing Sans. 


"Pick whatever you like hun, I already know what I'm getting dear" Her voice hushed.  She began to hum along to a song that played nearby.


 He looked at the list. The pictures of certain options made it easier to read. All he could find appetizing was the meat sliders and chicken wings, but he was curious about their sweet potato fries. 


"Welcome to Toffees! Our special of the day is the cream of chicken soup. Can I start you with drinks?" The lady rehearsed as she turned to the lady. He couldn't help but notice her eyes looking his way. Or that her eyes were avoiding his way. He made sure to hunch more. Taking extra precautions to keep his face hidden. He didn't want to turn to dust anytime soon.


"Well me and my son here would like to start with some water. Could you get us some bruschetta while we wait? Thank you" 


The waitress now looked puzzled before nodded at the both of you. She barely took a glance your way before sprinting away. She called back. 


" I'll fetch it right up"


Sans let out a breath he didnt know he was holding. If he was back to his full self he would be cracking jokes right now, but all he could do is tap on the table. 





It took everything inside him to stay calm. The feeling of everyone watching only made his instincts want to kick in. He looked around to see two exits so far he could use. The main entrance was starting to get crowded with people coming in. The door across from the door the waitress ran to was 






"So honeybunch, how's the girlfriend? She isn't giving you any trouble?"




Not once did Sana consider being in a relationship. He's had feelings before but too lazy to act on them. He would always blow it off as a waste of time. Just wishing for someone to make the first move. Yeah, no never happened.


"Uh not exactly. We are seeing other people " 


The crow looked a bit confused. This only made him feel worried. Did he say the wrong thing?


"Congrats! She was no good for you anyway."


She clamped her hands as she chuckled. He could see a tear escape. The crow wiped it away. Sans didn't know what to say. The crow seemed to be in a good mood though.


"Sorry honey, whenever you came over. She would be with you. Didnt have much manners if you asked me" she took a moment to calm her breathing "I'm glad, where are you staying? I'm assuming she kicked you out"


"Heh, don't worry ma"


There's no way he could tell her that he lives in the woods. Theres also the question of monsters. How much have the people been told about them?


"I live with friends right now. Oh, look the waitress!"


Indeed their waitress was bustling over with their waters. She seemed to be in a better mood. People seem to acknowledge her as she passed them. The smile she wore was bright. That is until she completely passed their table. 


Instead, another guy came rushing their way. This guy had a bit of a limp. If this was the underground he would be easy pickings.  No that's wrong.


Sans tried to ignore those tempting thoughts growing with his hunger. And focus on the man. He seemed to beam at the crow as he brought their drinks and appetizer.


"Now is that my favorite customer! Honey! You should've called sooner. I could've welcomed you in!"


"Oh hun, quit while you're ahead. Flattery will get you nowhere. I came in last week." The crow grew energetic. "You know I always loving coming to your place"


"Damn right! If only the critics shared your enthusiasm. I had one come yesterday. I thought he would write something in the paper. But they keep saying I don't bring anything unique to the table. I've been busting my butt for them. They don't know a good meal if it bit them in the- wait who's this fella?"


The man stared at Sans. It wasn't hostile but it only made him anxious. Sans tried to move closer to the far end of the booth. Keeping his face hidden with the shadows.


"That's my honeybunch. He finally came to visit. We've been catching up" she ushered him to greet the man. "Sweetie, this is my friend I was telling you about" 


"I take it she said nothing but good things?" He brought his hand out. Sans slowly took it. He could feel the man squeeze his hand. Sans tried to copy the man's gesture.


 "You got quite a grip kid, ow"


"Yes… sorry" 


Just another thing he needed to work on. He quickly released the grip of the old man. The man looked a bit shocked but continued.


"So where have you been hiding? Your mom's worried sick about you. And have you told him about Neil? He should have been here"



"Leave him alone. You're smothering him, that's my job." Crow cooed.


Sans didn't know how to answer that. He tried to focus on the menu in hopes of an answer. Until he heard a familiar voice. He looked around until he found the tv screen. He's seen those men. They were those same officials Toriel was talking to. The two men were talking to each other, a lady came over.


"So what's happening on mount ebbot? You seem to be talking about building something?" The reporter asked as she faced the screen. 


"We are building a nature preserve. We have yet to reveal anything as we are waiting for our people to finish scouting the land" he smiled as he turned to whisper to the guy next to him. The man next to him nodded.


The lady moved closer as she moved the mic closer to the second man's face.


"What about the mountains curse? And how people go missing." Before the man could answer she continued " My sources say that they recently heard voices and shrieking in those woods"


Sans tried to hide his smile. Those sounds could only be papyrus. From all those times kiddo would always try to surprise papyrus with discovery about the surface. Papyrus would shriek for joy any chance he got. And at some point, everyone else in town found it funny. It always cheered him up to see his brother happy. 


But this didn't add up, haven't the people heard about them? This man told them to wait for approval from the mayor. So they could finally come into the city. That man barely provided any help.


"We aren't ready to disclose that information with the people, now I must head off" the man tried to sprint over to a vehicle nearby.


"Wait, mayor one last question" she grabbed on to the man.







"At least tell your people what your men discovered in mount ebbot. Please we want to know what is up there" the lady pleaded as the screen made a close-up on her face "Our viewers demand an answer. They fear what's out there. Help me put their fears to rest" 


The camera moved to focus on the mayor. He withered away from them. The coward let out a sigh.


"We recently came in contact with a tribe. And are still settling on what to do with them. No more questions" 


The screen changed to focus on the weather.


"Uh, Cornwallis is barely telling us about the mountains" a nearby customer sighed.


"I wonder why those tribal people haven't come down the mountains?" Larry questioned as he held a remote in his hand " maybe they are scared of people"


Sans couldn't help but nod.


"They struggle but that man has barely made an effort to help them. It's exhausting" Sans immediately realized his mistake.


Larry and a few people turned to him. They looked to be waiting on him to continue.


The crow grabbed Sans's hand. He couldn't help but look away at her face. It held a tender smile.


"You met those people? So you must be working for the mayor" the crow asked.


"You could say that. I'm only around to make sure everything runs smoothly" he's helpped fish breath from killing those men the first time they met them. 


Tap, tap, tap, tap


 This new discovery only pissed him off. His friends weren't given a chance. No one knows about their existence. What's worse is that man promised toriel that he would talk to the mayor. All this time it was a lie. They met the mayor and couldn't persuade him. They could be interacting with the city by now if it wasn't for him. That no good LIAR. 





"Well, I assume he's hiding this until he gets reelected as mayor huh. Typical."

Added the waitress as she passed them by.


While everyone was going back to their conversations, sans couldn't help but feel someone eyeing him 


"Now that's enough. Sweetie let's order up" 


The crow orders her usual. Sans could only point at the menu pictures. He could barely utter a word. His mind was exploring every single encounter. Maybe a slip-up or two from the guy but nothing. How could he tell everyone back home about this?


Sans looked up to see the crows lightly padding his hand. She sounded like she was mumbling something. He leaned closer to see she was saying a prayer. The crow smiled as she opened her eyes.


"You look so worried honeybunch. I couldnt help but try to ask for some strength for you" the crow said as she grabbed his hand.


Sans didn't know what to say. He never believed in much. But he did appreciate the lady trying. It was in vain. But he felt his soul flutter. Almost like her hand was pulsing magic into him.


The night ended with him stuffing his face with food. The crow would pass him paper to clean his face. He tried to avoid the look larry was giving him when they left. The guy hasn't pieced everything together but sooner or later, he should hopefully be able to return his debt to his "mom" be for then.


Once he tasted the night air, he felt safe. The crow drove them back. The ride was slowly lulling him to sleep. He couldn't help but close his eyes. The crow turned up the tunes to some jazz.




The blast woke him right up. He looked around frantically where the blast came from. He could hear thundering sounds in the distance. Echoes of multiple blasts filled the air. He tried to shield himself from the sounds by bringing up the radio. 


" The fireworks look so pretty outside. They are leftover from yesterday" the crow parked it nearby to get a look at them. She gently padded his grasping hand.


Wait when did he reach out for her hand? She continued.


"Neil would of loved this. If only his cancer didn't beat him in the end. They are pretty tonight aren't they hun" Sans could see the lady wipe her eyes. He looked up and saw flowers fill the air in different hues. 


He never bothered to look up before. But now he couldn't look away. 


They watched until the last one faded from the sky. They came back to her house as he walked her to her door. 


"Thanks for dinner mom. We should go get your glasses tomorrow" 


"You're not going to stay?" The lady deflated as he nodded. "Oh, I guess you have work in the morning. Come by when you can tomorrow, goodnight honey. I love you" 


She attempts to kiss his cheek. Sans moves away. 


"I will. Get some sleep crow"


The lady giggled a bit.


"Aww you don't want me to embarrass you in front of your friends huh, alright" she looks over and waves at them. "I didn't know someone was gonna pick you up. You should give them a slice of a cake before you go" 


The lady waddled over inside. Sans turned around to see the kiddo and Papyrus waving as they came over.




Sans wasn't sure to be mad or scared for his brother. It's difficult blending in this town. And with his height, it's impossible not to get noticed. 


"Whose that sans?" 


"She's my mom kiddo" 


The crow waddled back with a container. She passed it over to Papyrus. 


"Thank you for helping my son. A friend of his is always welcomed here" 


" WE WOULD BE HAPPY TO!" Sans grabbed his arm as he shook his head. "ITS GETTING LATE AND THE KID NEEDS THEIR SLEEP" 


The child yawned as she rubbed her eyes. 


The crow looked disappointed before quickly perking up.


"That's fine, handsome. Just make sure to stop by, we can talk more next time."


And with that, they left for the woods. Sans stayed quiet while the two feasted on the cake. There was a lot he didn't know about humans. But at least he has a better idea of what they are up against. He hates that he has to tell the queen the bad news.