291 OutBreak (4)

"The whole city thought the agronomists the Bizana clan brought with them were here to help us…but one day, one of the groups they would send out into the canyons didn't come back. Everyone thought they likely came across a wind storm and had to camp in one of the caves out in the canyons. We weren't worried at the time...but when the second and third day past without any signs of them, everyone started thinking the worst."

"You sent people to go look for them." Ailwin spoke, guessing the governor's next move.

"En...I tried to, but the agronomists wouldn't give me the location to were they sent the group. We were only able to search the general area in the canyons for two more days before finding them. By that time a week had already past, and out of six man group only two survived."

"What happened to them?"


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